
Part 7

Adeline entered her office and was greeted by Jack and an unfamiliar face.

"Detective Superintendent Thompson, I'm detective Superintendent Conan. I'm looking into Sam Olsen's murder, can we talk?" He offered a small smile.

"Of course" Adeline smiled back, slipping off her coat and gun holster, she took a seat on the edge of her desk, facing the two men.

"Chief constable Wilson tells me that Detective Olsen visited you two nights before his death" Detective Conan said reading his notes.

"That's correct" Adeline nodded.

"Can you tell me the purpose of this visit?" He asked.

"Sexual intercourse" Adeline told him avoiding Jack's eyes.

"How long was he with you, both times?" Detective Conan asked.

"On Wednesday night he was with me for close to two hours. On Thursday night he was with me for five hours" Adeline said looking up in time to see the vein in Jack's neck pop out in anger "He stayed the night but was gone when I woke up" She explained.

"Did you talk at all?" Detective Conan asked.

"A little. He told me he was working a big drugs case. But that was all, and then he left" Adeline told them.

"I have a list of calls and texts that detective Olsen made can you mark any that were made to your phone" He asked handing her the paper. Adeline took it from him and marked her number, all the texts they had made to one another over the course of two days.

"What are you doing on your lunch break? I think I need another dose of the brilliant detective Superintendent Thompson. We'll need longer than 15 minutes. I don't like to be kept waiting. How fast can you get here?" He read out. Jack hands became fists, he remembered a time when he received texts like those, he even kept the pictures she had sent him at a time when she felt adventurous.

"Our time together was kept out of working hours" Adeline said, folding her arms over her chest.

"He was a married man" detective Conan said.

"I didn't know that at the time" Adeline countered.

"You didn't think to ask?" He asked.

"He didn't think to tell me. Sam made a choice to get into my bed knowing that he had a wife at home" Adeline said confidently "I don't know anything that can help you, and I have work to do" Adeline said rounding her desk to sit down. Detective Conan and Jack stood but remained in her office.

"When did you first meet detective Olsen?" He asked and Adeline scoffed.

"Is it that hard to believe that a woman, such as myself can invite a man into her bed without any strings attached? Or is it the fact that he came at my beck and call for a second night that bothers you? Some men find an independent woman who knows what she wants, sexually appealing and some men like their women missionary" Adeline smiled innocently up at Detective Conan. He smirked angrily and left the room, leaving Jack and Adeline alone.

"Really, Addie? That was a bit childish" Jack sighed.

"He needed putting in his place" Adeline smiled. She looked up at Jack and she could tell he had a question on his mind "Ask me" she said, almost whispering.

"How did you fuck him?" Jack asked, tucking his hands away, stopping his temptation to touch her.

"I rode him. He made me cum around his fingers before I rode him again" Adeline told him, seeing the vein in his neck bulge with anger, but then he smirked and turned to leave the office.

"What is so funny?" Adeline asked rising from her desk. Jack turned to face her again, the smirk still playing on his lips.

"I'm still the only one who knows what Adeline Thompson looks like when she's on the very edge. Shaking. Begging. I'm the only one who knows what you sound like as you cum under my tongue. I'm the only man that knows what you taste like" he smirked as Adeline's breath caught in her throat. He left her sitting there, still in shock from his words.

Adeline and her team sat eating Chinese takeout discussing the case.

"There is an athleticism to these murders. He pins them down, he ties them to the bed, he squeezes their throats until they die" Adeline explained.

"He targets them when their alone, he probably watches them" detective Abbot said.

"Criminal sophistication which suggests that he understands police work. I would put his age at mid 20's to mid 30's. He's highly intelligent" Adeline said.

"I would say lower payed white collar professional" Detective Taylor added.

"He targets these career women because he possibly feels inferior to them. He dominates them, he humiliates them" Adeline said.

"What about the sexual aspect?" Detective Pierce asked.

"He rapes them so that they can feel the power he has over them. Holding them between life and death as he rapes them. Their release doesn't matter to him, chasing his own release is the only thing that matters to him" Adeline said, staring off into the distance, loosing herself.

"Addie" Jack's nickname for her broke her out of her trance. Her team were looking at her with looks of concern.

"It's been a long day I think it's time to go home" she smiled at them all and got up from the desk, heading towards her office. Adeline closed the door behind her and Jack opened it again, stepping inside, closing the door behind him.

"Addie" Jack began softly, taking each of her arms in his hands.

"I'm fine" she panted, unable to catch her breath in her panic attack. Jack pulled her into his chest, his hands falling to her waist.

"Deep breaths" he said, his warm breath on her ear. Once Adeline's breathing calmed she pulled away from him gathering her coat and bag.

"Thank you" Adeline said avoiding his gaze.

"You shouldn't be alone" he whispered trying to pull her back into his chest.

"I'm fine" Adeline whispered again, avoiding his touch, she left him standing in her office.