
Welcome To RPG World!

Chapter 2 : Welcome To RPG World!




(blink.. blink..)

I was woken up while finding myself staring at the dark wood ceiling. Underneath me, I could feel something soft that is soothing to my back. It feels really nice and made me comfortable enough to fall asleep. Is this the afterlife? Oh.. so that was the end for me, huh? Oh.. well, I never thought it could have ended like that.

Whatever, at least I can rest at ease without having to face a terrifying encounter anymore. That was good enough. Since I'm here, I better enjoy myself!-


"OW!", I hit myself flat on the floor. "What the..?!", as I groan in pain, I looked where my body has landed and it appear to be some high-quality floors made from the raw pine tree's wood. While pressing at the rib part where my body hurts, and for some reason, I feel something soft at it. I looked to my left and sees a bed by my side. Is there where I fall from? Wait.. where am I? Is this the afterlife or not? Even though I'm struggling with myself, I tried to stand up and sees what is this place. I endure the pain that I felt, and it seems it's gotten better now.

As I looked around, I found myself in a little cozy room with tree log as the wall and pine wood planks as the floor. There's also a tiny table in the middle of the room with some pictures on the wall. Tulips and daffodils flower are also arranged neatly on a long table by the wall beside a wood drawer. This seems like a room. How did I get here? When I tried to look at my body, I found out that it has been treated. I tried to check at my ribs part and it seems to be bandaged nicely. Oh.. did I get saved? How..?

So this is not the afterlife. I'm still alive. I walked myself to a door in the room with the intention to find out where is this. Well, to be certain, I kind of hope I'm not at the village where I spotted that zombie creature again. People there gave me the creep judging by their behavior as if they are something 'else'. I twisted the knob and quickly opened the door while my heartbeats rise up and-


( clang! )

An iron tray falls off the ground and 2 breads were soaked by the orange juice as it flow on the floor.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry!" -???

huh? I front of me, I was greeted by young girl whose hair is dark brown. Apparently, this girl also wears glasses that enhance the look of her face while her beautiful light blue eyes displayed in the corridor.

I watched her as she crouch down and carelessly wipe the floor with napkin that she folds out from her pocket.

"oh no.. what a mess I've created..!" -???


"..Calley.. what was that?!" -???

Soon after, another girl appeared at the end of the corridor. She is quite tall with long silky light brown hair with good shoulder length. She rushes to the girl who is called 'Calley' who is now quickly cleaning the floor.

"Oh, sorry, Sybell.. I was surprised when the door suddenly opened and I accidentally dropped the tray." -Calley

"Oh, that's fine. I thought something bad happened." -Sybell

"no, no. I was completely fine." -Calley

"uhh.. who are you guys?"

As soon as the girl who is called "Calley" done cleaning with the help of Sybell, both of them shifted their attention to me. Calley, looks a little bit flustered and hesitates to answer my question. She's a shy type. I see..

"Oh, hey, it seems that you're awake. That's good, you were a total beat up when they fetch you here." -Sybell

"Fetch me here? What do you mean?"

"You've got to ask that to Mr Helmutt. He is the head of the village here. He also asked you to come to his place when you woke up." -Sybell

"Go to his place? For what reason?"

"Who knows. Anyway, you can wait at the dine room. We will get you a new

breakfast since this Calley here messed thing up." -Sybell

" (pout) I was taken by surprise..!" -Calley

"uhh, sorry about that. I was the one who opened the door too quickly before

that happened."

"n-no. Don't mind it. It was my fault. I was always an easy one to

get startled." -Calley

As I make a nod, both of them lead me to the dine room. Apparently, this place is called 'Jade' inn, that is located in a village called 'Lostsummit Village' to which, that's where is I'm currently at.


After having breakfast, I soon head out from the inn. Who could have thought that I actually eat quite a meal back there. I never realised after those events, my body crave for food. I guess the factor of my body healing from those damages also plays a part in this. As soon as I get out of the Inn, my eyes were greeted by a beautiful environment of this place. I found out that this village was located in the middle of a small river nearby a forest. The sounds of bird chirping and the ray of sunlight gaze on the village feel really good and made me feel really nostalgic in weird way. Huh, where did I last feel like this before? I'm not sure.. whatever it is, I better get to the head villager's house now.

I take a deep refreshing morning breath and walk to my right after gazing at a small farm land in front of the inn. It seems that this village also used wood as their platform to walk on to in order to stay float on the water. Just like at that village that I've been before that turns to be a disaster. However, though, this wooden platform is much better than that village's platform as it was nice and were taken care of. I could feel this platform is steady and solid. I feel really safe walking on it.

