

Disclaimer, I do not own Marvel, Assassin's Creed, or the Xianxia Chinese novel genre, this work is entirely and completely non-profit, created by a fan for other fans.

Prologue 1 - Vol.1: The Rise of the Brotherhood.


It is quite curious, how a simple action can lead to a drastic change in a situation.

As the sunset over the horizon. The heavy eyelids of a certain black-haired man began to show the natural activity of a person waking up, releasing a long sigh in annoyance, without any other remedy he was forced to open his eyes. A youthful face looked up from his desk, staring out the window at the competing gray and crimson hemispheres of the midnight sky. The face slowly turned to the portable lamp, whose small illumination lazily licked the dim darkness of the room, letting a thin trail of mist drift out the window into the night.

The figure he was attached to his face slowly rose from his hard sliding seat, it took him some time to discern where he was, the blurry view of his room reminded him that last night, he had fallen asleep in the chair in front of the computer. Releasing one more breath, he slid across the hardwood floor to a nearby bed and quietly descended.

The bed creaked, like a heavy skeleton, as it settled under the weight of the figure. Taking a soft breath, he let time run as he accommodated his stormy thoughts, suddenly interrupting the sweet harmony of silence, an annoying and woody voice began to resonate throughout the room, calling with force and a strange intensity, causing an echo of complaints. all over the place, followed by loud banging on the front door. The figure's gaze shifted once more to the desk, staring at the grayish-brown surface, now illuminated only by the pale light of the sun's rays.

"David! Open the door!."

Bringing her hands to his ears, he complained silently for several seconds. Until finally without any other remedy, he lazily got up from the bed, dragging his body tired of him, he headed towards the apartment door. With evident annoyance, he turned the knob, finally showing on the other side, the cause of the infernal noise that separated him from the delicious and comforting rest that he needs.

"Mrs. Melissa ... How can I help you?" On the other side of the entrance, an exuberant elderly woman. With accumulations of fat on every part of her body, an unpleasant face, and an attitude that is at odds with hers, she was sending him a look of annoyance with as much intensity as she was trying to pierce him. This woman was Melissa, the not very nice home, from the apartments for rent where she is currently living.

One would think that being the son of a father with economic possibilities, he would not have to go through these situations. Unfortunately, that someone would be wrong, David has for greater evils, a very bad father, nothing good to argue about him, except the maintenance that hopefully, he sends him month after month.

Despite being of legal age.

Not that he complained about that of course, at least he had a conscience. Knowing that he had a son, even though it is probable that he is not aware that he is already of legal age.

If child support is a sign of this.

His situation is what you would call special. Born of parents of different nationalities, getting used to the trip was inevitable for him. His father is of Mexican descent and his American mother. This other explain why this relationship did not end in the best way, David was born between the union while still living in the bubble that his parents called a love relationship.

When this bubble was destroyed, everyone went their own way.

His father stayed in Mexico and started a new family. Things happened similarly for his mother, the only middle ground left behind was the same, he was sure that both of them barely remembered how he looked. Well, at least they send you money which is more important than anything else.

"Don't be the one who doesn't know!" Pay this month's rent or get out!" The landlady's squeaky voice woke David from her thoughts.

Giving her a tired look he quickly turned around, walking to the small dining room table. "Remember me again ... how much is it?"

The snort of derision coming from the landlady elicited a slight frown from David. "500."

To be honest, this place was not worth the money it was asking for. The conditions of the apartment were quite deplorable, to say the least.

But even with that David wanted to be in this place. He had gotten used to it, and more than that, he especially liked the scenery outside the walls. He had found a special place where he could relax and forget all his troubles.

"Here he is." Handing over the money, a yawn escaped his lips.

Without the slightest consideration, Oration closed the door in the landlady's face. Dragging her body inward, she settled on the edge of the bed, bringing both of her hands to her face and stroking them tightly as she let a couple of minutes pass.

This day he would be full of activity.

Getting up, at last, he proceeded to take a quick bath and get ready.

They had a long journey ahead of them.

"Okay… here we go." Repetitive days can be a kind of torture for certain types of people. Fortunately, after so much waiting, the time for the next event had finally come.

