

#Marriage before love #wife chasing crematorium #waistcoat dropping Edith was planning to end her ridiculous contract marriage in the skin of a lamb, but she met Alston a few months before the end of the contract. Fate has arranged for the two to be entangled together, with the fake lamb being targeted by the big bad wolf, the waistcoat falling off, and the delivery of her true heart, Edith helps Alston to take over the power of the A-family alone.

Xiao_Yan_0938 · Urban
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58 Chs

Chapter 13


But Edith shook her head: "Don't be impatient first, let's hear what they have to say!"


"Yes, such a big corporation must have a lot of shady dealings behind the scenes. And John's the heir - who knows how disgusting things are behind the facade!" 


Ashley was so angry she started cursing loudly. Just as she was about to go out, Edith pulled her back directly. 


Ashley looked at Edith confusedly. But Edith stepped in front of her. 


"Disgusting? I think the disgusting ones are other people!"


As soon as Edith said this, the voices in the next fitting room stopped immediately. 


Edith and Ashley stood at the fitting room door, waiting for the two models inside to come out. 


After a long while, the two models finally, slowly got dressed and came out. 


As soon as they exited, they saw Edith and Ashley.


"What do you want?" 


The two models were guarded, obviously very afraid of Edith and Ashley.


Edith gave them a sweet smile and said, "Nothing much? Just listening to you gossip outside and got a little curious how you would know what kind of person John is."


The two models' faces flashed with embarrassment. 


After all, neither had expected to run into Edith and Ashley here.


Ashley cursed angrily beside them: "Disgusting creatures. Just because your own status doesn't compare to John's, you're maligning him here. Really disgusting!"


The two models hardened their scalps and retorted, "We're only stating facts. With their huge corporation, how could they possibly be law-abiding citizens? They must be doing shady stuff behind the scenes!" 


Edith's expression instantly turned a little cold. 


"Oh? And how would you know?"


The two models looked matter-of-fact: "Does that even need saying? Anyone with eyes can see it!"


Just as Ashley was about to retort, she was stopped directly by Edith beside her. 


Edith took out her phone, and the screen clearly showed it was recording audio.


The two models were instantly filled with shock: "You! How can you record us?"


Edith looked coldly at them: "I thought you had some evidence for the damning things you said, so I specially recorded the audio to let others hear!"


While they talked big, how could they possibly provoke someone like John? 


The two models panicked immediately. 


"You'd better be sensible. You know we're close friends with Ivy. You should understand the stakes!"


Edith clucked disapprovingly, "Dragging Ivy into it too? You two are really something!"


Seeing the two models getting more and more cowardly, the gloom in Ashley's heart completely dispersed. 


She couldn't help laughing out loud, giving Edith a big thumbs up behind their backs.


"That's our girl!" 


Edith was undaunted as she continued mocking them: "You two clearly didn't expect the bride-to-be herself to overhear your trash talking behind her back! Do you regret it now?"


As they cared about saving face, how could the two models possibly admit regret? 


So they hardened their scalp and continued, "You'd better be sensible. You know Ivy's our best friend. You should understand the stakes!"


Edith clicked her tongue admiringly: "You even dragged Ivy into this? You two are really something!" 


Seeing the two models getting more and more cowardly, the gloom in Ashley's heart completely dispersed. 


She breathed a long sigh of relief, releasing all the anger in her heart. 


"You two shameless things. How dare you talk behind John's back like that? He could make things difficult for you with a lift of his finger!"


The two models disdainfully retorted: "Ridiculous! We're Ivy's friends..."


Before they could finish speaking, Edith directly cut them off. 


"You two really are stupid. You've provoked John yourselves. Do you think Ivy will help you?" 


They knew Ivy's character very well. 


After provoking such an important figure this time, not even getting scolded harshly by Ivy would already be not bad. 


How could Ivy possibly help them? 


Thinking of this, the two models finally realized they had really kicked an iron plate this time*. 


So they quickly sent Ivy a message. Ivy was at a nearby cocktail party at the moment. 


The party was quite boring to begin with, so when she learned her models had run into Edith, she immediately came over to find some fun. 


As soon as she entered, she saw the red-faced models. 


Ivy coughed drily a couple times, then walked over and began speaking sarcastically. 


"Well, well, who do we have here? Turns out it's Edith. What are you doing here arguing with my sisters?"


Ashley coldly laughed on the side: "Birds of a feather really do flock together. Having friends like this is telling enough about what kind of person you are!" 


This statement touched Ivy's sore spot. 


Ivy was furious: "Ashley, I advise you to watch your words, otherwise things won't look good for either side!" 


Ashley laughed instead of getting angry: "Watch my words? Shouldn't you teach your sisters first? They were the ones backbiting here!" 


Upon hearing this, Ivy's gaze unconsciously swept her sisters for a moment. Seeing them bowing their heads lower and lower, she knew things probably weren't that simple here. 


The previously silent Edith now spoke: "I was originally going to reason with your sisters, but since you're here, let's talk too!" 


Ivy had no intention of giving Edith the time of day at all. 


She suddenly remembered Alston was still at the cocktail party, so she simply called him over to reinforce her side. 


It was a perfect opportunity to show Edith whose side Alston was really on.


Thinking this, Ivy spoke viciously, "I won't calculate this with you. Of course there are people who will discipline you for me!" 


After saying this, Ivy sent Alston a message asking him to help her. 


"I'm at the clothing store next door. Can you come help me with something?" 


Ivy rarely pleaded with Alston, so although hesitant, Alston still decided to go to the clothing store in the end. 


Just as he walked to the entrance, Tony noticed the situation here. 


So he sidled up to Alston and said, "Hey Alston, where are you going?" 


Alston showed Tony Ivy's message on his phone. 


"Clothing store? What could happen to Ivy at a clothing store? She's not deceiving you to play some prank, is she?"


Alston shook his head. "Probably not. And the cocktail party is pretty boring anyway. Why don't you come with me?"


Tony thought about it and decided not to refuse in the end. 


The two went together to the clothing store next door like this. 


But as soon as they entered, Alston's sharp eyes immediately caught sight of Edith in the clothing store. 


"Why is she here?" Alston suddenly had a bad premonition. 


At this moment, Tony beside him obviously noticed Edith's presence in the clothing store as well. 


He was extremely surprised and also somewhat excited internally. 


"What a great opportunity! Running into her here will be a good chance to strike up another conversation!"


Thinking this, Tony directly dragged Alston inside.