
Runaway Male Bride: Tell Me Your Secret

When Riley's brother informed him one evening that he would be auctioned as a bride and married off to the highest bidder, he did not think twice and vaulted out of the house and escaped. On a moonless night, while still on the run, the wounded Riley met the enigmatic Draco. The cold and aloof head of the Sy Business Empire. Then everything changed from the moment Riley's clear watery hazel eyes collided with Draco's cool grey ones.

MsKimpossible · LGBT+
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76 Chs

Entering The Den

Riley took a shower as soon as he reached his room. He left his phone on the bed and did not hear the call that came afterward. After he got dressed, he saw several missed calls from an unknown number. The display on the screen also shows four unread messages.

Puzzled over the caller's identity, Riley was about to check when his phone rang again. It was the same number.

At first, Riley was hesitant to take the call. Only a handful of people knew his number, and those who did were all registered on this phone.

Then Riley remembered he sent an email to Lark last night. He told him that he was in A. City and gave his contact information.

It may be his friend who's calling.

Expectant, Riley answered the call. "Hello?"

"Riley?!" Came an overzealous response from the caller, followed by, "It's me, Lark! Is that really you?!"

Riley laughed, affected by the enthusiasm and disbelief in Lark's voice. "Lark! Yes, it's me!" Riley kept nodding as if the person on the other line could see him. The laughter continued to bubble from within him. He was so happy that he finally got to talk to someone more... familiar. His eyes misted a bit from the influx of emotions.

"God! I'm glad I made the call. I was doubtful at first when I received your email. I mean, who's still using email to send messages to friends now? Don't you have Viber or WhatsApp?"

Hearing Lark's comment, Riley's smile remained, but he sobered up a little as he clarified, "I lost my old number, and I had to delete all my old social media accounts. The only thing I could find was your email. So, that's why…"

What he said was true. Riley took precautions against the possibility of getting traced and deleted his previous social media accounts. He had to change everything before he left two years ago.

"Damn. What the hell happened to you? Where did you go these last couple of years? Are you somewhere safe?" Without waiting for Riley's answers, Lark continued. "I guess you are if you can talk to me like this. Man! Keith and I were so worried about you. After you disappeared that night two years ago, we tried to look for you. When we couldn't find or even contact you, we thought that psychopath you call brother had really caught you."

Listening to Lark recount the night he went missing, Riley felt apologetic toward the two brothers. If not for these brothers, he could not imagine how he would have survived on his own away from home. They were very kind to help him. And it must have brought them a lot of trouble after he left and with nothing but a curt letter informing them that he was safe.

Given the situation at that time, not personally hearing from him, they would have mistrusted the letter's authenticity. He never thought of that likelihood.

Now detached from the trauma of what happened, Riley was feeling regretful for his actions from before. He began to massage his temple, the weight of remorse heaving down on him. "I'm so sorry, Lark. I should have contacted you. But the circumstances at that time were… difficult. I don't even know how to tell you. But, yeah, you don't have to worry anymore. I'm safe now."

From the other end of the line, Riley heard Lark's sigh. "Well, that's good. Forget about what I said. As long as you're fine, nothing else matters. Okay?"

Riley's eyes were already misty and watered. Lark is still the same. He never holds a grudge. And he may appear blunt and direct, but this friend of his is a big softy. Especially when it comes to Riley if what Keith had told him is to be believed.

The elder guy would constantly make fun of Lark for taking the role of Riley's big brother very seriously. Although in truth, the guy is only a month older than him. Funny right? But Riley appreciated it.

In a sense, he found genuine brotherly love from Lark and Keith, who were unrelated to him, more than from his own blood-related brother, Anton.

A long silence followed, and Riley had yet to say something. Lark spoke instead to check if Riley was still on. "Riley? Are you there?"

Wiping the moisture on his face, Riley moved the phone away for a moment, concerned that Lark might hear him sniffling.

Composed, he said, "Yes, I'm still here."

