
Runt Of The Litter

Beowulf was of an abnormal size -- he was way smaller than all his siblings and members of their pack-- at least that was what his father thought. As alpha of the Sandulf Pack, Saku Sandulf, sidelined and ostracized Beowulf and his twin sister Salome, making them lonely souls. How would the iron-fisted Saku Sandulf take it when his children start to mix with the humans that he had warned them strictly against? How would he react when he learns that his son's mate is a mere human? It was something unheard of -- a human as a mate. What would happen to the precious Sandulf Pack when betrayal sprouts from within the giant wolves' midst? What would happen between the werewolves and the humans when the proud and haughty sole heir to the human kingdom falls in love with one of the forbidden creatures?

Oma_Uche · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
114 Chs


One of Ajax's men that had been handling a special assignment from Ajax stood outside of Adonis's home with two other men at his back.

His name was Styne.

Styne was tall and had black skin. Some would say that he was handsome and good-looking, but that would be if Styne mixed with people and was a social person. No one saw him regularly. he was known for being on his own and for not mixing even with the guys when they went out drinking, say, after a payday.

All Ajax's other men had given up trying to get Styne to loosen up. However, when a job had to be done, Styne was the person to be called for the job.

Ajax knew that and that was why he had hired the man.

It had been on a fateful day when Ajax had been out drinking. He had noticed the movement of this black man that was trying to outsmart the barman wh was the owner of the pub and who paid dues to Ajax.