
Chapter 13:Hidden Tower

Lurking behind The King's kingdom hiding in plain sight, running in the darkness hand in hand with The Queen. The air around us, thick layers of cold but with the young royal being a beacon of powerful warmth getting lost in her scent not being careful where my feet step crunching a thick branch with my black boot.

"Ella ...Shhh," Amelia placing her slender finger on her plump pink lips.

Whispering through a wide smile, grabbing her other hand hiding from the stars above, "I thought you had the power to make us quiet,". Squeezing the royals hand not letting her go as Mel gently nudging me into a shadow of the big tree brushing her lips dangerously close to mine.

The heat radiating from The Royal's slim body. Her warmth devouring my body leaning closer to me whispering in my mouth breathing in her air. Oh, what a privilege as my body shook in glee.