
Running ( A Wattpad Original )

Excerpt: "I want to take you up against the wall until your legs tremble, and then take you some more. But I can't do that until you love me, and believe me, you will." My breathing was erratic and my heart felt like it was ready to beat out of my chest, but surprisingly his words awakened something deep within me, and I wanted him to do just that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leilani Anderson, daughter of the infamous Alpha Raphael Anderson of the Black Ridge Pack is tired. She is tired of running from what others may think of her, she is tired of running from a disapproving mother, she's just tired. She just wants to meet her mate, the one who will make all he inhibitions go away and love her for who she is- a shiftless wolf. One night while at the Kings Ball, she meets him. He is a dark and mysterious stranger, but he is all hers. Leilani knows that he will be the one to help her stop running- until he himself runs and disappears.

ellamarcanno · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Updated Chapter 3

As the music slowly winds down, I crane my neck hoping for a glimpse of my elusive mate. I go back to the balcony, His jacket wrapped around me, and stare into the night. My mind registers the shadows of wolves running from the castle, but I chalk it up to patrols switching shifts to scout the area.

A horn breaks me out of my reviere and startles me. I swing my head to where the stage is, wide eyed. A steward announces that it is time for the formal announcements and the claiming of mates. One by one, blushing couples come up to the stage, and this year an Alpha gets to claim his mate. Which means that out of the eight Alpha's, only five have found a mate.

I sigh wistfully at the looks on the couples face, longing for my own mate to poke his head out of the crowd for me and say, 'Oh, there you are, sorry, I had to use the restroom.'in his deep velvety voice.

But alas, that is only wishful thinking. I am interrupted from my dark thoughts by a hand on my arm. I turn and frown slightly when I realize that it was not my mate, but instead Kanna.

"Hello there lovely," she says in her accented voice,"have you found him yet?" I nod glumly, explaining to Kanna the situation. Slowly her grin falls, and is instead replaced with a sad puppy dog expression.

"Oh, love. I am sure that he did not just abandon you. When you find him again, I am sure he will have an explanation for you. Come on, let's go get a drink." I gave her a grateful look and let her lead me over to the food tables. She poured me what appeared to be a lemonade and I gulped it down, suddenly parched.

She eyed me and refilled the drink, this time adding a shot of alcohol. "That should help with your nerves, just not too much. Don't worry, it looks like we'll both be lonely tonight. I don't know where this boy is, but eventually I will find him. In the meantime, come on girl, we don't need no mans."

The phrase sounded comical in her light Japanese accent, and I couldn't help but chuckle. "So, Kanna, how long are you in America for? I hope it's a while." She smiled at that. "Well Lei, I am supposed to be here to train in the Warrior Pack, but that doesn't start until next month, so until then, I am stuck here in the Royal Pack."

I grin like a Cheshire cat, "My dad is the Alpha of the Warrior Pack." I liked Kanna. Even though we had only known each other for a day, she still knew how to bring a smile to my face. "If you want, I can ask my father to draft some paperwork so you can transfer to our pack sooner. I would love to have you here." Her almond shaped eyes widened and she squealed,"Really?! Would your father mind? I would love to come with you."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Soon it becomes clear that my mate is definitely not coming back for me. When that thought sinks in my eyes begin to water and I have to hold in my sniffles. I wrap His jacket closer to me and sniff the intoxicating scent emmenating from it- trying to calm myself down. I feel my wolf whimper in the back of my mind and a sharp pain in my chest as she retreats to the deep recesses of my mind to lick her emotional wounds. After the whimper she is completely silent.

A curtain opening silences the crowd and a man dressed in servants attire steps out from behind it.

"Dear royal subjects, I have a message from your King. He is not able to address his people today due to an emergency, but he sends his regards. He hopes you enjoyed this years festivities and he personally asks the Moon Goddess to bless each new union. Thank you for coming, and enjoy the rest of your night." And with those words the annual King's Ball is over.

People take that as a cue to begin leaving and there is a flood of people heading towards the door. My dad taps me on the shoulder and tucks my head under his chin, kissing my forehead. Soon my mother and the newly mated couple join us and we each stand there for a moment just taking in the scenes around us.

"Come on guys," my father says,"let's go home."

Yes, let's go home.

This one's short... So I am offering the gift of two chapters. (Holds arm open awaiting thanks) Anyways.. TATA!!

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