
The royals

It was a normal Sunday morning,

and I was just about to take a sip of my morning coffee when the doorbell rang. I stood up and opened the door, to my surprise it was a royal knight.

Knight: Is this Mr Thompson?

me: Yes, Why?

Knight: You have been chosen to be the royal


me: What is a royal detective?

Knight: a royal detective is someone who helps the royal family solve mysteries. Now pack all your things and get in the carriage.

me: Okay just give me 10 minutes.

Knight: I'll be waiting

After packing my stuff I got into a red and gold carriage pulled by two dashing horses. Two knights including the one that talked to me sat in front of me. About half an hour later we finally reached the palace. It was huge and beautiful.

When I got out of the carriage a royal guard took my bags. The two royal knights then told me to follow them to the throne room where the king was. When I entered the throne room I saw the king immediately got up and greeted me.

King Rolando: Hello Mr Thompson I hope you know why I called you here.

me: Yes I do my king.

King Rolando: now if you're going to be the royal detective then you'll have to meet the royal family.

King Rolando looked at the knights.

King Rolando: Call in my family.

knights: Yes my king.

The huge doors to the throne room then opened. Just then the royals entered. They were all wearing gorgeous and expensive clothes.

They all sat on the chairs in front of me.

King Rolando: Let me introduce you to my Queen Malaenie, my son Prince Nicholas, my eldest daughter Duchess Margaret, my son in law duke Edward, my two younger daughters Princess Leia and Princess Grace. And of course my grandchildren, Duchess Margaret's children Princess Emelia and Prince Emmett.

It took awhile to remember those names but I tried my best. King Rolando ordered a maid to take me to my room. I followed the maid, on the way to my room I asked the maid for her name. She smiled and said her name was Jessalyn, I smiled back at her. When I got to my room I thanked Jessalyn and walked in my room. The room was dark, there was a table, a chair, a shelf filled with books and a soft cotton bed. The rest didn't matter to me as long as they provided a soft and comfortable bed. Then I heared a knock on the door ... It was the first mystery I had to solve.