
Above you

Nezumi a person from earth and an otaku and a hacker 18 year old was now setting in front of his computer hacking many account doing that he found an account that seemed inpenetrable no matter what he tried the account name was "above you ".

It was lthe start of our MC journey of 3 years with the goal of finding a vulnerability in the security system.

in the void there was An old men who was at the apex of a the world in front of him a computer with a system interface his name was "Above you " he was using his system as an account in the web.it was his pass timr looking at anime and manga of earth via the net .

After three year of hard work Nezumi finally found a way to hack that account and today is the day he will tried it in front of him is his computer he was typing verry fast and attacked the account.

On the other side the old man was enjoying himself watching anime when his system interrupted him ding ding: { system detected outside interference }.

He was surprised he didn't understand what the system wanted to say so he said "What do you mean explain" but alas he took so much time before he asked the system rang again { System is under attack } ding { system detected intruder }

He was shocked of what he was hearing he used his power to force out the intruder and recuperate his system but at that moment the system Rang again { system auto protection activated erasing intruder mission started }

After hearing that the old man was laughing and greening " do you think you will get off easily system erase him".

At the same time at Nezumi side he succeeded and he heard a voice { welcome new host }ding {intruder detected System demand authorization to eliminate the threat ?}

Ding { first mission for host eliminate the intruder }

Nezumi was shocked but he was an otaku and a smart one so he said "authorization given ".

On the other side the old man smile froze as the system destroyed his cultivation and his heart and erased his soul the last sentence he heard was { mission N1 is a success the intruder Above you is eliminated}.

Nezumi heard the same thing so he asked "explain what are you ?" he already guessed that it's related to the account he hacked and that above you is the previous owner and he killed him

Ding { I'm a system that allow you to travel between the realms of reality and dreams and I'm the responsible for training the RULER OF Dreams AND Reality You the new host is to be trained to be that ruler }

After some moment he asked with a shocked expression on his face although he guessed the answer of the question " who is Above you "

{ Above you is The previous host and the previous Ruler he wasn't that smart as he possessed strength but he interacted with others using the system as an account making system vulnerable }.{after current host took the acount you took over the system so the system recognized Above you as an intruder as system was bound to you so he was erased } Nezumi suddenly started laughing loudly " Hahahahaha the great me is the best "

Ding {do host want to be named "the great me "or "The best " ?}

Nezumi said " no my name is Nezumi"

{host named success Nezumi the new host of system}

ding {host first mission was completed " erase intruder Above you "}

{calculating reward..}

This is my first novel Enjoy it :)

TheRedMooncreators' thoughts