

Prashant_pandey007 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


As the train screeched to a halt, the floodgates opened, and a sea of passengers rushed into the train. Veer's heart raced as his eyes locked onto the mysterious man, who swiftly slipped into the adjacent coach.

Once Veer and his friends found their seats, a whirlwind of conversations filled the air. They excitedly discussed the journey ahead, sharing stories of past adventures and their anticipation for the upcoming concert.

Raj, known for his quick wit, chimed in, "Hey, guys! When will we start the dinner? My stomach is growling like a hungry bear!"

The group burst into laughter, amused by Raj's insatiable appetite. They reached into their bags, unveiling an assortment of snacks they had brought along. The aroma of their impromptu feast filled the air, fueling their excitement.

While enjoying the shared meal, Veer's mind couldn't shake off the events that unfolded earlier. He glanced down at his shoes and made a startling discovery—his once-injured foot was miraculously healed. A shiver ran down his spine, leaving him awestruck and unsure of how to comprehend this inexplicable phenomenon.

Lost in thought, Veer reclined in his seat, wearing his headphones to drown out the noise. The rhythmic melodies transported him to a world far removed from his present reality. Time seemed to slip away as he surrendered himself to the music.

After half an hour, his phone pierced the silence with its shrill ringtone. Startled, Veer quickly answered, only to hear his friend Ashish's voice on the other end. Ashish explained how their plans had taken an unexpected turn due to Rishabh's antics, leading them on a spontaneous trip to Uttarakhand's forest reserve.

Before Veer could respond, the call abruptly disconnected, leaving him with a sense of urgency and unanswered questions. Rising from his seat, he made his way to the train's exit, where the cool wind greeted him. Sitting on the stairs, he pondered the mystery man, unsure whether he was succumbing to overthinking or if there was something truly sinister afoot.

A surge of determination coursed through Veer's veins as he decided to follow the trail of the mysterious man. Returning to his friends, he gently woke them from their slumber, urgency etched on his face. "Hurry up, the station is approaching," he urged them.

As they gathered their belongings, Veer added, "I have an old school friend in this city. I'll meet him before heading to the concert. Raj, rubbing his eyes, chimed in, "Hey, count us in too! We'll join you after the exhibition." Prashant nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it sounds like a plan. We'll catch up with you guys at the concert venue.

With the plan set, the train came to a halt, and the group dispersed, each heading towards their respective destinations. Veer's nose tingled with the onset of a cold, but his focus remained on the mystery that lay ahead.

At the taxi stand, Veer swiftly masked his identity, concealing his features beneath a cap and a face mask. Approaching a taxi driver, he whispered, "Follow the taxi in front of us, but keep a safe distance."

For the next ten minutes, Veer's heart pounded as they trailed the mysterious man's taxi, weaving through narrow streets until they arrived at an isolated road, where the mysterious man rendezvoused with four others dressed identically.

Veer cautiously followed them through narrow streets until he arrived at the backside of a massive building. Intrigued yet apprehensive, he hesitated at the thought of entering. Gathering his courage, he whispered, "Jai Mahakal," and stepped into the building, concealing himself behind a parked car.

Inside, Veer found himself in a dimly lit parking lot. Seeking cover, he concealed himself behind a parked car, desperate to glean any information that could explain the eerie events unfolding before him.

One of the individuals strode purposefully toward a sleek black Bugatti, his voice filled with determination as he declared, "I know you're here, Doctor. Your two partners are in my custody. The only option is to surrender."

Veer's heart skipped a beat, realizing that danger lurked nearby. An uncontrollable sneeze betrayed his presence, causing the man to tense and ready his gun, certain that an intruder was among them.

Fear coursed through Veer's veins, urging him to flee. However, before he could escape, two of the men swiftly seized him. One pressed the barrel of his gun against Veer's temple, tauntingly asking, "Aren't you a spy or someone else?"

Veer quivered with fear, unable to utter a word. Suddenly, a voice emerged from the shadows, disdain dripping from every syllable. "You guys won't stop resorting to these futile tricks," it hissed.

One of the assailants retorted, "You don't even know who we are!" As they removed what appeared to be an invisible mask from their faces, their bodies transformed into demonic beings—vampires. Veer's breath caught in his throat as the realization of their true nature dawned upon him.

The leader of the group demanded, "Who are you?" An ominous figure emerged from the darkness, its presence commanding both fear and awe. In a bone-chilling voice, it replied, "अहं विराजः (I am Viraj)." The hooded figure was none other than the man in the black cloak whose brutality Veer and Rohit had witnessed on their way to Riya's birthday party. Veer stood frozen, consumed by horror and confusion, uncertain of what would unfold next.

The demons recoiled in terror at the mention of Veer's name. The two vampires who had captured him seemed to witness their impending doom, their foreheads drenched in sweat as the hooded figure drew closer

The air grew heavy with anticipation as a sinister smile crept across the figure's hidden face.

The vampires, their fangs elongated and eyes burning with an otherworldly glow, surrounded the hooded figure. One of them sneered, "You dare challenge us, mortal? You have no idea of the power we possess."