As I continued to walk, I saw a red roof building that Calley told me about when I had my breakfast at the dine room just a while ago. She told me that was the head villager's house and fortunately, it's location was not far away from I'm at. Well, come to think of it, this village is not really that big. It's quite decent in term of size, actually.

After passing another few of crops field where there are some villages who were managing it, I soon reached in front of the building that Calley told me about after passing some other villager's house. I knocked on the door and waits for a few seconds before someone in there opened it up.

"...you're it!" -???

"aww.. come on!" -???

"come and get us if you can, Riku!" -???

I smiled as I looked at a group of kids were playing tags against each other in the distant. Come to think of it, I used to play that too when I was younger. I had a really great time with my friends back then. We play for the rest of day that we're not aware that it almost turned to night. And of course, I got scold because of that. I miss those days, the day where we all can be free and have fun. We can be pretty much anything we want with our kids' imagination and all. We are freed, just like the bird in the sky..

After a few years had passed, I moved out to the city where I can pursue my highschool year. I must say, it's been tough and hectic with all those homework and assignments. I feel like someone who works in a big office aiming to complete a task before a deadline. It was a rather stressful moment every day. I mean, of course, year by year, our studies evolution always evolved and a new syllabus always introduced to younger generation. I'm not trying to be downer or something, but I really wish we could have a better system where it did not involve to stress the students too much. I mean, we are at our youth age, why can't we totally enjoy that moment before it fades away? You can only be young once, after all. Sure, sure, I know that if we planned it well, we can steady our progress and all but, with the facts that new works always stockpiling kinda drive me insane.

Not to mention, once I get my hands on the smartphone and other gadgets, I feel like I was drowned in that and was totally distracted by it. Instead of going outside and do outdoor activity, I pretty much spend my free time by going online chats with friends instead. I don't know why, but I feel like hanging out with others by meeting eyes to eyes is much better as I could feel better connection with other people. In fact, it also makes it we're closer to the nature that way. Well, technology kept on evolving through the year. I can't deny that in order to achieve global's future, more advanced technology should be existed so we can make mankind's job could be easier and easier. As much as I love technology, I think nature could be really good too.

"sigh, well, it is what it is. We just have to adapt through the evolution. The future keeps growing anyway, if we don't adapt to it, we will be overwhelmed."

"I totally agree with you, young one." -???




"It's true that some people would reject something new that is too good to be true to be used in the community. However, have they ever consider looking at the both perspectives where they could see its benefits too? If all they ever do was complaining and judge that certain thing will bring us down, then how can we achieve something even better? That thing will make us lazier, they say. That thing will make us less creative, they say. But, in the end, those types of people ended up using it anyway and likes it as it making their job easier and makes them more productive." -???


"isn't that right, young one?" -???

By my side was a short old man with a long white beard. His skin is all wrinkled, show that his man is in his golden age. After he replies to me after my unaware spoke out loud, this old man walked to my side as he looks at the bright skies while an old staff supporting him to balance himself.

"oh, pardon me. My name is Helmutt. I am the head of the village of this 'LostSummit' village. It's a pleasure to meet you, young one. I'm glad to see that you are in perfect shape again." -Mr Helmutt

"O-oh, you're Mr Helmutt? I apologize for my rudeness, My name is Atsu."

"Atsu.. yeah? Well, why don't you come inside. I've been meaning to talk to you." -Mr Helmutt

"thank you. Pardon the intrusion."





the sounds of tea being poured catch in my ear. I was sitting at the table in Mr Helmutt's house. After inviting me in, he asked me to join him for a little tea. Of course, I agreed to it as it's rude to deny it as a guest for something normal.

after he placed the wooden tray on the table, he hands me a cup of hot tea. I looked at the color of the tea as I gladly take it. It's a green tea. And wow, the smell is unusually good.

"enjoy yourself, young one. That tea is my favourite." -Mr Helmutt

"thank you."

As I take a sip of the tea, I was a surprise of how good its taste. I never really had green tea before, but man, this is really good!

"How does it taste?" -Mr Helmutt

"It's really good!"

"Hohooo.. glad to see you enjoy it." -Mr helmutt

The kitchen area in Mr Helmutt's house is small. But, in overall, he quite a decent space in his house. Everything was medieval themed. He also has some books that are nicely arranged on the shelf and some sofas with a fireplace in the middle. Hmm.. looks oddly nostalgic.

"now tell, young one. Where are you come from? You were beat up really bad once the Dante and his group rescued you." -Mr Helmutt


"Yes... Dante is our protector of this village. He is really strong and very capable you know? He has saved this village occasion of times during an attack." -Mr Helmutt

"Attack..? what kind of attack?"

