
Part 27

Adeline entered the conference room.

"Ma'am, where have you been?" Pierce asked.

"I talked to Alexis" Adeline told them.

"Addie. You shouldn't have done that" Jack said.

"Why not?" She questioned.

"Your too close to this" Jack tried.

"Everyone knows about my scars. I was able to relate to her, I got her to talk" Adeline told him.

"Are you ok?" He asked, concern lacing his voice.

"I'm fine" she said, offering him a sincere smile.

"Ok. What did she tell you?" Jack asked turning back to business.

"She tried to flush the evidence for her father after he asked her to. She is unstable in my opinion. We need to use the fact that her love for her father and her self harm to get her out of the juvenile centre" Adeline told him.

"She won't get better in there. She needs more help than just being locked away" Jack agreed with her.

"I think we should let John out" Adeline said taking everyone by surprise.