
Ancient Human Cultivation Method

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The sound of fingers drumming on a hard surface was heard, followed by a helpless sign, "These slaves of mine are going to die, and here I was hoping for them to be my field slaves. If I commence this plan, at least one will survive, but..." the ghostly figure murmured as he sits on the blood throne wavering with his decision. It was a hard choice for him to make, should he give up for short or long-term benefit?

"It can't be help then, all though I can achieve this plan of mine easily now, I will be leaving a hidden danger to me, so I will try to make them all survive and be loyal to me. If worst comes to shove, I will just kill them and find a way to get some more slaves from the tribes nearby." The ghostly figure waved his hand and a bloody mirror appear, showing what was going on in the cave on Earth. He saw the two brothers and the leader picking up the bodies and flesh scattered all over the ground, with pale trembling hands.

Looking at the scene, the ghostly figure sign as he knows that he had change slightly, as he became immune to such horrifying scene that he himself had cause, not only that, he felt that he wanted to kill the others as well, that's why he was so hastily to leave. But thinking about it more, the eye was the thing that allow him to escape from being destroy, otherwise, his soul would have been obliterated like the men from earlier, never to be born again. If this is the price he must pay, then so be it!

He waved his hand again and upon the bloody scene, there were various humans that were at least 2 meters in height and had very broad and strong muscular bodies. All the bodies of these humans had a very dangerous and fiendish aura surrounding them, making the woods they were staying at to look grim. He did not pay attention to such scene, what he was focusing on was the ceremony they were preforming on the small children. He saw a cold man brought over a huge 2-meter-tall bird, that had a 5-meter wingspan on his shoulder with ease, it was like he was carrying a piece of feather to how easily he moves.

After the man arrived in front of the children, the other adults surrounded them and watch interest of what about to happen. The bold man said something to the rest of them, causing them to rise their weapons and hump it on their chest as if trying to raise the morals as they go to war.

The cold man raises his hand, and everyone got silent, he then took out a weapon that look like a wooden spear, that was pitch black in color and with some red at the tip of it, making people wonder if they entire spear was dyed in blood, thus changing its color.

The man drops the bird on the ground, causing it to tremble slightly as he followed up with stabbing his spear deeply inside of the bird's heart, making it spew out slightly golden blood. Seeing the blood, the eyes of the men lit up, but they all dim as they look at the children with pity in their eyes as they shook their heads.

Not minding them, the cold man hurriedly retrieves the golden blood into a hallow wooden jar and walk in front of the children, telling them to undress. The children's undress their clothes at once, showing their oddly muscular bodies and harden skins, that look like dry concrete. Seeing the children undressing, girls and boys alike, the eyes of the cold man lit up as he held the spear in his other hand and pierce out 20 times, drawing blood from the hearts of the children, just a little off from killing them.

The children drop down on the ground as they gritted their teeth's, enduring and not screaming as they bare through the terrifying pain, that's equal to a ton of force hitting the heart. Some of them drew blood from their mouths, but they were still silent, so silent in fact that one would be scared to even imagined what they would grew up to be like in the future.

The cold man nodded in satisfaction as he knew this group would be experts that would make the Ancient Creatures tremble in the future, so he hurriedly drops some of the golden blood at the wound were there hearts are until they could endure anymore blood. This process was the most dangerous as they blood could react violently, taking the lives of anyone that violate it.

The cold man looks coldly at them with a slight amount of hope that a least five could survive. Seeing how they endure his spear trust, he has hope that a couple could survive but he also knows that it could be that none of them survive as well, it happened multiple times already to his race, making them lose hundreds of potential experts. But this is the only way for his race to survive and that is to steal the powers from the Ancient Creature by absorbing their blood and evolve the human blood inside of them, only then could they become experts that could shoulder humans from destruction.

He shook his head silently as he saw a couple of the children being destroyed in blood mists. Soon, the cold man's face become pale as the number started to become more and more as the children exploded into mist, only leaving three behind, laying on the ground convulsing violently, as he was about to interfere, he saw one of the children float up off the ground, followed by the second.

Seeing this, he signed in relief, but soon became heavy hearted as he saw that the numbers were getting less and less each year as if something was happening to humanity. Just as he was about to carry the children back, he turned around as his eyes became golden and pierce through space and time, looking straight at the ghostly figure on the blood throne.

The cold man frown as he was sure that something was there, looking straight down on them, but when he looks, he only felt that he had met a pair of eyes, but he couldn't see and feel if it was really a pair of eyes he was staring at. Pondering for a minute, he decides to tell the Human Emperor and see what he has to say first, plus he needs to report this ceremony to him as well.



The sound of bones and wood breaking could be heard as barely audible sounds of panting could be heard. "How powerful, even behind space and time, the ancient human was able to sense me. Just how powerful is he perhaps? Still, looking in that group, there were at least a couple other strong people as well! The ancient people are just too frightening!" The ghostly figure grasp as he sat on the throne, weirdly tired as his entire ghostly body look like it's going to fade.

"Still, I got what I wanted. The path of cultivation! With this knowledge and the experiment subjects that I have, I should be able to develop this dimension to its full potential. Still, I won't be able to use the Space- Time ability until the dimension recovers some primordial energy, which at the rate its going could be centuries." The ghostly figure spoke with excitement in his voice as he disappeared in a red flash of light, back to Earth.