
Chapter Five

My eyes flattered open. My ears were filled with the crackling sound of fire and the stubble scent of smoke from wood. My skin was grazed with its warmth.

Where am I?

"I see you are awake" I heard a voice boom from behind.

I jolted up hastily, frightened.

"I didn't mean to startle you" Andrew chuckled walking over to me and handing me a cup of what seemed to be hot chocolate.

"What happened? How did I get here?"

"You don't remember?" He inquired evidently concerned.

"You passed out at the studio down town"

I winced in pain. My head. Yes, yes I do remember now. That creepy man. He must have done something to me. Drugged me probably?

"Did you see who was with me?"

"No, we'll actually several people had surrounded you when you passed out so I wouldn't know who you meant"

"Is there something I should know?"

"Nah. It's fine. Don't worry about it"

My eyes started to linger. Different colored flames shot through the fire place. It was mesmerizing. Debonair designs engraved each furniture with impeccable precision and details. Books were sprawled out at the other side of the room, as high as the ceiling .

I gasped.

"Is that Nu couché by Amedeo Modigliani and Salvator Mundi by Leonardo da Vinci?"

"Oh I see . A lady who knows her stuff." Andrew looked at me intrigued.

" Uh Yeahh. They are among the most expensive paintings in the world. Wait. Are these the real paintings?"

"Unfortunately not. These are just replicas. The real ones are stashed at the basement"

My jaw was literally on the floor. It's almost disrespectful how casually he said that.

"But those are worth millions. How did- ...you went on a heist for them?"

Andrew burst out in fits of laughter.

"You are a funny little one you know. Let's just say I know people." He winked.

"May I look around?"

"Oh yeah. Knock yourself out." Andrew leaned into his seat with his cup to his lips.

My hands moved with a mind of their own filled with the curiosity that my mind tries to withhold. The place gave off a medieval aesthetic. Dragons, swords, knights. It felt like I was walking through a fantasy castle.

"You live alone?"

There was a long pause.

"Yeah. I do." His voice sounded wounded.

I wanted to probe but that seemed like a touchy subject to him.

"Why did you bring me here though? Why not a hospital? Figuring I was passed out and all"

"Instincts" he simply stated.

" What is your instincts telling you now?"

He looked up at me from his cup. The fire flames brightened one half of his face. His eye on that half looked so cheery with so much life and not a single malice. The shadowed half of his face seemed to hold some sort of dejection.

"Mm. My instincts are telling me to ask you why you run out the first time we met in class?"

I stopped dead in my tracks my back to him as I stood still infront of the paintings.

"I was uhh... I was just feeling a bit under the weather"

"You sure that was it ?"

"Urmm. Yeahh. I guess"

"Because my instincts told me you were nervous to meet me....'

He stood behind me now. His words fanned my neck. Dangerously close.

'....where you?"

"No I wasn't" I stood my ground.

I need you to look at me when you answer.

He held me by the waist and turned me sharply around to face him.

"How did you know my name before the introduction then?"

So he did hear me, but how? My eyes furrowed in confusion.

"And how were you able to make out what I said when I was at the furthest seat at the back of the class and even when the people closest to me heard nothing?"

His eyes widened as if caught in a hole.

He rose his hands in surrender and backed away with a playful look in his eyes.

"Touché smartass...'

'....I guess we would both get the answers we are looking for sometime in the future"

"I guess"


The drive home was silent. Neither Andrew nor I said a word. We were both lost in our own thoughts. My house came into view. It was sun down already, the welcoming lights of my house greeted me.

“Thank you so much for helping me. I really enjoyed your company.”

“I did too. More than you think. I guess we would be seeing each other more often then”

“Yeah I would love that.” I smiled.

We just sat there looking at each other for a brief moment.

“Oh yeah I almost forgot. These are your stuff I presume. I found at your station earlier at the studio.”

Andrew stretched over the back seat and brought out my paint bag.

“Yeah thanks. I wondered where they had gone”

I let myself out of his car and watched as he sped off into the distance.

“Mom! I’m home.”

“Welcome back darling. Tylor is upstairs in your room. He’s been waiting for you for a long while now…’

I heard mom shout from the kitchen.

‘… dinner would be ready in few!”

“Okay mom.”

I creaked the door to my room open to find Tylor sprawled out on my bed shirtless, deep into sleep. I sighed as I plopped my paint bag on the desk. A rolled up sheet from the bag came into view.

Huh, I don’t remember owning this.

I reached for it, opening it up. Fear gripped my senses. My eyes shot wide as I gazed upon Avon’s painting. The exact same one.