

can you continue in living the perfect world that everyone desired? can you keep on prentending that everything is fine? i am stephanie collins and this is my story

itsmeDaoistra · Fantasy
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9 Chs

the issues

so again and again im back about what happened in school earlier i saw darren blush and i dont know why but i find him cute in that way HAHAHAHA


erase erase that thought step why would i think that his cute? he looks like a frog

after my erasing moment i go for a dinner with dad

"daddddyyyyyyy" i cheerfully said

" yes baby have a sit" he said after that no one talks maybe dad is just hungry that he cant talk well not until

"sweety" he called me

" yes dad whats wrong ?" i asked

" i received a news earlier that ethan is coming home " i stopped, ethan? why the hell would he comeback? the last news i received from him is that his not coming home anymore so why all of a sudden ? why now? i have a lot of question on my mind but it stopped when dad talk again

" step are you okay? this is why im hesitating to tell you the news i can see that your still affected about him ? when he left you changed and you have a lot of suitors but you still dont have a boyfriend" im just looking at daddy while his saying does words

" dad im not affected anymore , its been a year since he left and i already moved on from him im just surprise when you told me that his coming back because what i know is his staying there for good" i said then he just give me look like he dont believed in what i say

" you know that your not good at lieying right?" well i know

" dad i moved on and i already have a boyfriend and i love him please stop mentioning ethan" okay i dont want dad to think that im still not over on ethan and thats the only reason i can give to him

" you have a boyfriend how? where? when ? who? " hes asked with a surprise look in his face

" his a schoolmate dad" i told him

"when can i meet him? is he handsome? can he give you a lot of child?" what the hell is this really my father?

" dad his fime you can meet him when his not busy okay can we continue on eating?" i said

" no i need to meet him as soon as possible what if my grandchild is already waiting? o im a grandfather now" yes i know, i know my father is advance thinker

" okay i will talk to him okay? now can we eat already?" then he seems happy well his weird

" but before that step always think that you should fix your issues first before going in a relationship again okay? i dont want to history repeat's itself i know that you just want to love and to be loved but princess i dont want to see you again having a hard time to live so learn from your mistakes learn to give yourself an enough love before giving it to others okay?" now hes serious

" yes dad im finished i will just upstairs to finish my homework" he just nooded i was about to leave the kitchen when he said

" i want to meet your boyfriend on friday night okay? " what the? its already wednesday how can i tell darren about it ? gosh whats going in my mind that i have to tell that in dad now im dead ....