
Further Rosewood

Cisco has achieved rapid development after getting capital injection from royal Capital. Just like in history, vishav does not worry too much about it. Now every home in royal empire have cisco routers installed and they can access internet...

   On September 1, 1983, vishav heard a news from Steve jobs that Industrial Light & Magic was going to sell its computer animation department. After vishav listened, he almost jumped with excitement! This computer animation department will be the famous Pixar company in the future. Pixar's brilliance must be understood by many people who follow Hollywood, and it is definitely a very powerful animation film company! Later, Disney spent $7.4 billion to acquire it!..

he proposed to George Lucas' Industrial Light and Magic to acquire the intention. And after giving him 20 million dollars deal is signed...

Another jackpot..

Royal Bookstore has developed and has become famous. As the head of the stunt company, everyone who like to read book may naturally have heard of the name of Royal Bookstore! With the development of Cisco and the Internet, Royal Bookstore has also grown by leaps and bounds. Although as early as 1983, Symbolics registered the first domain name, but the world's first website in the true sense still belongs to the Royal Bookstore website, because it uses the WWW protocol, and the content of the website also conforms to the W3C standard, which will be the World Wide Web in the future. Alliance standards. Since the success of the Royal

Bookstore website, many companies have followed suit and set up their own websites.

But some of these companies don't know how to build a website, so they contacted Royal Bookstore and asked it to help design a website. For this, Royal Bookstore has made a lot of money! The Netscape browser has become the carrier of the website, with simple and easy-to-use functions, smooth and fast, and it has won the likes of all users! After the establishment of many company websites, Royal Bookstore took the lead to establish the most authoritative and influential international neutral technical standards organization in the field of web technology Royal Web Alliance!

The main members of the alliance are: Royal Bookstore, Cisco,Microsoft..

  Although the alliance has few members, low strength, and not much reputation, many companies are willing to join in the world's leading web technology! Royal Bookstore had studied for a long time in order to make the Netscape browser. For this reason, it also specially developed the XML Extensible Markup Language and XHTML Hypertext Markup Language to facilitate the production of web pages. Of course, the original R&D personnel would not think of these, it was vishav who asked them to do it! After applying for a patent, these relevant language standards were published in professional computer magazines, and they were provided to all computer enthusiasts to learn and use for free.

The so-called first-class enterprise sets the standard! !

   Netscape browsers are going to be developed, and they don't set standards and don't take patent... they will prevent anyone to take it

In evening he went to office of Pixar animation Studios he introduced himself

Vishav had just finished speaking, and the applause suddenly surged.

After the applause stopped, vishav glanced at everyone and asked: "Which of you are Edwin Cartham and John Lasset?" Vishav

knew these two people. Edwin Cartham was the creator of Pixar. He is the inventor of purely computer-made movies, and he is a technical master. And John Lasseter is the driver of Pixar's creativity and belongs to the creative talent.

   Edwin Katem is in his forties, mature and stable, and now he is the head of the computer animation department of Industrial Light & Magic.

   And John Lasseter is young, only 29 years old.

   When vishav asked, Edwin and John both stood up and introduced themselves. When they finished their introduction, vishav nodded, and then announced to everyone: "From today, the computer animation department will be renamed Pixar Animation Studios and become an independent company .. Edwin will serve as the CEO. , John is the chief creative consultant! In addition, I want to tell you a huge good news!!

Speaking of this, vishav deliberately stopped, and then looked at them. Seeing them all looking at him curiously, vishav smiled, no longer stunned, and announced to them: "The good news is that after the establishment of Pixar Animation Studios, I will continue to invest 10 million US dollars. !

Vishav then came to the oracle

and approached CEO Geely Hutt and the company's chief technology officer Tom Wilson to discuss some issues. Tom Wilson is 30 or 40 years old, graduated from royal University, worked as a senior software engineer at IBM, and was hired by vishav with high-tech. The three came to the meeting room, and vishav spoke out his thoughts.

"I hope you will create a website about movies. The name of this website is called Internet Movie Database, or IMBD for short. The idea of ​​setting up a website is in this document. Please take a good look and consider whether it is executable. Sex!" Vishav said as he handed the printed documents to them for viewing.


