

The carriage stopped in front of the familiar two-storey house. The coachman opened the door and helped Theodora to get down.

The moment her eyes took in the sight of that house where she had spent the most beautiful moments of her life with Gerald, a shiver ran down her spine as the past rushed at her in full swing.

She bit on the tip of her tongue, bringing her back to her senses before she lost herself in the pit of past memories. Taking a long breath, she climbed up the stairs and then knocked on the door.

She glanced to her right, and for a second Bertha's image as she washed the clothes sitting there while humming some tune crossed Theodora's mind.

Her mood was getting worse and worse with every minute. She reminded herself that she was there for Zerith. So she would endure it.

A maid opened the door. She was young and unknown. She looked at Theodora feeling a bit intimidated by her strong aura.

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