

Arsenio Ishiko--It was Arsenio Ishiko!

In front of him stood the paragon of sovereignty, Arsenio Ishiko, feared by poor and rich, that sublime heavenly identity that was literally controlling the state. Standing there in black, his inky hair fluttered in air complimenting his pale handsome face. His mesmerizing brown eyes flared with perspicacity.

How could she not recognize him?

The outside world might recognize him as a noble person with great virtues, however, streets were aware of his deep roots in mafia.

With a jerk, she was on her feet. Beside him, his bodyguards quickly aimed their guns at her as if warning her not to do something smart. She froze with alarm.

Arsenio raised his hand and with the simple wave of his hand, everyone lowered his gun. No one dared to object.

He eyed her with vigilance. She gave an impression of a fragile, frail girl from her appearance. Her pretty little face was wearing a mask of innocence but it was as if he could see past through her pretence. Her true nature masked under the guise of her frosty eyes. Those deep calculating eyes.

It was commendable to survive in the streets for a girl. Any normal or innocent girl wouldn't last a day.

Side of his lip twitched up. He found the little girl slightly intriguing. Her brilliant black hair glistened under the pale moonlight. Her green eyes, full of assessments, reflected her acuity. The more he observed her the more it aroused his interest. At a point it even induced a recollection of certain someone to him.

"Big Boss she has heard too much", Andrian finally said after some time passed and his Boss was still staring at that girl, "We must get rid of her"

She stared at him in alarm. Her body trembled a bit. But she quickly regained her composure. These men were armed with guns. They were nothing in comparison to those scoundrels she just killed. They were all well-build, trained. There was no escape for her.

The person standing in front of him was Arsenio Ishiko. First she was doubtful but his autocratic aura couldn't be questioned. If she was skilled in martial arts then they were the masters of it. For the first time in years she felt helpless. Now everything rested in the hands of fate.

"Search the alley", a voice resonated in the entire allay forcing everyone into obligation as it thoroughly depicted his authority. It was the first thing he said ever since arriving so naturally Andrian and Adam quickly worked up at his order as the bodyguards continued guarding the exit.

Her face was covered in blood but there were no wounds and there was a dagger she was clutching behind her. Nothing tangible could escape Arsenio discerning insight.

In the deeper parts of the alley they discovered something.

"Holy f**k! Boss there are two dead bodies!". Andrian exclaimed

"What the f**k happened here?", Adam said as they dragged out the bodies in the open.

Everyone's mind automatically went to link up today's deal and murders. But no matter how hard everyone tried to wrap his head around it, he couldn't suspect the little girl. The girl and two dead bodies likely seemed to be two separate events and no one could have imagined in his wildest dream that the little girl was the culprit.

Arsenio Ishiko threw a casual glance at the bodies.

Silted throat, short wound that skillfully cut at the right point-means high chances of it to be a small dagger. The man stabbed at his back, his wound could be used to predict the daggers length.

Through the corner of his eye he looked at girl and it was roughly the same length..

The blood still had not dried meaning it must not have been too long. Then he directly faced the girl.

Could this really have been this girl?

The girl still stood her place with impermeable eyes. Her face gave off nothing.

How could someone be so calm in her state?

Arsenio stepped towards her. She stiffened. She was ready to attack at any moment with the dagger she assumed she was successfully hiding.

He grazed his thumb across her face. His hand was warm against her cold skin and it welled her with peculiar sensation.

Like he thought, the blood on her face was still fresh.

"Tell me little girl did you really kill those men?"

Behind him Andrian and Adam were awestruck. Their faces clearly said "there's no way this frail girl can do such a thing". But they acknowledged their boss discernment. There was no way he could be wrong.

Her fingers tightened around the dagger. She didn't say anything as she assumed a defensive stance. Behind the mist of fog her eyes heated up with prudence.

Just as Arsenio Ishiko neared her again to seize the dagger, she shot out the dagger with the quickness of lightening bolt. Everyone's heart struck in his throat but it happened faster than anyone could have given an appropriate reaction.

Just inches away from his throat, Arsenio hand charged out to block the attack and grasped her wrist. His lips curled up in a beautiful smile. This girl was more interesting than he imagined.

She dared to attack the Big Boss?

They all sighed in relief to see their boss successfully blocking the attack.

But the girl wasn't over, she kneed him and attacked him with her martial arts but like she had anticipated, he was the master of it. He used her own moves against her. He twisted her arm behind her back and twisted her other wrist at an angle that the dagger itself fell from her hand. And he managed to accomplish that all with a stunning elegance.

Now she was truly done for.

The dagger was covered with fresh blood.

"So you really did kill those two", Arsenio said in an amused voice and laughed.

She felt the reverberation through his chest. Being so close to that dangerous man gave her tremors. She wiggled to get free but he tightened his hold making her movements impossible.

His laugh sounded subjugating to the hearts of listeners. They didn't know what to expect anymore.

Did this little girl really kill those two? Did this girl had a dagger at the Big Boss throat not just five seconds ago? Did their Big Boss who never ever even smiles just laughed? Was their Almighty Boss. who treated women as viruses, really hugging a girl?

Out of all the facts, the last one was really startling. Startling to the point that his subordinates started questioning their psychological state.

Arsenio let go of her once she stopped struggling. Getting free, she whirled and stared at him with fiery eyes, but didn't try to run nor did she open her mouth once to say a word to negotiate or beg for mercy.

She just observed...

With her deep calculating eyes.

The girl was not thick-headed rather she was clever, Arsenio observed. She didn't let her fear consume her wit. His men had guns and no matter how fast she was, a bullet runs faster than a human. And she didn't try to run. For a tough trained man, to control once emotional drives, was a piece of cake. But for a girl of her size and age, it was rather commendable.

She looked at the fearsome man with her fierce eyes and attained a stance that said she was ready to fight until her last breath.

In case they decided to kill her and even if there was no hope, she would still not give up on her struggle. Even though she stood no chance, she definitely wouldn't yield to fate.

Such passion.

Her unsaid words resounded in atmosphere, so deep and profound that they even slightly moved a stone-hearted man like Arsenio.

With an intrigued smile, he said.

"Take her back"

Should I continue?

Author_Shizucreators' thoughts