

Skyler is a 26-year-old professor. When everything was supposed to be alright, things turned for the worse. Out of nowhere, a rumor about him sleeping with male students spread like wildfire. Rather than getting to the bottom of the rumor and knowing whether it was true or not, the head of the school, along with the board, fired Professor Skyler. After a few months, Skyler managed to get a job at another school. The university was great and yet, he was scared. He had it in his mind that, Getting into the school was like willingly laying down on hundreds of needles. He felt relieved that he got himself a new job but then weary because he felt the same thing might happen again... Later on, "You're so hot and sexy I might lose my mind and eat you in front of them" he whispered. "Nghh... control yourself, dammit." Skyler angrily whispered back. He felt goosebumps just thinking about that guy messing him up badly. He can't stand getting fired again but that man's charm is just so great it causes him to become unease. How is it that this man seems to know me so well and yet I don't know him that much? Why is it that he keeps pushing himself onto me? Is he using me? Is it lust or love I feel about him? Is this gonna cost me my job? (Hope you enjoy reading!)

Scarlet_Kline · Urban
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3 Chs

End Things

"I love and always will," the man passionately said to the woman whose head was resting on his shoulder.  "Really? Then why are you still with that rat?" the woman replied in an irritated tone. "Just be patient, sweetie. I'm just looking for the right time, and besides his father is a cop, he might kill me." the man replied. The two continued to be occupied with their lovey-dovey talk not noticing that a person walked behind them.

"Let's end things," Skyler uttered with a cold voice to the man in front of him. The man's hair stood and he started to shake, it was as if he just heard a ghost. The man slowly turned his head around just to see that it was his soon-to-be ex-boyfriend, Skyler. The man quickly stood up, alarming the woman. "What the hell!" the woman shouted with annoyance. 

"I-I-I c-can explain!" said the man. Skyler stood still with a life-less expression on his face as the man blabbered his excuses. He stood still and continued to look to the ground, acting as if he couldn't hear any of the man's words. "Skyler! Are you even listening?" the man angrily yelled.

"Enough, Mark!" Skyler shouted. "I didn't have to listen to any of those bullsh*t. Aren't you ashamed!? Your "girlfriend" is right there! And besides, didn't you just say that you were planning to end things with me?" Skyler said with a cold voice. 

The place suddenly went silent. The man named Mark was too stunned to speak, he knew he had been caught in the worst way he could think of. He and his so-called girlfriend were just having their lovely date in the park when his boyfriend busted him in front of many people. 

"Seeing that you can't even reply to such words explains what kind of an imbecile you are," Skyler said as he gave out a bitter smile to Mark. "Oh please- Don't act like you're so good yourself!" out of nowhere the woman said. Syler didn't reply, he simply walked toward Mark. He lifted his left hand and slowly removed the ring from it, with a bit of hesitation and a smile made forcefully, he took Mark's hand and placed the ring on it. "Thank you for making me happy even for a bit," he said in a lifeless tone. He turned around and walked away leaving both Mark and the woman in disdain. 

----------Meanwhile, with Skyler----------

Skyler grabbed himself a taxi to go home. In the taxi, pools of tears came. He started sobbing. He was overwhelmed with so much emotion and stress that he couldn't wait any longer to let it all out. Everything is falling apart. 

First, he got fired from the school he was working at because of some stupid rumors, and now he found out that his long-term boyfriend was a lying and cheating piece of shit.

After a few minutes, Skyler calmed down. He wiped down the tears from his swollen eyes. With a hoarse voice, Skyler asked the cab driver: "Can we please stop by at a convenience store? I have something to buy there." At the store, he grabbed a few bottles of beer, some chips, and some spicy noodles. 

A few moments later...

(door opening) Meow! Meow!

"Aww... are you hungry, my baby?" He carefully lifted Euro(the cat) and held it in his left hand. He then went to the kitchen and put the groceries on the counter before feeding Euro. He then changed his clothes and cooked some noodles. He was ready to leisure all night long and temporarily free himself from all the stress he was into. 

He placed all the beers he bought and the noodles he cooked on the lazy table in front of the TV. He then jumped onto the couch and turned the TV on and watched "How to Get Away with Murder". He opened a can of beer and pressed start. "God, I wish it was this easy to hide murder." he continued to drown himself in beer and spicy noodles. 

As Skyler was about to fall asleep from tiredness and drunkness, his phone suddenly rang. He hung up the phone and tried to open another bottle of beer, but the phone rang once more. He ignored the calls and instead looked for an unopened beer. 

*The next morning*

Ring, Ring, Ring, ... "Ughh, what is it?" Skyler searched for his phone half-asleep. Sweeping through the bottles of beer, Skyler paddles his arms as if he were on snow and making a snow angel looking for his phone. As he got tired, he finally decided to open his tired eyelids and sit down to look for his phone. As he got up, he felt a sudden headache and his eyes went black. "Gahhh, this head of mine," he uttered as he supported his head.

After getting himself slightly together, he picked up his phone and checked who kept calling him. It was the school he was applying to. His eyes widened and his heart began to pump heavily. He ran towards to restroom and gurgled. Afterward, he hurriedly grabbed his phone and called the number. 

"H-H-Hello?" Skyler nervously asked as the other line picked up. A moment of anticipation and then: "Mr. Julius, we've been trying to contact you since last night. Why weren't you picking up?" the person on the phone asked. "U-u-umm, I was, um." Skyler couldn't give a proper answer as he began to panic. "Nevertheless, We've been trying to reach you to bring you good news! The board and headmistress have read your applications and have decided to give you the job! Congratulations!" The words of that person stunned Skyler. "Is this it? Is this God's blessing?" he thought to himself. He was so overjoyed with the news that he forgot to reply. "Hello? Mr. Julius, are you there?" "Oh- um- thank you so much!" he happily replied. "Well, we are very pleased to have you. Kindly view your email and head to the university before the end of the week for your contract signing. Well, that's it! We hope to see you soon!". 

As soon as the call dropped, Skyler began to jump and shout. He was so happy and overjoyed with the news he forgot all of his worries. Hearing such great news just covered up the tragic thing that happened yesterday. He cleaned the mess he made in the living room and went out to fetch himself some celebratory food. He also went to buy groceries to restock his newly emptied refrigerator,  and new clothes to wear to his job.

----------At night----------

Skyler opened his laptop, took a deep breath, and opened his email. For one and a half hours, he read the contract sent to him by Crestford University. As he read the contract, he encountered a set of rules that professors have to follow to get in and stay in the institution. In that set, a rule caught his attention: "Professors are not allowed to have any sexual relationships with any colleague. Teachers who aren't married and dating someone are required to cut all contact with their romantic partner for the rest of the school hours." What a weird rule, he thought. But then a memory of his bastard boyfriend flashed in his head. "Well, since that happened, this rule won't affect me at all." He thought.

The next day, Professor Skyler Julius went to Crestord University to sign his contract. He was introduced to the faculty members and toured around the school. "Well, that's about it! See you on Monday, Sir!".

"yes, yes, thank  you so much!"

To be Continued...