

can you continue in living the perfect world that everyone desired? can you keep on prentending that everything is fine? i am stephanie collins and this is my story

itsmeDaoistra · Fantasy
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9 Chs

what the hell

as of now im at my room with the two idiots named ivory and jm i cant believe that someone kissed me like that

"oh step is still blushing HAHAHAHA" JM said

" well remember the scene?" vy asked

"shut up the both of you im not blushing " i denied

" o so your not blushing huh?" jm teased

" why so red sis" vy added

" coz she' s not blushing " tsss i hate them both

"HAHAHAHAHA "and they laugh together okay im now pissed

" well i saw calvin an hour ago looking for you vy, and anyway jm do you know that patrick found out that you're stalking him" i tell to them and they both stilled

" really / seriously?" they both asked while blushing and i laugh hardly

" joke now who' s blushing is it me?" i teased them they both give me a puppy look

" you brat" vy said

" such a tease" jm added

" well don try me HAHAHAHAHA" i answered to them

" you know what step i think you like darren" vy said i give her an questioning look

" what are you talking about? why would i like that guy?" i asked to her

" yeah i think so too like who's girl in a right mind will agree to that deal exept when the girl likes the guy right" jess explained

" yeah i second the motion" vy says

" what the hell? what' s wrong on making a deal with him ? right? its not that i like him okay i just agree that's all" i depend myself

" what a lame excuse you dont have to explain yourself because we see it in your eyes " jess told to us

" i agree" vy siding jess

" i didnt make excuses okay ?" me still depending my side

" if you dont like him why would a simple kiss on forhead will make you blush huh? " yeah you read it right its just a kiss on forhead like a grandchild would do to her grandmother can you blame me? its the first time that someone give me a kiss even if its a simple one

" then tell me can you blame me if i blush? what if calvin and patrick kissed dont you blush ? huh? " i asked to them

" ofcourse we do blush" jess answered and vy nodded

"see its the same thing and a common reaction" i still depended

" but didnt you notice ? step you compare darren to the guys that we like? does it mean thay you also like darren ? " vy pointed

" myghod jess vy can the both of you stop already ? i didnt like him okay? its that just the reason why i agree to that deal is because i can see my old self in him a few years ago when i asked someone to stay

when i begged for someone not to leave me cant the both of you understand that? you know vy what happened to me that time i just dont want to see another me in darren's humanity i know that i didnt have to do that but i just cant stand seing him ruining himself just because of love! right? i know it sound' s so over reacting but i want to save him atleast i can save someone even if i cant save myself" i explained

" okay !okay! we get you step but what if in the time that your helping him is at the same time your falling too? who would save you? remember step you cant save everyone , its not that im against it okay? but not everyone who are experiencing what happened to you is needed to be saved step, they will learn to live like that in their own way like how you did " vy said

" step what happened to you are all in the past ! you dont have to be afraid because your now at your present okay? learn to forget step , some of memories are not worth remembering , you know what your doing coz your old enough step but atleast learn to accept that there are things that not deserves you " jess added at that moment i think that im really lucky to have them both

ivory is my bestfriend since im a child i always think that ivory/vy is the only friend whom i deserve or deserves me not until i met jessica/ jess i think that our trio is one of the best HAHAHAHA in a shot period of time i know now that its alright having a lot of friends around you


im so exhausted after what happen with me and darren and ofcourse after my girl talk with my two bestfriends i just felt like somehow they have a point

what if i fell for darren its not that hard to fall for him coz hes charming

okay erase that thought stephanie you wont fall for him okay?

and why am i talking to myself

maybe im just tired, yeah, im tired ,just tired


"yayaaaaaa where's daddy? " i asked the maids while im on the staircase

" iha your father is not here he left early in the morning because he have a meeting on one of chinesse investors" yaya informed me

" okay then asked the driver to bring me in school" i ordered her

" step the drivers are on thier leave your father agreed because its emergency" oh hell

" then who will bring me to school huh? i dont even know how to drive" i exclaimed

" sorry maam but maybe its okay if you just use taxi?" what the hell taxi?

" yaya you know that im not used on riding in taxi right?" i panicked

"just try it okay atleast you can experience it iha" oh god what's going on

"k fine" as if i have a choice

im on our gate when i saw a taxi

" where to? " the taxi driver asked

" on royal university please " i said

" okay maam " the he just starts the engine

its been 10 minutes since i ride the taxi and were not there yet its so weird coz were taking the wrong route so i asked the driver

" ammmh were taking the wrong route" i said in a nice way

" dont try to scape its a holdap give me your money and gadjets i know its just nothing to you since youre rich what if? i just kidnap you maybe in that way i can earn more money ? im sure you parent's will give everything i need just to save you " he said in a scary way

" please dont ! how did you know that im rich?anyways? " i asked out of fear

" youre student at royal university i know that only rich kid are allowed to study in that campus" he said laughing

" please let me go" i begged

" im sorry but i cant HAHAHAHA maybe i can kill you after i get what i want " then he laugh again

it leaves me no choice please god save me

with that i jump of the car and i feel my body got some broken i was about to close my eyes when i met a familiar face i tried hard to open my eyes to make sure but i cant then i hear

" keep breathing babygirl" WHAT THE HELL?