
Pregnant for the unknown

"And then i fell in love too. You got pregnant and we both eloped. After some months, they found out about our whereabouts and attacked you when i wasn't around and by then you were heavily pregnant. You shot him, i mean your fake father's brother. I catch up with you and you birth our son with my little help. I took him and left you right there promising to come back......."He paused and sniffed.

"But you never did right?" Bluey said and nodded in confirmation. Angelo only sighed.

"I'm sorry Baby doll. I really wanted to....."

"Its fine. Continue..." Bluey cut him off guard.

He swallowed hard and continued.

"I took our son to my mom. I needed to save him too. I came back for you but you were gone. Gone that i couldn't trace you. I only found his dead body and i knew you killed him cuz i saw my gun laying beside him. I hid when i saw your fake father coming. He took his dead body and they left" He breathed in and out.