"Seems like you have a lot to tell. Why don't we meet up? I cannot wait to see you! Man, you were gone for two fucking years!"

With a smile back on his face, Riley readily agreed. "I'd love to."

"How about I come to you and let's go to Keith's new resto-bar? You mentioned you're also in A City. Tell me your address, and I'll come to pick you up."

"Oh, you mean now?" Riley was not expecting that.

"Yeah. I have my own car. I can drive to you anytime."

Riley had to pause. He promised Draco he'd bring someone if he decided to meet with his friends. But the boy did not anticipate going tonight. He better check with Draco first. He might end up inconveniencing others.

Having decided, Riley mentioned the address to Lark.

"Fuck you! You're staying in A. City Highlands?!" Lark cursed as soon as he heard the upscale and exclusive area for the upper echelons. Damn, if he was not surprised at all. "I don't think I can enter in there." He added after some realization. Now he's too eager to hear everything that's been going on in Riley's life.

Chuckling, Riley replied, "I'll meet you at the gate," with mock arrogance. Then clarified, "But wait for my call before coming."

When the call ended, Riley hurried to find Draco. He went directly to his room, assuming that Draco already came back from the swim. He excitedly knocked on the door but found it open. The force of his knock had pushed the door slightly inwards.

The exhilaration of talking to Lark could have clouded his better judgment. Riley slipped his head inside the room and called out. "Draco?"

Getting no response, Riley further entered the room. As expected of the master bedroom, it was spacious and luxurious. Almost all the decorations in the room were in tones of grey. The effect was very calming. Yet, for some reason, it felt cold to Riley.

Wandering around, Riley heard the sound of running water and comprehended that the room's owner must be taking a shower.

Realizing he had overstepped his boundaries, Riley was about to leave when the door to the bathroom opened. And Draco came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. His glorious upper body was bare. His well-defined abdominal and that V-shape mermaid muscles above the low-lying towel were in full view.

Riley swallowed hard. He stands by his previous declaration. Draco Sy can rival, even surpass, many famous models or actors in the industry. The man is simply gorgeous.

Draco seems not to notice his presence. He had his back to Riley. His head lowered, with a towel draped over it, busy rubbing his hair dry.

Riley hesitated. He weighed the chances of him getting out without being discovered. But after some thought discarded the whole idea. It's near impossible. Thus, he opted to announce his presence before anything awkward could happen.

"Err, Draco…"

Riley's voice was soft, almost a whisper, but Draco still heard it.

His head snapped. Through the mirror, Draco saw the image of Riley standing a few feet behind him, looking nervous and… as he might add, delectable.

Draco honestly thought his mind had conjured the boy from his imagination into his bedroom.

His stare reflecting unconcealed carnal hunger moved from Riley to the bed and then back to Riley. His throat went dry. Draco would have acted his adulterated fantasies right there and then if the boy had not spoken again.

After a prolonged silence, Riley got self-conscious and started to misunderstand Draco's intense stare for anger. It was justifiable, Riley thought. He entered the bedroom without permission. So excited that the young man forgot his manners. He began to apologize before it was too late.

"I-I'm sorry, Draco. I-I was not snooping! I swear! I know. I should not have entered without your leave. I was so caught up in my excitement and wanted to talk to you right away… that when I found the door ajar, I just walked in. I'm sorry. I'm blabbering. I-I'll wait for you outside…"

Embarrassed, Riley blushing furiously, was about to go when he heard Draco stop him. "Stay. I don't mind." He addressed him, not turning to face Riley but instead continuing to gaze at him through his reflection in the mirror.

Then Draco moved, disappearing behind another door, this one wider. Riley presumed it was a walk-in closet, and he heard Draco ask, "What is so urgent that you had to come to talk to me right away, Little Riley? You brazenly dared and entered my den. Do you not fear getting ravished?"

The statement was meant to tease. However, Riley could not stop the shiver that ran down his spine.

He did not understand why because clearly, he was far from scared. He unusually felt shy.