
Royal love chapter 1

Once there was a princess named Amy King she went to school for our Royals but she wanted to go to regular school and live a regular life but her parents were very strict and very very angry when she even asked but Amy wasn't going to give up she made a promise to her parents and no one would ever find out that she was a princess .So The next day Amy went to school she said her goodbyes and said she would come visit every week. The next day she was at school she was very happy and nervous because she didn't know anyone there and she was afraid that if anyone found out that she was a princess they wouldn't like her for who she was they would only wanna be her friend because she was a princessBut she wanted real friends she didn't want any fake friends and she was stuck in a huge crowd in the middle of the halls and she didn't know her way around and she was very anxious and nervous but you saw this girl and she looks very friendly so I am Amy walked up to the girl and asked hey what's your name my name is Amy I'm new here can you show me around and can I please get your phone number so if I need anything I can call and ask oh and I'm also new to the city. So the girl said yeah sure I'll give you my phone number by the way my name is Melissa do you want to be friends. So Amy said I would love to be friends!!!🤩 and Melissa was like whoa whoa calm down why are you so excited. And I am is it I'm excited because I'm new here and I haven't made any friends,And Melissa oh I see 😣 i'm so sorry and Amy said oh it's fine I'm just glad that I have a friend the truth is I'm actually really nervous and anxious but now that I have a friend I'm not nervous or anxious oh and about the tour can we please go do it and Melissa said oh sure😊