A week-long trip through one of the 7 wonders of the world.

After some time of planning and consideration, a unanimous consensus was reached. Everything was ready and the trip was accepted, while he finished getting ready he let his mind wander. Reviewing in small boxes what his life has been, as well as a to-do list since he started the urban hunting business, he had been looking to find something that was really out of the ordinary. Even by his standards he still remembers terrifying experiences within the scans, but none came close to the clarity he's looking for, and for some reason, the evidence he found was easily classified as simple consciousnesses or altered results.

It is somewhat similar to the constant reference to the paranormal.

For example; Normally the videos that try to teach these tests are captured in very low-quality recordings. That is, a very repetitive constant, and the reason why people refuse to believe it is the same too, in the XXI century where technology is very advanced and the only thing you can record is blurred things, the general thought is understandable.

Even David himself hadn't seen anything that would complete the answer to his question. Ultimately, this is a conglomeration of untrue myths and stock.

An interesting fact about this is that of 100% of the world's population, only 10% can perceive the small existential differences in the world.

Or stop to think about questions that no one else would stop to consider. Anyone on the street, or within a family, would not consider a scenario of any kind out of the ordinary.

This is naturally why not everyone could bear the answers to such questions, the human being is used to believing that he is the dominant species. And getting out of that bubble is something that most do not want. This also influences why some people are born with the most developed perception and why they can interact with abnormal things. As for the other 90% they prefer to live in constant denial, after all, ignorance can sometimes be good.

For the small percentage, who have or are born with these possibilities, they are mostly declared as mentally unstable, or in more mundane words, they are classified as insane.

For example; How many times no, we have come across something strange. Or failing that, strange people who seem to be on another frequency, act strange or even creepy. In those cases, one's first thought is that this person has mental problems and they are instantly rejected by society.

But what if in reality, these types of people. They entered this state due to being more sensitive, to the strange, they saw or felt something that they should not have, David was sure that of all the people who live in the world, not even 3% had asked or asked this question. it mattered. This raises some interesting questions, how is this, even possible, keeping the population in ignorance, in any case, is something to mutually benefit.

Even if you somehow had a way to get the information, what could you do in front of someone who wants to silence it? The world is a rotten place, where people with power can do what they want without repercussions, it would not be strange if they kept the population silent about this, as an individual David knew that he had no real power. Even being a famous urban hunter, he still entered the group of people without real power.

Both political and personal. Both matter equally, in a world like this; where there is no supernatural power. The politician and armament worker come into force, really David despite wanting to get out of the confinement where he was born, he had no real way of doing it, honestly, politics was not to his liking, despite being important even with her, there are times that you can not Do anything. This only leaves one obvious choice, somehow opting to put physical or supernatural that allows him to spit on the system.

Everyone's dream, without a doubt.

Returning from his thought trip. David's gaze fell into the distance, after leaving the apartments, he walked a few kilos meters to where you could see the bus station in full swing. Pedestrians walk in two separate lines, all focusing on their world ignoring everything else. Among the sea of ​​people, one group stood out from the rest. Four members, of different racial backgrounds, talking happily to each other, laughing at times for some unknown reason at the time.

A woman and three men, when they noticed it in the distance, all turned around in perfect coordination. "Hey, David! What are you doing, man, you are arriving very late!?."

The first to comment was a man of medium height, slim body, with short black hair wearing a set of black pants and jacket, with the symbol 'CU' on the front of it, and a figure on the back of a human silhouette recording with a camera to nothing.

"A little more and I thought you had forgotten about this day," he replied again.

"Shut your mouth, man, you're too exaggerated." Entering the conversation he commented on the only female figure in the group, making everyone else laugh. This one, on the contrary, only dedicated a slight smile, while they kept both hands holding her waist.

She was wearing the same set of clothes. His figure was very aesthetic, with a delicate appearance, totally contrasting with his personality. He kept a light makeup on his face, his short hair on one side cascading from his right side, down to his chin.

"You are just in time boss, she was already tired of shutting up this guy."

Blowing in disgust, the earlier pointed guy by the name of Anderson crossed his arms in annoyance.

"You're a witch ... Argh!"

