
Signing a Death Contract(2): Mother's plan

"What could you do if you can't do a simple task well" A loud voice was heard in the CEO's office

"S.Sir" his secretary was on the verge of wetting his pants. The CEO's wrath was something compared to that of the devil. If words could kill he would have been buried 20 feet underground.

"Bring all the news down and get me information about the lady who did wonders today".

"Yes sir"

"Leave!!!" on his way out, he heard his voice once again.

"Half of your salary has gone down the drain" as the secretary of a cold, domineering, and ruthless CEO who was comparable to the devil he expected this.

On her way out, she collided with Carlos, the devilish CEO's best friend.

"Who the hell picks a devil as a best friend" she couldn't help but voice out, hearing this, Carlos chuckled.

Entering the CEO's office, he spotted Alex pacing up and down.

"The girl was really exciting" he teased

"Scram bro!" Alex said as he rolled his eyes in frustration.

But this didn't stop Carlos... "She did the unbelievable, she's the white angel I guess you are the black devil, what a higher level of compatibility" he continued only to receive a death glare from Alex. That was something all were afraid of but Carlos has gotten used to it, most especially his best friend's attitude and tantrums. What was more exciting was when he read the news this morning, with a headline

"The CEO of Xander corporation belittled by a middle-class girl"

More and more headlines from different reporters swallowed up the previous trending news, but it was more exciting when another reporter made his headline titled "The Black devil, the White Angel"

within a few minutes, it became the trending topic, only to be reading the news to know that Alex has once again used his power and domineering ways to bring down the news.

"Who the hell ends a story like this" Carlos couldn't help but mutter.

"Why are you here!?" his domineering voice was heard once again.

"Can't I visit a darling?" Carlos said grinning ear to ear.

"Go to hell"

"Alex, you spoilt my blissful day"

"And how is that?"

"What a poker-faced way of playing dumb" Carlos couldn't help but say

"You are getting on my nerves"

"Why bring down the news?"

"Carlos!!" seeing his serious expression he became mute

"I quit," Carlos said as he raised both hands above his head.

"I'm busy it would be best if you scram out"

"Chill buddy, I found out the girl's name is snowy"

"What a name to give a pet dog" Alex replied sarcastically

"That's just her nickname bro"

"Stop yanking my legs"

"It's a nice nickname for a white angel" seeing him getting red in the face, Carlos left his office before he could start his round of roaring.


Alex sat on his king-sized chair as he debated how the news got the information.

"Could it be the girl?" his inner mind tipped in.

"No..she can't right?" he popped in.

"Oh!!! His mother?" he was a percent sure that his mother might be behind this. The ringing of his phone brought him out of his stance. Seeing the caller he sighed helplessly

"Hello Mom"

"Son I heard about the news"

"You did?"


"What do you think?"


"The girl?"

"Mom I can't believe you want to hook me up with her"

"That's not it"

"Mom... I don't have time for marriage nevertheless I don't want to settle down just yet"

"Son, Me and your father, we want to see our grandchildren before we die even your grandfather is enthusiastic about seeing his great-grandchildren. is it too much to ask?"

"Mom... I understand but just not now.. Uhm.

"Have you had your lunch?"

"Not yet"

"Come have dinner with us"

He expected this from his mother, "Okay mom"

"see you"

The saying of every son is powerless in front of his mother was true, Alexander Yang was always helpless in front of his mother but he was still poker-faced, expressionless as ever.

*Mia's pov

I finally got to the office and I saw some weird looks

"You are needed by the manager" I heard a voice say. it was no other than Ella, The jealous bitch.

On my way to the manager's office, I kept calming my nerves as I await what was going to befall me

"Miss Mia" he called out

"I apologize for being late"

"That's not a problem"


"The thing is that the higher-ups had decided to give you a vacation and would call you back when it's time to resume"

"I didn't book one sir" I answered him narrowing my eyes at him

"It's an order"

"Oh," Mia knew she was being fired as that was a visible fact based on the manager's look. And she couldn't help but think about the reason for the so-called vacation.

Until she remembered what had transpired earlier.Shit!! The devil pulled some strings.

Authors note

Hii dearies

Another update is yet to come

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A first-time writer🤞

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