
The Omrys Continent

Alexander spent the next three days after the war doing absolutely nothing. As the crown prince, he ate only the exotic delicacies prepared for him and spent the majority of his time sleeping.

Three days ago, when he returned from the battle with the rest of the Assyrian soldiers, he was given a hero's welcome by his Assyrian citizens. They had heard from the exempted Assyrian soldiers how their crown prince had fought valiantly to protect their kingdom, and with the embellished tales, Alexander's prestige among the citizens of the Assyria Kingdom was through the roof.

As soon as he arrived at his palace, he instructed Agnus to transport the looted damaged armors and weapons to the blacksmiths for repairs, while he stored the fully functional armors and weapons in the treasury.

He then told Alvin, Agnus and Vince that he was going to take a week off to recover from hidden injuries he sustained in the battle against the invaders, and that they were to handle the kingdom's affairs in his absence, delaying any major decisions until his return. Although the three individuals were despondent at the crown's prince instructions, they reluctantly accepted his orders.

Of course, Alexander did not sustain any hidden injuries, but he was incredibly fatigued and needed to rest for an extended period of time. The one week break he garnered for himself was for him to gain adequate rest, and at the same time for him to visit a very important location in his palace.

The Royal Library.

As mentioned before, the former Alexander was greatly incompetent, so there was little Alexander knew about this world after inheriting his memories. Moreover, although his reputation was at an all time high among the Assyrians, it was still volatile and unstable.

If he were to assume his decision making role now, he would surely make even more incompetent decisions than the previous Alexander due to his cluelessness; therefore the one week break was the perfect period for him to gain some much needed rest, and at the same time study intensively until he knew enough about this world.

The saying 'Knowledge is Power' wasn't false after all.


Inside a very luxurious and grand library, a dashing young man with lustrous golden hair tied by a white hair ring and a pair of gold rimmed enchanted glasses adorning his face sat on a wooden chair while reading a large black book.

The gold rimmed enchanted glasses served to magnify the letters in the book, as it was very old and the writings were very difficult to read.

The dashing young man was none other than Alexander.

Today was the sixth day of his one week 'healing' break, and he had made a lot of progress in his studies about the new world he found himself in.

The first time he entered 'The Royal Library', he was stunned by its grandeur and opulence. It was the size of a football field, with thousands of books arranged on shelves that stretched for as far as his eyes could see. It was so big that he reckoned it would take him more than 30 minutes to walk from one end of the library to the other.

It was truly grand, and it made him wonder how an impoverished kingdom like the Assyrian Kingdom could have constructed such a magnificent library. It was a mystery to him.

It took him a significant amount of time for him to get over the shock, but he finally did. He vaguely remembered how to navigate through the library from the original Alexander memory when he was a child, and after more than thirty minutes of fumbling through the thousands of books in the grand library, he finally found the book he was looking for.

It was a large black book titled 'The Omrys Continent.'

According to the book, there were seven continents in this world that was called Zuli, and the Omrys Continent was the smallest out of the seven continents. However, it was still two times the size of Earth!

This Zuli world had a lot of gods, who were divine beings that stood at the peak of power, but according to the book, even the gods could not traverse the whole world. It was just too gigantic.

The Omrys Continent being the smallest of the seven continents was by default the weakest continent in this world, nonetheless it housed numerous empires and kingdoms, and these empires and kingdoms were ranked by their strength from F-rank to S-rank, with F-rank being the weakest and S-rank being at the peak of the strength pyramid.

Alexander's Assyria was merely an E-rank kingdom, and with the steep decline in growth, it was sure to fall to F-rank within the next two years.

The book did not specify the number of empires in the Omrys Continent, but he guessed that there were over 100 empires and an even larger number of kingdoms.

Also, unlike what he knew about empires and kingdoms on earth, it was quite different in the Omrys continent.

On the Omrys Continent, a kingdom did not necessarily need to affliate itself with an empire, so they did not need to pay tax or submit to the emperor. However, this decision came with a lot of risk.

The Omrys Continent was always engulfed in war, as it was a place where strength reigned supreme, so no weak kingdom could guarantee their survival as they could be attacked at any point, just like Assyria was attacked suddenly by the invaders, so kingdoms mainly affliated themselves with other empires to guarantee their survival.

Assyria kingdom was once affliated with the F-ranked Enoz empire, but due to the poor decisions he made and the pitiful financial state of the kingdom, it was unable to pay the taxes and fulfill the requirements of the Enoz empire. As a result, the Enoz empire severed ties with the Assyria kingdom, leaving them to fight for their survival on their own.

Alexander was devastated by what he discovered. He never anticipated that Assyria's status in the Omrys Continent was that low. His status as a king was too superficial. Royalties in this world were as common as a mobile phone back on Earth.

According to the book, with only a couple acres of land, and a couple hundred people, anyone could become a king. A king's status was that superficial!

Assyria as an E-rank kingdom was very close to the bottom of the strength pyramid in this continent. The total population of the kingdom was slightly above 5,000, with the kingdom land mass being a little over 500 acres, while the official military had less than 300 active Assyrian soldiers after the battle against the invaders.

His kingdom could be crushed at any time by the slightly more powerful kingdoms, not to mention empires, and as his individual strength was nowhere enough to influence a grand battle involving millions of soldiers, he would not be able to do anything substantial to protect both his kingdom and life.

As Alexander read further, he felt the pressure of survival crushing him. Strength was paramount in this continent, and he was far too weak.

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