

An Abandoned warehouse

. Angelo entered the warehouse Richmond has directed him.

He met Richmond sitting in a chair with his legs crossed. In-between his lips, was a cigarette.

He walked to Richmond giving him deadly glances.

"Where's my family!" He retorted.

"Not so fast Angelo. Won't i get a warmly welcome from you?" He asked and Angelo scoffed.

"Even if I'm not the wisest person on earth, I'm not that stupid. Do you think i will possibly hide your family here?" Richmond asked.

"Why are you doing this Huh?. What's your gain?" He asked

Richmond smiled.

"I wanna be the king of the clan"

He said nonchalantly and Angelo jaw dropped

"But you're already the owner of the clan... I've handed it over to you....i"

"That's the problem!" He cut him off.

He sprang up from his chair, then rushed towards Angelo.