
The Omrys Continent (II)

Alexander was well aware that his current self lacked the strength necessary to protect the kingdom of Assyria. According to the book, the powerful individuals were also ranked according to their strength, and by the rules of the Omrys Continent, Alexander was only a 1 star warrior.

There were five major ranks for a warrior in the Omrys continent, and at the bottom of the rankings were the star ranked warriors.

There were five stars in the star ranking, and each warrior, regardless of the class that he or she awakened, would have a star ranked mark as an indication of their strength in the star realm.

A one star warrior would have a blue star ranked mark, a two star warrior would have a red star ranked mark, a three star warrior would have a white star ranked mark, a four star warrior would have a purple star ranked mark and lastly a five star warrior would have a black star ranked mark.

Alexander possessed a blue star ranked mark, which indicated that he was merely a one star warrior and this placed him at the very bottom of the strength pyramid on the Omrys continent. This also revealed how weak both he and his Assyria kingdom were, as the highest-ranked combatant in the Assyria kingdom was the three star ranked mage Alvin.

Above the star ranked warriors were the moon ranked warriors, and only when one stepped into the moon rank would one be regarded as a budding powerhouse in the Omrys continent. Most C-ranked kingdoms did not have a single moon ranked warrior, and only few B-ranked kingdoms had a few moon ranked warriors.

As for the ranks above the star and moon rank, Alexander was still too weak to bother about such monstrous figures.

However, becoming a ranked warrior was far from easy, and only a select few could become ranked warriors. It was why the numbers of ranked warriors were relatively small compared to the average people, and each ranked warrior was a great asset in a battle. This could be seen from how the star ranked warrior of the invaders nearly killed Agnus and massacred a lot of the Assyrian soldiers at the battle on the castle walls. If it weren't for his quick thinking, Agnus would have definitely lost his life.

Alexander also gained a deeper understanding of the political structure of the Assyrian kingdom.

For starters, there was the King, who was at the pinnacle of the kingdom and was also the most important decision maker in the kingdom; but due to the unknown absence of the current king for years, the nobles assumed he was dead and delegated the duty of ruling the kingdom to the second most influential person in the Assyria kingdom, Crown Prince Alexander.

Below the crown prince were the ducal families who were the third most powerful decision makers in the Assyria kingdom, although there was only one ducal family in the Assyria kingdom. It was to be expected, as the Assyria kingdom was a really small kingdom.

The remainder of the noble ranks, including the Marquis, Earl, Viscount, and Barons, were also significant decision makers; otherwise they would not be able to influence the former Alexander's decisions concerning the growth of the Assyria kingdom.

In addition to the nobles, there was also the head minister; nevertheless, the power that he wielded was quite insignificant in comparison to the power that the nobles held.

Alexander patiently and meticulously studied the series of decisions that the former Alexander made under the instigation of the nobles, and he was taken aback by the greediness of the majority of the nobles.

The nobles extorted money from the commoners already dwindling and miserable wealth, and beat them to an inch of death when they were unable to provide them some bronze coins.

The young masters of the noble families also raped the women who were commoners without any remorse, and they were able to get away with it since the previous Alexander was too lethargic to concern about what was going on in the kingdom.

They were also other vile and sick things the nobles did that made Alexander question the sanity of the nobles, but after recalling Dill's ugly face and his father's treacherous snake-like eyes, he suddenly understood that it was fruitless to expect acts of humanity from such disgusting people.

To put it simply, the entire Assyria kingdom was in a mess internally, and the victory that he managed to garner against the invaders would not suddenly clean up the state of disarray that existed within the Assyrian kingdom.

Alexander sighed exhaustedly. From what he could see, Assyria was just few months away from a civil war. Although the commoners were at the bottom of the society and were viewed as rats by the nobles, they were still people with sentiments despite their position at the bottom of the social hierarchy; and as the saying went, 'A cornered rat was the most dangerous rat after all.'

This current Assyria could not survive for long under the harsh environment of the Omrys continent. If they did not fall to the hands of future invaders, they definitely would fall to a civil war.

Alexander sighed once more. He had to do something drastic to defuse this crackling situation, otherwise he would be the crown prince of a divided kingdom. That would be a rather ironic turn of events.

Adjusting his gold rimmed enchanted glasses, Alexander picked up another book on the smooth table, but his attention was no longer in the book he was reading. Instead, his mind was fully focused on devising ways he could unite his Assyria kingdom and remove the tumor that were the corrupt and vile nobles. If he wanted to survive in this continent that was ruled by the law of the jungle, he needed to create an undaunting force that would bleed for him, just like his Assyrian soldiers.

Alexander sat motionless on the lush wooden chair for what seemed like hours, oblivious to the passage of time around him. He meticulously read more and more books, broadening his inadequate knowledge on both the Omrys continent and his Assyria kingdom, and it wasn't until he was satisfied with what he had read did he finally decide to end his library session.

As he stood up from the chair, a confident smirk could be seen on his handsome visage. A vague plan was already forming in his head. Closing the books and returning them back to the shelves, his smirk got even bolder.

Tomorrow would be a busy day for him.

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