
Becoming New king of Royal empire

After ten days of my father death.

Today I am becoming king of this new state..

Repoter are gathering around king palace for crowing of one of the strongest country prince

I am reporter of Royal news. Here giving you live coverage of this wonderful event of crowning of our little prince v.

In the eyes of many people I came at the place with my two sisters and after some ritual I become the new king and then

I came to balcony to address my people

My brothers and sisters and their family members. I will make this country more powerful or rich you can say in other words.

After coming to my father study room. I meet my father minister to know about country situation. ( so I pick name of random country state name so please ignore it.)

So from situation my country has 600 billion GDP but you can say that my family is rich over 500 billion assist in our country and 56 billion dollars in cash and 100 billion dollars gold.

But my country is based on agriculture sector so I have to focus on making it future internet giant. I got advantage of future knowledge and I have money so let's make country rich and powerful heee. .