
Ruin of the Elites

'Mama didn't raise a Soldier but Grandpa sure raised a devil.' Jade slaughters the only heir of the slaughtered family and has to get an arranged marriage to a mafia man to save her family. But Jade isn't the type of female lead who needs saving. She asked Capo for her grandpa for some time to prove herself as a future leader. She got her time and now not only does she have to prevent the ruin of their territory but also to prevent marriage with mafia men she hates. Along the way she meets a mysterious man who has secrets of his own but why he is helping her for no reason or wanting anything back? In the end, Jade has one main goal to eliminate Elite families.

Jillie · Teen
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


I came to see Deo but he wasn't in his apartment making me feel sad. At least Seraphina is here. Her pretty blond hair and cute face look healthy. She is better and she smiles a lot. Good, she is fine.


"Can you teach me how to fight until I am here?" She questioned softly.


"Of course princess. Let me teach you basics for now."


Her face brightened up. I trained her for an hour and let her rest. Seraphina huffed tired. Looks like j pushed her more than she can take. Oh no. The front door opened and Deo walked inside, he smiled finding me. With a grin, I hugged him. We are getting very comfortable. I don't mind. I felt a kiss pressed on my forehead making me feel warm.


"How are you, my man?" I asked him.


"Great after seeing you."


"Careful I might think you have feelings for me," I smirk at him. He didn't deny making my heart burst. God yes.


"By the way, I want to apologize to you for taking care of a lot of my work behind my back. I hope I am not being troubled." I said softly.


"You are worth it." He chuckles.


I smiled. We settled on his sofa while Seraphina left us to take a bath. Jade talked about the training of Seraphina and the work she did.


"I am going to get rid of Janet's marriage in a very threatening way," I ask with a serious tone.


"Don't let her handle it herself. She is perfectly capable and if you want her to work with you then she should have that much courage." Deo explained.


"You are right but then what I can do?"


"Make her realize her power."


"You are a pro at these things, when will I be like you?"


"you don't have to be like me. I like the way you are."




Our moment got cut short due to the call I received from Grandpa about the meeting held at the reserved restaurant. He won't be able to attend so I have to go. Oh shit. I glance up at Deo and he nods at me. An idea pops up in my mind.


"Why don't you join me? I will introduce them to you." I offered.




In forming Seraphina they left for the meeting place. Jade found Janet already waiting for them. She grins at Jade and gives nods to Deo.


"Let's rock and shock everyone," Janet said leading us in.


I found Ronnie already waiting for me. His gaze curiously lands on Deo and settles back on me. Giving him. Nod I took my seat, can't stand beside me. Deo took a seat beside me.


"Jade good to see you. You proved yourself." They said in agreement.


"And she successfully trapped us. Isn't that shame on us." another protests.


"That's right, you should be smart enough to figure it out," Janet said making others feel silent.


"I don't want to work under a woman." they protest.


I chuckled and leaned forward with a smirk playing on my lips.


"Either comply or I get rid of you."I offered.


One of them pulls out a gun pointing a gun at me. Ronnie stood up ready to protect me but before the guy could shoot Deo shot him on his head. A corpse falls on the floor.


"If you shoot her them I will get rid of your whole territory. I promise." His cold voice made everyone in the room shiver.


It was the first time I had seen him this cold. I placed my arm on his thigh with a squeeze I let him go. Deo puts his gun away and the tension in him seems off instead the tension in the room rises. I don't care about it. Janet smirks at Deo with a proud smile. Deo tilts his head. When did these two become friends?


"Well let's not shed more blood. If you agree the good and if don't you die here?" I said with an innocent smile.


They nod merely. I introduced Deo to the Capo who were already allies. After we were done with our other stuff they left us alone. Ronnie wrapped his arm around my shoulders with a glare on his face.


"I see why you aren't meeting me nowadays." He said. I shook my head.


"Come on Ron. You know I was busy." I said them added. "Deo is a very special person he helped me a lot. And Deo it's my brother Ronnie." I introduce them.


They didn't say anything just nodded at each other. Janet muttered Man under her breath.


"You did a pretty good job of saving Jade." Ronnie praised him.


"That's my job. You should have done better." Replied Deo.


"Guys, since we are here let's eat." I cut them off before the tension rises again.


"And let's eat somewhere else since you wouldn't want to eat with a corpse. But if still feel like it then let's go." Janet agreed.


We had lunch at another table and parted ways. I and Ronnie head straight back home. Parking the car we noticed one more car which didn't belong to our people. It's expensive. We headed in and found Mom arguing with the man who was visiting us last time to find his wife. Dante Martinz.


I and Ronnie stopped listening to their conversation which sounded pretty interesting.


"Don't start again. I told you yet you refuse to believe me."Mom said with anger evident in her tone.


"Listen to me, love. I am sorry, I tried my best can't you forgive me," said Danet.


"He killed my only brother. My father's only heir, do you know how painful it was." Mother demanded.


Holy shit, I had never seen Mom so mad. And her standing up against Elite with him begging her there is something wrong unless my mother is the famous Omniscient but no it's not possible. There must be a catch in this. Ronnie understood it too and didn't move from his place. If they won't give us truth then we will just find out ourselves.


"I thought my husband would understand but instead you took his side." Mom glared at him.


"I am so sorry please give me one chance. I will try please don't stay away from me my love." Said Dante.


I stood shaking glancing at both of them. Even Ronnie is surprised. Wait is he my father then? Before they can fight I step into the room gaining their attention. Dante gazed at us with no emotions while Mom's eyes widened. I smiled and sat on the chair, Ronnie followed me.


"So give me a good explanation because I deserve it," I told Mother.


"Last time I saw you your face seemed familiar. Who is your father Jade?" Dante asked me. Mom tensed up beside him.


"Well, Mother never said anything. All I know is my scum of father was never around." I shrug at him causing him to tense up. A realization hit him. I glance at Mom. "Please Enlighten me, dear mother."


"Mother? How old are you?" Dante asked me with desperation in his tone.


"You should leave Dante." Mom ordered him.


"I will be seventeen in a month," I replied making an uncomfortable silence fall over us.


"Jade." Dante's voice softened as he stared at me lovingly. Alright, he is my father.


"So dear father why weren't you around?" I asked knowing well I won't get anything from Mom.


"I didn't know you existed. I was never told." He said.


"Because you left me alone while I was breaking down for my brother. I asked you but you ignored me. I almost had a miscarriage." Mom said with tears pouring out of her eyes. Dante took a deep breath.


"You should have told me. I would never give upon you." Dante said softly to Mom.


"I think you should talk," I told them. They opened their mouth to protest. "Talk this out and tell me where I stand. I am Capo so listen to my mother and Dante Martinz you own me since you got in my territory with no permission."


"But jade there is nothing to talk about. She hid my child from me." Dante protested.


"Please, Dad," I said softly. He nods.


Our moment gets cut short by Grandpa's voice. His face was with a frown. Hands brushed on his gun.


"How dare you get in?" He demands.


"Grandpa they will talk it out and I need to talk to you about something very important," I told him politely. Grandpa signed out but nodded.


"You better solve this problem or don't call me your daughter."


With a last glare and warning at my parents, we left them alone. Hopefully, it works.


Or not.