

Warhammer and Ancient Rune Nerd, Is reborn in a world that should not have Rune's. Decides that he shall climb to the highest point he can and works with his Runes. So Someone commented wondering when I would update. Monday Wednesday, Friday, those are the days that I update. I have a patreon where we are several chapters ahead if you would like to take a look see at. Up to you. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16995523 Artwork By LordValmar on Webnovel

ironpriest · TV
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84 Chs

Time Skip With Flashbacks

Onyx was watching Applejack with Applebloom getting prepared for the yearly Rodeo-like competitions around Equestria. Onyx smiled at Applejack and looked at her doing her training before noticing her hitting something. He let out a sigh which caused Applebloom to look up and causing her to look back and see a rocking pole; she growled up at Onyx. "Dang, it Onyx now I cannot unsee it."

Onyx snickered at her. "She still needs to know because the Competition is important to her."

As Applejack walked up, she saw Onyx and Applebloom talking and looked at them. "Anything wrong?"

"You tapped a pole sister when you were doing the running jumps." Applebloom admitted before watching Applejack frown and look at the poles trying to figure out which one she had hit.

"Which one did I tap?" Applejack asked, looking at the various poles while looking at Onyx.

Onyx pointed at the pole that she had tapped because this was important for her. "You bumped that one, but it was only lightly, and it did not leave its holder only rocked in it."

Applejack let out a massive sighed. "What do you think I should do because I did what I normally do, but if I have been tapping it all this time, that is a problem."

Onyx hummed while looking at her. "Honestly, I think you just need to keep doing what you're doing and hope for your best this time."

Applejack nodded her head because that really was the best advice that Onyx could give. "I might need to get all my points next year if I have been messing up."

Applebloom looked at her sister in sadness because they really needed the money from Applejacks competitions. "It will be perfect, sis. You will be perfect."

Onyx nodded in agreement. "You already have tons of blue; I am willing to bet you will get some blues again. Does not matter that you messed up in training, and it is fine to mess up in training. It is when you mess up on the real thing that we have problems."

Applejack nodded and smiled at Onyx before kissing his cheek and running off to the house, leaving Applebloom and Onyx alone, Applebloom spoke up first. "She will be fine, right Onyx?"

Onyx let out a sigh because this was an important question. "I have no idea Applebloom because I might have made it worse or better."

Applebloom was confused about how they could have made it worse. "How would telling her make it worse?"

Onyx looked at her and explained. "When we told her that she was making mistakes now, she will be thinking about it the entire time."

Applebloom nodded after hearing Onyx's reasoning. "That makes sense; I hope we made it better."

Onyx nodded before looking around and seeing there was nothing for him to do here now. "I am going to head home, Applebloom."

---Time skip Day of Applejack's leaving---

Onyx stood and watched as Applejack boarded the train and could not help but grimace because the girls had done what they did in Canon, same as the town. Still, it was looking like there was a little more pressure than Canon had. "So, what are you girls going to be doing."

Rarity smiled at Onyx. "I am going to be making some new dresses."

Pinkie looked equally happy. "I am going to be playing with the cakes, kids."

Twilight watched the girls explain their plans and realized that they were saying nothing about how they would gather money that they had been asking. "What about money?"

Pinkie and the rest blinked and snickered. "That was a little joke between good friends; we really do not need money."

Twilight was genuinely confused because this had sounded important. "I am really confused."

"It was hazing Twilight, you know, like breaking a leg." Rainbow snickered because it was all in good fun.

Twilight was confused and looked at her friends and was really confused because this sounded really mean. "Are you sure that was coming through to her?"

"It should she did it to me when I went to a flying competition what a few years ago?" Rainbow explained while looking up at the sky in thought. The rest nodded and started moving off to do other things while Twilight and Onyx stood there in thought.

"They told the truth about needing money, you know that Twilight, but they do not need it immediately." Onyx explained while remembering one of Honesty's 'Gifts'. "She knew they were telling the truth because of the Element."

Twilight was confused before remembering the Elements and looked at Onyx in worry. "She is going to take this way too far, isn't she."

---Time Skip Girls returning with Applejack---

Onyx sat at the train station while brooding and started complaining out loud. "I really wanted to go with them on this trip, but I needed to stay here; my brother and parents were having a meeting."

Onyx sorted his memories before going back to the Zap-Apple jam. "That shit is delicious."

---Flashback Zap-Apple jam---

Onyx walked through the Orchard as the effects were happening. "Your grandmother is truly impressive, Applejack."

Applejack was confused because Onyx rarely says something like that. It's not that he finds people dumb he just never points it out. "Why do you say that, Onyx?"

"Your grandmother, through sheer grit, discovered an extremely interesting Chaos fruit and tamed it using Harmony magic." Onyx explained while watching the Chaos Magic in effect. "She defused every aspect of Chaos and made it into something amazing."

Applejack was confused before looking Onyx up and down. "What do you mean that Zap-Apples are Chaos magic Onyx?"

"Zap-Apple, as you call them, are technically known as an extinct fruit from the Discordian Ere, and your Grandmother found a way to tame them and bring them back to life and make them into delicious food." Onyx explained while watched the Magic in effect. "I am really impressed by what she has done here, Applejack. Honestly, the fact she was able to do this is more impressive than you realize, and no one will know because only a Rune Worker will be able to see the Chaos Magic in effect."

Applejack looked at the trees in thought and could not help but smiled proudly at the trees they had grown and cared for. "You know when you give praise, it makes us sound like heroes or something Onyx."

