
Running Away With The Alpha's Heir

"I'll never Love You! I'll never be yours!" Lisa screamed at the man who could end her life in an instant. She didn't feel fear at that moment, all she could feel was contempt, lust, and the strong urge to slap him across the face. Klaus leaned in, his lips mere centimetres away from hers. His warm minty breath caressed her nape, and while she felt the urge to push him away, she couldn't resist him—his temptation. "You can't fight me, Lisa. I own you— you exist for my sake, when will you understand that?" * * The life of Lisa Thornberry changes when the Alpha suddenly snatches her away from the arms of her lover, claiming that she was his mate. He forcefully weds her and forces her to carry his child against her wishes. However, when it's time to present the heir of the clan, Alpha Klaus's rebellious wife and his son are nowhere to be found. Will he be able to find her and reclaim his throne? Or will Lisa make him pay for using her?

Aniagboso_Martins · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Lisa Farkas


The days moved slowly, and with each passing day, Klaus and I got closer to each other. Although we had our differences, the both of us were genuinely doing our best to get to know the other. Mark on the other hand wasn't exactly happy with my growing relationship with Klaus. He never brought it up while we were alone, but he made sure I was aware of his disapproval through his facial expressions.

I did my best not to pay attention to Mark's opinion anymore. I had expected an apology from him after the incident outside the gates, but that never came. And when I confronted him about it, he pinned the blame on me, and said I was a coward and an ingrate for choosing the comfort of wealth over our relationship.