
Chapter One

Sky's P.O.V

Silence. The room was dead silent- almost deafening. I clicked the pencil against my teeth as I tapped my feet to the beats of my heart.

'' Fuck!, I wish I studied for this test.'' I cursed under my breath.

I peered around at the overly concentrated faces of my colleagues, some I didn't even know. Tips of their pencils glued firmly on their sheet. I glanced over my shoulder at where Tylor sat. It was empty. Not even his exam sheet laid on his table. He probably finished a long while ago. I didn't see him leave though. I sighed looking back on my paper.

Biting on the wood that clicked on my teeth I decided to shade the most logical answer. That was the last question.

I mean, what's the worse that could happen?

The chair scrapped the floor as I stood.

''Can you keep it down?!!''

This one nerdy looking kid scowled at me as he adjusted his spectacles on the bridge of his nose before vigorously scribbling down some shapes.

Shapes? Where we supposed to draw diagrams? I'm definitely going to flop this test.

My thoughts overwhelmed me. It was even too late to go back and go through what I did. The professor looked up at me as I slowly placed my sheet on the messy pile on his desk.

''All the best '' Professor casually said before looking down on his desk again.

I gave him a shaky smile then hesitantly sailed through the door.

''Sky!'' I looked ahead.

Tylor quickly stood from where he was crouched on the floor, against the lockers. He dusted his trousers then throttled towards me with a slight jog.

''How did it go?'' He chirped.

''Painful. My head aches. I don't think I'm going to do well.''

He pulled into a hug by my waist. Hands rummaging through my hair.

''Shh-shh. You did good. I know you did. You just have to believe in your self, Sky.''

I sank deeper into his chest. Urgh, I really needed this. This comfort, this reassurance.

He slowly pushed me away so he could face me now. I peeped up, staring into his eyes. They were calm, concerned with a spark of radiance.

I grabbed his hand and motioned him to walk with me. My hand felt so feeble in his.

''Well you seem to be in the seventh heaven today. I'm guessing the test so well for you then?''

''Oh my goodness. You don't know how ecstatic I am right now. I'm certainly going to ace this one!'' Tylor beamed.

''I'm so happy for you. You really worked hard for this.'' I smiled. I just hope it didn't come out as lopsided.

''Yeah. I did''

There was a long pause.


''Mm yeah?''

I glanced over at Tylor. He seemed nervous. My eyebrows furrowed. I've never seen him like this around me before.

His eyes drifted back and forth. He practically looked at everything apart from my face.

''I was just ..you know?.. I was just wondering. Its nothing serious. It just crossed my mind one time. I didn't spend the whole night thinking about this but I wanted to know if you would like to go out with me....''

I laughed.

'' But Tylor? We always go out. This is nothing to be all jittery about.'' I chuckled.

''Yeah yeah I know. But I mean like we can go to a romantic place- I know a place downtown. Its very beautiful, meant for couples. The ambience is just how you would want it. Not so many people go there anyways. ''

His words came out rushed, in a clumped haste.

Now, I think I understood what he meant.

''Wait, so you are telling me you want to go out on a date with me?''

He nodded.

''Well if you want to though. Its totally fine with me if you don't want to. Arghhh!! What am I saying?!!! Forget it. Forget I ever asked you out. I was being dumb. I didn't think of how you felt first. So stupid of me!"

I cupped his face into my palms. He eased into them slowly.

''Calm down. You are not stupid. ''

I slid one hand onto his chest. His arms instinctively moved to my waist and it rested there. It made my skin tingle.

''I would lo-....''

''Tylor!!!'' Someone called out from behind us.

I looked over Tylor's shoulders. It was Keith.

''Coach needs to speak with you urgently.''

He scuttled towards us panting halfway through. For an athlete he sure seemed unhealthy.

''Oh hey Sky. I didn't see you there.''

''Hi Keith.''

''Sorry sweetheart but I have to borrow this little guy for sometime.''

He patted Tylor's back. Keith was a full 6'5 and captain of the Lanchester basketball team. Compared to Keith, Tylor was just a midget.

'' You mind?'' Keith inquired.

''Oh no. Its fine. He is all yours.'' I smiled.

''What did he say it was about?''

''I don't know. Something about next week's tournament I guess.''

''Alright. Let's go.''

Keith scurried away before I could tell him goodbye.

Tylor looked at me apologetically and swiftly followed him.


The walk home was dreadful. Well, at least for me. The pathway always had this eerie feel to it. It made my skin rise everytime. Goth looking trees. Like some thing from a Halloween theme park. I shuddered. My steps hastened. After a few excruciating minutes my house by the side walk came into view.

''Hello. Granny Manny.'' I yelled across to my neighbour. She sat on her porch knitting what looked like a scarf. An old frail woman rose a shaky hand into the air and waved. Her droopy arms flabbing everywhere. She was in her early 90's blessed with strength. She could literally go about her business like she was a 40 year old woman. I occasionally see her doing her early morning trots.

''Don't you want to come over for some berry shake? little sweetie.''

''I would love to Granny but I've got loads of assignments to complete.''

I fumbled with the keys a little but finally stuffed it into the lock.

''Are you sure dearie? I had the berries freshly plucked this morning.'' She called out.

''I'm good Granny. See y'a later.''

I pushed myself through the door and with a click I locked it behind me.

I threw my bag pack wherever I deemed fit and slumped into the couch.