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Silicon Valley Chapter 12: Noah's Ark

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   Although Henry came to negotiate in the name of Nicholas Bookstore, it was not Nicholas Bookstore who actually paid the money, but Henry. Although both companies are the same boss, it is very necessary to establish a separate company in order to have a clear property right and prevent the company from chaos. When the Nicholas Group is established in the future, and Pixar will be linked to the group, there is no problem.

   After the successful acquisition of Pixar, the first thing is to relocate. In order to take care of Pixar's employees, Henry's headquarters did not move quickly, and it is still in Emeryville, California. After they settled down, Henry transferred the funds to Lucas' account, and then asked them to work hard. Henry didn't restrict or ask them to do anything, but let them use their talents to their fullest and do whatever they want!

   Is a bound Pixar still a Pixar?

   Anyone who has seen Pixar's office will be surprised that they are not an office at all, but a leisure center. Toys, game consoles, fish farming and other weird things! There is no distinction between big and small inside the company. They sit on an equal footing and talk about it. Even if the sweeping aunt is suddenly inspired, she can add two sentences and win everyone's applause!

   Everyone worked together and exerted their unconstrained imagination. In the end, every animation can be a classic! !

   Although Henry was very relieved of Pixar, the water in Hollywood was so deep that Henry didn't want Pixar to drown after going in.

   In my previous life, when Pixar Animation Studio started, it was very difficult. Although Jobs was kicked out of Apple at the time, his computer dream remained unbroken in his heart. He invested most of his money in his newly established computer company. Jobs lost the other, and Pixar Animation Studio had no money for technical research and development, and no money to make animation films that he wanted to make. In the end, he had to take a lot of small orders in order to survive, and wasted a long time. If it hadn't been for Pixar to hug Disney's thigh later, I'm afraid Jobs would have been pitted to death!

  Since I have been involved in film and television, it must be a bit harder and deeper!

   Henry then came to the Nicholas Bookstore and approached CEO Geely Hutt and the company's chief technology officer Tom Wilson to discuss some issues. Tom Wilson is 30 or 40 years old, graduated from Stanford University, worked as a senior software engineer at IBM, and was hired by Henry with high-tech. The three came to the meeting room, and Henry spoke out his thoughts.

"I hope you will create a website about movies. The name of this website is called Internet Movie Database, or IMBD for short. The idea of ​​setting up a website is in this document. Please take a good look and consider whether it is executable. Sex!" Henry said as he handed the printed documents to them for viewing.

   iMDb design is very detailed, the information includes a lot of information about the film, actors, film length, content introduction, ratings, reviews, etc., and fans can rate the film! And be sure to make this scoring system the most popular and trustworthy scoring system!

   Geely Hutt and Tom Wilson watched very carefully. After reading them, they had to admire vishav .

   "your majesty, the design of this website is perfect, I think it is very feasible!!" Tom Wilson said affirmatively.

"I think once this website comes out, we will have a certain right to speak in showbiz! Majesty, your creativity is really great!" Geely Hutt, as the CEO, naturally considered a little more far-reaching. He knew that vishav had acquired A computer animation department named Pixar Animation Studios. Obviously, the goal is to break into showbiz!

   "That's good, you can make a website according to my design as soon as possible!" Vishav ordered, and then paused, then said to them, "Well, this website will be under the royal Bookstore in the future!"

   "Yes!!" Geely and Tom were very happy and excited when they heard that the IMBD website was going to be under the banner of royal Bookstore. This will greatly increase the influence of oracle because royal book stores have already Netscape browser and I'd they promote their work on it it will also benefit them...

1990, the world's first web server appeared. The concept of a server is not clear today. In vishav view, using an ordinary computer as a server is too low-end. Not to mention low efficiency, and often troubles. With the development of the network and the impact of a large number of traffic, a good server is particularly important!

   It's not long before the Internet has emerged, and people haven't realized the importance of servers!

  vishav intends to form a new company separately from a group of people from Scola. This new company will be jointly invested and established by Cisco and royal Bookstore. The server must not only have hardware, but also software. This is the best cooperation between the two. Royal Bookstore,