
Rule: Assassin's of the system

Human wants to use people, Not knowing they are already used by other people.

ZeroPERCENTremains · Fantasy
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29 Chs

This is an extra*.*

Fist of all

this is not part of the novel

i just want to give thanks to

the people who read this and my other novels

even its not popular you still read this and

im very thank full

if you found this page annoying then

its ok just comment hehe

a big thanks to you all

comment if you find something wrong hehe

i will update 5 chapters 05/30/2020

hope you all like it

and if there's any confusions in the previous chapters

the chat box is open

once again thanks

injoy reading

( before the chapter tenth there will be always an extra cahpter from now on . hope you dont mind)

interesting fact!!*.*

the name of our mc

Revian Kruger

originated in my name but not the Family name *.*