"That is because, in my opinion, people like you and your Grandmother achieved something worth being remembered for." Onyx answered while looking at the techniques she was using. "At the end of the day, you two created something worthy of praise."

Applejack exploded in a deep blush while listing to Onyx compliments. "So Onyx, what are you going to be doing with the jam you have."

"It will technically be my first time trying it." Onyx explained while looking at the leaves in deep interest. "I wonder how Discord had made these trees."

Applejack smirked at Onyx in full research mode and completely ignoring everything around him. "You really have a passion for research, don't you."

Onyx brightly smiled at Applejack. "Sciences is one of the truths of the world just like Harmony and Chaos."

---Flashback over---

Onyx slowly looked up at the moving clouds in happiness about what he and Applejack had talked about and gather closer together because it felt like real progress was made in their relationship. Before remembering how cute the Cakes kids were adorable.

---Flashback Baby Cakes---

Onyx looked at the babies on the ground and smiled at them. "I truly wonder what their Cutie marks will end up being."

Onyx slowly poked Pound cake on the chest, making her giggle. "What will you do, little one?"

Pinkie was watching Onyx relax with the babies and realized that Onyx needed something more than just runes. "You are a family man, Onyx."

Onyx was confused before looking at the two kids on the ground, looked them over, and smiled at them before standing up and moving over to Pinkie. "So you are watching them tonight, right, so you are not going to be at home."

Pinkie nodded before looking Onyx up and down in thought. "Will you be okay on your own?"

Onyx snorted at her question. "I survived a little over 22 years on my own, Pinkie. I should be just fine."

Pinkie peered at him and remember what Onyx was like before she had moved in with him. "Alright, I guess one night will not hurt to be apart from each other."

"Love you, Pinkie." Onyx informed her while hugging her.

Pinkie smiled up at Onyx and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "I love you too, Onyx."

The kiss was interrupted by giggling, and the two looked down at the Baby Cakes. "I should get out of here and get making dinner for myself, Pinkie."

Pinkie hummed and nodded her head. "Yeah, get out of here, Onyx."

Onyx quickly left the cakes house, and as he walked home, he was surprised when he saw Rarity at his front door. "Rarity, what are you doing here?"

"Pinkie informed that you would be on your own tonight and that well, the house would be empty and that no one would be there to help you cook." Rarity stood there with food and was dressed nicely. "and I figured that since we were alone that we could see where the night took us."

Onyx nodded his head and brought her inside.

---Flashback over---

Rarity and Onyx had made love for the first time that night. It was actually quite good. They had some excellent compatibility with each other body-wise. Onyx slowly sat up and looked at the train that was pulling in and saw there was no one around yet and saw Applejack walk of the train with the girls, when Applejack saw Onyx, she ran and jumped into his arms and started apologizing. "I am so sorry I did not immediately come back."

Onyx slowly rubbed her back and sighed out loud and looked her up and down and smiled at her. "Everything is going to be just alright, Applejack, and hey, you are home now. That is all that matters."

Applejack nods into his chest before hearing some coughing behind her and saw Big Mac and Applebloom; she quickly pulled them into a big hug. "I am so sorry I did not get the blue ribbon or the money for the barn."

Big Mac snorted at her words. "Onyx paid for the barn for us and some new equipment that I needed."

Applejack looked surprised and turned to look at Onyx, who was already sitting down with a towel over his eyes. "What is wrong with him?"

"He has been having headaches from sunlight flaring, and he will not tell anyone what is causing it." Big Mac glared at Onyx.

"There is nothing you guys can do. I already talked to someone who understands my condition better than I do." Onyx replied with a weak tone of voice.

Applejack looked at him, surprised that he was acting like he was sick. "Are you going to be okay, Onyx?"

Onyx nodded his head before holding his head near his horn. "Just fine, I just need a little time."

'What no one knows will not hurt them, and I have been holding the sixth volume back for as long as possible because of how long it will take to get to the 3rd season where I can hopefully attain Alicornhood.' Onyx thought while looking at the group feeling his Magic flare inside his body, wanting to finish the book. 'Just need to delay till just before the wedding. I can do at least that much.'

Big Mac looked at Onyx, worried because he knows something is going on, but Onyx will not admit it. Applejack was just as worried because of this because this was sounding like it was new going on. "Are you sure you are okay, Onyx?"

"I will be just fine, Applejack." Onyx smiled and watched them interact with each other and slowly stood up and felt his magic flare, causing him to lock his muscle, so his friends did not notice. 'The punishments for not completing the magic fast enough.'

---Ethereal Realm---

Harmony looked at the baby god and sighed, watching him hold the Magic back, so he had time with them until he could find a good time to release it. 'What are you doing to yourself?'

Discord looked at the Alicorn as well because this one was hurting himself to give himself more time with his family. 'I am going to attempt to make him complete the Volume Harmony.'

Harmony flicked her eyes to Discord and realized he was making a game. 'Are you serious, Discord? You are making a game now?'

Discord looked at Harmony and smirked. 'That is how the game is played. We try to take out each other's agents.'

Harmony looked at him, annoyed because that was incredibly true. 'You know exactly why we do not mess with agents before they are ready… that is exactly what led to the Dark wars 150000 years ago.'

Discord snickered. 'But he is ready, Harmony. You saw what he tried to do to Discord.'

Harmony growled before marching away. 'Do not do this Discord because you know what this will lead to.'

Discord smirked. 'Well, protect him, Harmony, you know we sometimes argue about the game; this is just another argument.'