
Chapter 20: The Show Of A Lifetime (Runway)

Oh my gosh, I can’t believe this!

I’m sitting on the patio and the maid just brought the mail to me, I got a letter about being in the fashion show coming up. It’s being held here in New York. This is so exciting, I’m jumping with joy, I can’t wait to tell everyone so they can come to see me model in the fashion show! I’m even going to tell my parents and my friends back home. I hope that my parents can forget their beliefs for a bit and just come and see me! I know Leila will, she’ll be so excited for me, I know it.

This letter made my day! I’m going to call Leila while John’s at work. I’ll give him the best surprise that he’ll never forget!

Before calling Leila, I had a quick thought, “I’m going to invite her here with all expenses paid.” I’m going to tell her this in person, I want to see her reaction when I tell her the great news! Leila answered my call on the second ring, ‘she must be excited to hear from me.’

“Hello,” Leila answered.