"Well.. such as hordes mobs and the goblins." -Mr Helmutt


"yes, haven't seen one? You look grown enough to ever encounter one in the wild. Didn't you, young one?" -Mr Helmutt

"uhm.. w-well.."

woah, woah, woah.. hold up. Goblins? In this world? How is that possible? How can something like that can even- wait.. well, I've encounter some weird monster already before. It's not impossible for goblins to exist too.. This feels like I'm in a RPG world. No way, how is that even possible? Am I still dreaming? I bring my finger to my face and pinch my cheek, quite hard too. Ow!


As I opened up my eyes, I see Mr Helmutt is still in front of me. And it seems, I'm still at the same place. I'm not dreaming. I'm sure of it. Wait.. so does that mean, I'm really in a RPG world? Hold on, I've gotta know.

"uhm.. Mr Helmutt, does dragon also exists here?"

"well, no." -Mr Helmutt


"but at other place, then yes. We are at an area where dragon species would not inhabit here." -Mr Helmutt

"..! So dragon did exist?!"

"oh my, that startled me.. well, of course they are. I guess you've never encountered one before?"

"oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

Confimed. I'm in RPG world.. SWEET! Oh man, that was awesome. Am I dreaming? I should pinch myself. Wait, no. I already did it. Oh man, so I was really in RPG world. That's so cool. How can this be real? I'm so hype. I love being to another world where magic lies. This is so cool.

"Young one, are you alright, there? You look tense." -Mr Helmutt.

"Oh- I'm sorry. I was just in deep thought."

Phew, alright. Calm down, calm down.. Don't get too excited now. I'm still not sure how and why can I be here.

"ahem, now back to the question.. Where are you come from" -Mr Helmutt

"w-well.. to be honest with you, I wasn't sure myself. I just woke up and find myself on top of mountain forest."

"mountain forest?" -Mr Helmutt

"yes.. I've encountered a scary monster there. It was so strong that it knocked me off the mountain. When I woke up, I was already under water nearby an unknown village where, as you stated, Dante and his group came and rescue me."

"Ah, I see.. Well, have you ever had the slightest idea where you came from?" -Mr Helmutt

"well, to be exact, I'm not sure how can I get here myself. I just woke up and then yeah, I'm already here."

"Ah, I see.. that was rather fascinating story. That somehow familiar to a really old legend that I used to hear." -Mr Helmutt

"An old legend?"

"Yes.. but that was a long time ago. Well, it happened for the decades now. And it sounds really weird and amazing story nonetheless." -Mr Helmutt

( I wonder what was that about )

"Oh well.. now that you're here, what are you planning to do, young one?" -Mr Helmutt

"well.. if it's not troublesome, can I live here for a while? I don't know where to go."

"Well of course, why not? This village would love to have a new face after all!" -Mr Helmutt

"I appreciate that very much."

"Don't mention it. If you want a place to stay, you can just book in at the Jade inn.

It's the place where you been carried to." -Mr Helmutt

"Got it."




After finishing little tea treat from the head of the village as well with some little chat, I roam around the village for a change of environment. I can't believe I'm actually in RPG world. That's why those themes and other places from before looks so familiar. I must say, I was really excited, actually. Living in a world where many things cannot be achieved by normal human is very exciting. There's a lot of possible opportunity lies here. However, though.. how did I get here? Did I trigger something? That's weird. More importantly, how can I get back to the normal world? Well.. for now, I guess I better enjoy myself in this brand new world.

As a person who's in RPG world, of course I would do things other people would do. And that is, fighting. For the record, I've played a bunch of RPG games before rather it's the old one or the newer one that sync with the future generation. The game lores keep enhancing that can make anyone draw to it. As someone who has beat a couple of those RPG games, I suppose I totally know what should I do. Because of that, I decided to head outside of the village and enter the forest for a quick hunting.


< In the forest >

The forest nearby Lostsummit Village was the one that you could imagine. It just like a normal forest but with something interesting added to it. And of course what I mean by that is.. the monster or mobs if you would like to call it. What I'm seeing right now was a wild buffalo eating grass somewhere around here. I don't think it sees me as I hide under the bush. Well.. I kind of hope to meet other types of monster, but so far, I could not find any. Whatever it is, this will make do. There's something I would like to test anyway.

I soon grabbed a stone and prepare myself to throw it. As I take the necessary stance, while aiming at the buffalo who were busy, I stopped in my track. Hmm, nothing is happening to the stone. In a game that I used to play, I can enhance something with Mana Point (MP) and add extra special damage to the target. Do this world has the same feature, though? Whatever it is, I gotta do what I must do now. I aim the stone at my target again, and ready for an attack. As I confirm it, I threw the stone with all of my energy and I see it go straight at the buffalo.


