

Mike is 30 years old Supreme Alpha of Blood moon park . The most powerful Alpha ever hear of . The Lycan who never meet his mate for many century_one day he mistook young beautiful girl for his Mate. "Your my mate, my life and the one I will spend the rest of my life" Said the cool man and looked at the cut delicate girl without shift his gaze away . The young girl widened her big green eyes in shook ;but soon she recover in her shock and said with calm voice "So is you who came in my dream?" "What do you mean? " A twenty_two you girl whose life was not that good her fiance left her because of her young sister; the one she loved and cherish, she left home two years back because of her evil young sister; Her life changed when supreme Alpha of the lycanthropes mistook her to be his mate and take her to his world. What will happen when her real mate came and wanted to take her away. And what will happen when Mike came and want the girl that he think to be his mate and loved her was not his mate. And what will he do when get to meet his real mate?

Charity_Tenga · Fantasy
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48 Chs

When did you return?


"ROYAL country."

Lara eyes widened at the name of the country, it was the rich and beautiful country that is not easy to go there as people wish. It was independent country, and one will count herself luck if she go there. One year ago Lara wanted to go there and see the most Beautiful, Richest, and stronger Country but. She got the shock news that she was not qualified enough to go to ROYAL Country.

She was shocked and surprised to hear that her friend's cousin was living there, and didn't believe that June will be there but she accept her friend offer because she doesn't want to leave any mistake that she will regret later. She was surprised to hear her Auntie that will went there to do her Company project.

But Merida didn't get the chance to go there that easily; she was declined for three years and only got a chance to go there after reached some level.

"Wow! You got the chance to go there that easily?" Fetrine asked her with surprise.

Merida laugh and shook her head "Its not easy through,"

Lara turned to her her Mother and sign her to said something..

Fetrine cleared her throat and said "Anhaa! You know that Lara also tried to go there last year but they rejected her. She was so sad, and didn't even sleep well for several days. "

" Ooh! I didn't know that your interest to go there. " Merida paused and continue " I can go with you but I will prepare some paper first. " Lara nodded her head with smiling face, she will need to settle some matter that will allowed her to go to ROYAL Country as they will go there two months later.

I will be able to go to ROYAL Country and if your there it will be good chance to killed you as no one care about anymore.




Back in ROYAL Country.

"Stop seducing me June, I'm trying to control myself and be a good boy right now. At least wait until we reach home, " he teased and June's mouth cold only drop in disbelief.

How can she seducing him with the single kiss on his cheek and the single touch to his thigh, Ugh! She can't believe this shameless man. She only wants to kiss his cheek and touch his thigh while he was driving; but its look like Mike's see like she want to seduce him.

She slap his shoulder and turn her face away, She smirk after Mike complain that its hurt.

The car was filled with warm and comfortable silence.

"Final we reach home," June said as she removed her seatbelt, Mike hold her hand before she opened the door. "Why did you stoped me!" She asked him.

"Are you angry with me? "

June frown her head, why did Mike asked her that! Did she look like she was angry? She paused for a moment and push her face near his.

Her thumb caressed his lower lips and then, she kissed him.

She pinned him down on the seat as she continued kissing him. She did all the things he did to her, delving deeper inside and tasting every corner of his mouth.

Before Mike hold her in his arms, June stoped kissing him and got down the car quickly with smile on her face. She want to teach him a lesson for teased her earl.

Mike was in daze for a moment, he didn't understand how June manage to go out of his arms. Was she teased him? He smirk at the thought and climb down the car.

You will finish what you start, I will teaching you a lesson for teased me.

June opened the door and enter inside the house, when she saw little bun stood in the middle of the living room like he was waiting for someone.

She squealed in happiness and threw herself onto the little bun, hugging and kissing him fiercely, "My baby! I miss you so much, when did you return? "

Little bun's eyes lit up like a stars in the night sky, he cycle his little hands around June's neck and put his head on her shoulder.

He miss his mother so much that he deside to escape and came to see her, sometimes he wish that she will be his real mother. He was think that his mother will scolded him because he escape and did except that she will embrace him and patted his back when he told her that he escaped.

He felt extremely happy for being in his mother arms.

From outside the door, the devil lycan King watched the girl kissing his nephew excitedly.

Mike can't believe that the girl whom teased him while ago was here kissing his nephew happily forgot what she did to him.

I can't believe this girl.

Forget it, nothing was more important than seeing his mate's bright and beautiful smile.

He strolled in, "I was told that you didn't finish your training and escaped, do you think that I will not know!"