

He sat down in the patched chair."What have I done?" He thought.The house was empty.He pulled on his hair rocking, thinking what to do next.He couldn't let them tell the cops.Everyone would think he was a monster.He kept telling himself he wasn't but he needed to face the truth.Riley was up by now complaining about his head.I wish he was still sleep."My head hurts and I'm hungry",he whined"if mom was here I bet she would cook for us."

At this point I was mad.She stranded us alone with nothing.What am I supposed to do? I'm not ready for taking care of a child.We were on the side of a road.Alone.Ive see movies where people would stick there thumbs out and a truck would come and pick them up.Lets hope this was like a movie."if you want food then do what I say,got it?" He nodded as he played with the hole.I stuck my thumb out.At least 2 people drove by and by the third car I started losing hope but then a car drove by slowing down as it got closer.I sighed a deep sigh of relief as he came to a stop rolling down his windows."get in" he said with a mouth full of smoke.I always found smokers gross.I let Riley in first and followed shortly after."Where ya headed?" He asked."I don't know."I answered.He looked into the review mirror and sighed."what are y'all names?"I can't believe he would ask that.What am I supposed to say,"Oh my names Jennet and this is Riley!Our dad is a total idiot and tried to kill us!"Nice try.I didn't know what to say so I answered."um..I'm Claire and this is Rob."I couldn't give my identity out.Mom always said never let your guard down.Look how that turned out.

Next chapter will be called "Fake Identities" which is why I stopped where I did.I don't publish much because of school and all But I hope y'all like it.Thanks for all the support!Edit:(Book cover coming soon!)

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