The hooded figure's voice dripped with menace as they replied, "You mistake me for a mere mortal. I am darkness incarnate, a bringer of eternal torment." The figure shed their cloak, revealing a body covered in intricate, swirling tattoos—an embodiment of ancient evil.

The vampires lunged at the hooded figure, their movements swift and deadly. Veer, hidden behind the car, watched in both terror and awe as the battle unfolded.

In the midst of the chaotic fight, the hooded figure's voice sliced through the air, chilling the very souls of those present. "Your existence ends here," they snarled, their words carrying a promise of annihilation. The vampires, their confidence waning, bared their fangs and unleashed a barrage of supernatural abilities, but the figure deftly avoided every assault.

Veer, still trembling with fear, dared to peek from behind the car, his eyes widening as he witnessed the sheer brutality unfolding before him. The hooded figure moved with a grace that belied their malicious intent, each strike carrying the weight of centuries-old vengeance.

With a final, devastating blow, the hooded figure incapacitated the last remaining vampire. The defeated creature crumpled to the ground, its body crumbling into a cloud of dust. Silence settled over the parking lot, broken only by the heavy breaths of the victorious figure. And just like that, the hooded figure vanished into the shadows, leaving Veer bewildered and shaken.

Breaking free from the grip of fear, Veer ran for his life, desperately seeking an escape from the horrors he had witnessed.

Finding solace behind a black car, Veer discovered the doctor, hidden and gasping for breath. With urgency in his eyes, the doctor signaled for his inhaler, which lay beneath the vehicle. Veer retrieved it swiftly, handing it to the doctor. Gasping for air, the doctor managed to convey that he was Dr. Lee Wang, a senior researcher from the Chinese Institute of Archaeological Research (CIAR). The exhibition was organized to welcome him, and the ensuing chaos had put his life in jeopardy.

Together, they managed to escape the building, leaving behind the macabre scene that unfolded within. Outside, only one taxi remained at the stand. Veer hurriedly approached the vehicle, ensuring the safety of Dr. Lee Wang, The doctor, grateful for his rescue, disclosed his identity to Veer and handed him a business card, urging him to contact him if needed. Veer escorted the doctor to the taxi, instructing the driver, "Hurry and safely take him home."

Leaving Dr. Lee Wang in the care of the taxi driver, Veer sprinted towards the main road, seeking refuge on a bench in front of a tea stall. He glanced at his phone, discovering missed calls and a desperate message from Riya: "Hurry, you're already too late." Veer replied, "Sorry, I'm just coming," and hailed a taxi, racing towards the concert venue.

Outside the concert grounds, Prashant and Raj were enjoying a cup of tea. They spotted Veer approaching and called out to him. "Hey dude, where have you been? The concert has already started!" Prashant exclaimed. Veer replied, "It's a long story. I'll tell you later."

Raj chimed in, "Come on, let's go inside. You don't want to miss any more of the concert." Veer nodded and followed them towards the entrance, where they were greeted by the pulsating music and the exhilarating atmosphere of the concert.

Veer searched for Riya amidst the crowd and finally found her with their group, dancing and enjoying the music. As he joined them, the pain in his chest resurfaced, intensifying with each beat of his heart. He attributed it to the thunderous bass of the DJ's music and decided to step outside for some fresh air, informing Riya that he wasn't feeling well.

Leaving the concert behind, Veer made his way to a nearby riverbank. The pain continued to surge through his body, sending waves of energy coursing through his veins. Sitting alone, he contemplated the series of events that had unfolded, questioning his own involvement and the significance of the encounters he had experienced.

Lost in his thoughts, Veer was startled by a hand resting on his shoulder. Fear gripped him for a moment until he realized it was a Sadhu, a wise and mysterious sage. He quickly rose to his feet and touched the Sadhu's feet as a sign of respect.

The Sadhu regarded Veer with kind eyes and said, "Child, you seem deeply troubled. May the divine bless you." Veer, still taken aback, shared his harrowing experience of coming close to death and the strange encounters he had faced. The Sadhu listened attentively, a sense of understanding in his gaze.

"The tapestry of life is woven with countless secrets," the Sadhu spoke in a serene tone. "Each of us is bound by a greater purpose, waiting to be unveiled. Seek within yourself, young one, and you shall find the answers you seek."

With those cryptic words, the Sadhu handed Veer a wet, aged scripture. Veer's hands trembled as he opened it, revealing ancient Sanskrit texts interspersed with enigmatic symbols and illustrations of powerful weapons. The pages turned, and Veer's eyes widened as he recognized the symbol he had seen on the mysterious man's hand.

Puzzled and eager for answers, Veer turned to the Sadhu, his voice filled with urgency. "Who are you, and why are you entrusting me with this scripture?" But to his surprise, the Sadhu had vanished, dissipating into the shadows, leaving Veer with more questions than before.

Feeling a mixture of awe and trepidation, Veer placed the scripture carefully into his bag and returned to his hotel room. As he lay on the bed, he couldn't shake off the sensation that he was being pulled into something greater than himself. Sleep eventually claimed him, but his rest was fitful, plagued by vivid dreams and unanswered riddles.

The scripture remained a beacon of mystery, promising hidden truths and a destiny yet to unfold. Veer's journey was only beginning, and the weight of the prophecies he carried...



