

"We need a new hiding place, I think they're onto us," Therese burst into the room.

Immediately, I set to work. Moving the entire house on such short notice was no easy task.

Luckily, I had recently discovered a small clearing that would be suitable to live in. Normally, I would need to research it more in order to confirm its safety, but it would have to do for now, if the government was onto us.

Hurriedly, I grabbed a scroll, on which the spell of transportation was inscribed.

Grabbing a brush, I quickly wrote the coordinates.

"Secure the openings, Therese!" I yelled.

"Done!" she heard a shout back.

"Hold the front door, you know it likes to go loose!"

Therese quickly flung herself against the front door, using her body weight to ensure it would stay closed.

I quickly sucked in a breath of air.

"Suscipe me ubi vis (Take me where I wish)," I started the chant. "ut ego autem abscondam (hide as I go)."

With medium-level spells such as transporting an entire home, it would be necessary to have an inscribed spell and an activating chant. The chant would normally be a sentence long, such as in this case, but if can often be longer.

The length of the chant can be easily connected to the overall difficulty of the spell. More difficult spells would require much longer chants, with Arias being the longest and most difficult of them all.

I closed my eyes to finish channeling the spell.

And the next moment, everything changed.

Hello all, my first entry to one of Qidian's formal contests.

I am still working on Zhan Lielu, don't worry, but I thought it would be fun to try something new.

This work sports many tropes you may find common in Japanese works, the story of the summoned hero fighting the demon king. I hope my writing is up to snuff this time.

Additionally, the Latin is all thanks to Google Translate, please do not be too harsh if you know the language.

lilliannaacreators' thoughts