
Part 21

Adeline sat at home, drinking a large glass of scotch. Her throat still burned from John's hand. There was a knock at the door and Adeline went to answer the door, finding Jack on the other side, with a bottle of scotch in one hand and his other hidden behind his back.

"Hey" Adeline whispered, the talking straining her voice.

"Hey. I brought you this" Jack smiled, handing her the bottle which she happily accepted. Adeline shot him a confused expression "I bought these for me" Jack smiled showing her the six pack of fruit shoots that he had brought for himself. Adeline laughed and allowed him into the house. They both settled into comfortable silence in the living room, enjoying their drinks. Jack saw her wince as she slipped her drink.

"You should've let me come in sooner" Jack said.

"I needed answers from him. He thinks he knows me but he's given himself away" Adeline told him.