
The Mask


Shoot. He's home. I wasn't ready yet. He walks around the corner with a smile and wraps his arms around my waist.

"You smell amazing" he says as he nuzzles into my neck.

"Why thank you. Sorry dinner isn't ready just yet. It will be very soon." I say nervously.

"Wonderful. I'll just go change and wash up."

As Alec turns the corner to leave the kitchen I race to set the table. The chicken needs another 5 minutes but the salad can be put out and then I can serve the main course. That should buy me some time. He's early. He's never this early. At least he seems to be in a good mood, for now. I grab the bottle of whiskey and the can of soda I chilled and start mixing his drink. I place the fresh drink in it's spot next to his salad, then rush to check the chicken. Almost there. I can hear him in the dining room sitting down now. I walk in smiling and say "I thought we could start with salads! I'll bring the main course out in a moment."

He only nods and begins eating the salad I prepared. I let out the breath I was holding slowly and silently. Then turn around to check the chicken once more. It's ready now, thank goodness. I plate the chicken with the green beans and mashed potatoes. Then pull the rolls out of the oven and place them in the basket.

'Smile. Breath. Everything is fine' I tell myself. I walk back to the dining room and set his plate down next to his salad. He's not finished yet. I place the rolls in the middle of the table and start to walk back for my own plate.

"Where are you going?" Alec says, stopping me in my tracks.

"I was just going to get my plate so I can join you." I smile back. He never looks up at me, just swirls the ice of his finished drink at me.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't see that your drink needed replenished. Let me get you a new one." I reach for the glass but his fingers encircle my wrist and squeeze tightly, freezing me in place.

"Don't let it happen again darling." He breathes through gritted teeth.

"Of course not." I say quietly, as I shake in his grasp. He releases me sharply and I retreat to the kitchen with his glass. As soon as I'm in the kitchen I clutch the counter and take deep breaths to steady myself. I can't take long though so I gather myself and make his drink. I get my own plate as I return to the dining room. He's finished his salad now. I set down his drink, and gather the empty salad dish. Only it's not empty. He's left the tomato behind. I kick myself internally as I remember how much he dislikes tomato. I shouldn't have put it in there. I hope he didn't accidentally eat any. I hope he noticed. I set my plate down as I pass my plate setting, then I take the salad dish to the kitchen. As I return I notice his glass is nearly empty again. Why do I bother making myself food? I never get to eat it. I return to the kitchen and make a new drink. Back to him I go. He takes the drink with a cruel smile. 'He's angry' I think to myself. I return to my plate finally and begin to eat. I'm starving. I'm eating quickly now, to catch up with him. He likes our plates to be cleared at the same time.

"How was your day?" He asks out of obligation.

"Just fine. Another day. Evelyn is pulling up on the furniture now. She could be walking soon" he doesn't want to hear about me. He only cares about our daughter. I'll keep the conversation on her.

"I would have liked to see her before she went to sleep." He mutters bitterly.

"I'm sorry dear. She just couldn't keep her eyes open another moment. She's crawling so much more now. It makes her sleepy." I defend carefully. No blame placed on any person. Simple facts.

"I need another." He replies, holding another empty glass. How many was that 2 or 3? Any more than 4 and he gets violent. But I smile and make another. I hand it to him and he swings it back. Gulping it down to nothing. I feel the color drain from my face as he shoves the glass into my stomach. I turn around and make another, and while I do so, I'm preparing for the worst. I turn back to him with his drink, he takes it from me, splashing just a little as it's tugged away.

"Clean the table." He orders as he walks to his leather recliner in the living room. I hear the tv start up. Another home renovation show. He likes those lately. I start to clear the plates from the table when I realize I don't have enough hand to grab it all at once. I really don't want him to see me again until everything is cleaned, so I stack a few things to make a single trip of this. As I'm walking to the kitchen the rug under my feet catches my toe just right and I stumble, falling flat in my face while the porcelain is lates shatter around me. Tears start to roll down my face. What have I done? He'll kill me.

"AMALIA!!!" Alec yells as he enters the dining room. "You stupid cow! Look what you've done!"