Everyone in the place turned to see him with pitying eyes when they saw him scream courtesy of a good punch-marked in the stomach falling to the ground while he rolled like a wounded worm.

Shaking his head at Anderson's nonsense, David looked at the others with a smile. "Gwen, Alex, Clarence, good to see you guys."


"Well since we're here, we have to give it right?" Gwen said with a smile causing everyone to nod.

They lifted Anderson off the ground and entered the station. Everything else was quite fast, they bought the tickets, some pillow beads, and boarded, after all the trip from Baja California Sur to Mérida Yucatán, it is approximately 47 hours without stopping. Practically two full days, so everyone settled down to the best of their ability and began the journey.


26 hours of travel later.

"Hey, David! You are listening?."

After spending the first day traveling, David had lost himself in the thought of him. But the constant voice of him on the right side of him prevented her from concentrating. "Huh? ... If I hear you, Gwen."

Rolling her eyes, Gwen grunted. "Yes, I sure do ... Hey boss, you seem quite distracted, is everything okay?"

Giving him a quick sideways glance David smirked. "Everything's perfect, I'm just thinking about next week."

"Oh! Well, I can understand this time the exploration will be much more extreme and difficult than we normally are used to, but hey, nothing will happen, your calm."

He replied as he hugged his neck with one arm. In David's life, many things were interesting, not for the fact that he was practically the perfect example of how bad it is to believe in a child's dream.

If not rather, he worked supported by this.

Urban explorer.

Or as they called themselves Urban Hunters. A way to separate from his fellow workers, the grave robber's something very similar but at the same time with marked differences, as his name indicates, are people dedicated to urban exploration. From ancient and/or historical past sites, places where the mystery is believed to abound in great numbers. The world is strange in much more than one way. The theme of the paranormal is very famous in general, however, it is also the one in which there is the most controversy.

The general belief has ruled this as mere speculation. The evidence that shows otherwise, in most cases is altered, and not true.

In short, people need to see to believe. This is where David's work comes into play, exploring these places trying to find the evidence.

Something similar to a Youtuber.

The exploration was recorded with cameras and introductions were made explaining. And teaching, why, and how this piece of information is possible. This started as a hobby but quickly turned into a profitable business. The simple fact that David was naturally curious and was always looking to answer this curiosity, plus the fact that he could earn money is a pretty good extra. Naturally, at the end of a successful hunt, if they found something big or that nobody knew about, they reported it to the corresponding authorities of the place. Preventing other people, for not so noble purposes, from taking advantage of the information provided by the videos they distribute on their channel.

They made a good deal with the government. Allowing them to keep part of the loot, as long as it is not some important historical artifact, is one of the reasons why they were not hunted as criminals but they were not yet within the law so they still act in secret and without being discovered.

"I'm not worried about that, but now that you mention it, yes ... This could be the riskiest thing we've ever tried." Giving him a soft smile, he looked out the window.

"I've got a good feeling this time, maybe we'll find something big." Allowing a few seconds to pass in silence, Gwen giggled.

"You just raised a flag, did you know?"

Looking at her in bewilderment David asked. "I do not understand."

A mischievous smile played on Gwen's lips. "It means that you just brought bad luck, I think that something bad is probably going to happen, at least according to what the saying goes."

One of David's eyebrows twitched as he looked at her. "Your confidence is comfortable."

After that, Gwen's laugh got louder inside of her.



This is an attempt to restructure history. It is not necessary to explain this, but because there are people who do not understand easily, this is a different universe from the one we know, in essence, it is the same but with changes sometimes subtle and quite large.

For this, they will find strange variations that have nothing to do with the Marvel universe. If you are going to continue reading it is at your own risk, leaving something else clear, the MC will have two partners, at the moment I only have one chosen, if they like or are interested they can leave their options for the other

Another important point, grammar, in general, will have many errors, it is for this reason that before they say or ask any question.

Yes, he has bad grammar.

No, that won't get better anytime soon.

If you don't like this, then what are you doing reading this?

With nothing more to say, I hope you enjoy writing as much as I did.

Say goodbye, Mayito.

Creation is more difficult than it seems. If you like this story, do not forget to comment and leave your review, it is something important for the creators.

Chris_Mayocreators' thoughts
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