I successfully hit the buffalo at its stomach. The buffalo did stutter in surprise and flail around. A few seconds later, the buffalo regained to its normal state again and stomp its feet while locking its head at me. It looks mad. Alright.. I should be able to take it on. As soon as the buffalo charged at me, I started to dash toward it too. As both of us are getting closer in distance, I quickly jump the front side, avoiding the buffalo attack that was go for a ram. I make a perfect roll and quickly dash toward the buffalo again from behind. As soon as the buffalo stopped, I knew this is the right moment to go for a strike. I clench my fist and I try go for a punch.


Before I could even land the attack, the buffalo use its back leg and kicked me hard in a moment that I did not expect. The kick was strong that it sent me flying backward and I fall flat on the ground by my back. "Ack.. shoot! I should have seen that coming..!" The buffalo turned around and goes for another ram attack. Crap, not good.. I quickly stand back up again and before I could dodge that attack, I was already being hit by the buffalo and yet again, I was sent flying backward and rolls for a few moments. I groan in pain and I could feel the ache from my rib started to act again. What's more, I could see something draining from me, but I don't know what it is.

During that moment, I could see the buffalo are about to go for another attack, and of course, after a few times of sliding one of its foot on the ground, it started to dash at me in full speed. Crap.. what should I do?! The situation didn't go as I planned. It actually worse as I could feel the pain from the attack that I received. What a joke, I thought I could really do this just because this is an RPG world. I could do nothing like activating skills and stuff. And what's more, I never actually got hurt whenever I got hit by an attack in the RPG game before. This is totally different than what it looks like! I close my eyes tightly as I could see the buffalo is closing. This gonna be hurt..!


Huh? I suddenly hear a swing sound. Furthermore, I did not feel anything as I brace myself for the upcoming earlier attack. What's going on? I opened my eyes and see a tall figure behind the buffalo that was lying on the ground. A few seconds later, the buffalo's body suddenly fades into fragments of light.

"having a tough time there huh, buddy?" -???

I looked up and see a man with broad shoulder with a silver sword in his hand. He has a slightly dark blue hair that one side reached to his eyebrow. What's more, he is also quite tall with some scars on his left hand.

"I must say, you're brave for someone who literally hasn't healed from previous

beat down. But, it's futile if you were totally done for because of your act." -???

"oh.. thanks.. sorry about that. I thought I could do it."

"ehh.. don't mention it. You were lucky I was around this area. Here,

lemme help you get up." -???

"thank you. I'm really sorry for the trouble. My name is Atsu, by the way. I

just came to this village."

"Atsu, eh? Yeah I know. You were the one that my group saved you from

drowning in the water." -???

"saved.. me..? Wait, are you Dante?"

"You got 'em right. Pleasure to meet you wounded boy." -Dante

"Oh, so it was you! Thanks a lot! I don't know what would have happened

if you didn't come"

"Most of the credits goes to my friends. And it seems your HP was still in

green zone. That's good."


"Don't tell me you didn't know about it. It was your health bar at your left." -Dante

As I look to my left, I could see a tiny bar stay fixed floating by my side. It's the health point bar that I was wondering where it was before. Oh wow.. how could I not notice that earlier?

"oh well, you better get to safer place until your wounds are all healed and you're

kicking to go." -Dante

"oh right. I guess I better take that advice from you. And thanks again for your


As Dante nodded at what I said, I went straight back to the village while pressing on the rib part as I walk.




Soon, the night has veiled the pole and that was the sign of the nighttime. I'm currently in my inn room, staring at the blank ceiling and thinking about everything that happened today. Me finding out that I was in RPG world was a really exciting new. However, though, I don't know how did I get here in the first place. I'd get a feeling that I should search for the answer about it. Oh well.. things didn't go smooth on RPG world for me today. I thought it could be easy as I had a good experience with this stuff. Apparently, that's not the case when you experience it in first person and each of the attack that you received, actually hurts you. "I guess I better leveling up my level. Things won't go pretty if I just stay at level 1.", I said that while looking at my level at the info box that I can make it appear anytime that I found out after returning to the village short after Dante's advice.

And to do that, I should learn some combats skill and more information about things in this world. And I knew the perfect person for it. Dante. He could help me. Since he is a skilled person, he should have been able to teach me a lot of things that I should know and do. Yeah, I should go for a training from Dante in order to become strong. I need to survive in this world, after all. With that in mind, I closed my eyes and called it a night.