
Royal Descendants: The Chosen One

Apophis is Lucius greatest enemy, not just Lucius' enemy, Aphophis is also Lucius' father enemy and now, he's about to become the entire Lucius' family's enemy. Lucius has made it his mission to get rid of Apophis and protect his family, but what he doesn't know is that such mission isn't his duty. Let's find out who it is as you journey with me

DaoistEa038S · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 7: Cronos II

 _ a dark place_ 

 'That fool, he already had himself captured' a voice filled with anger can be heard in the room, 'you, make sure to get him out of there before he ruins our plan, if you can't get him out then kill him. I can't have that plan ruined' the voice commanded. 

 _back at the palace, the prison yard_

 'You don't know what you're up to, you're going to pay for this, trust me' Cronos said while struggling to get himself free but the guards just won't let him have it. 'You should also know things won't go well with you once the king arrives' one of the guards whose name happened to be David said to him after throwing him into the cell showing no remorse. David is tall, fair, has a broad chest, platinum blonde hair, eyes red as ruby, possesses water magic, is a good swordsman, and is also very serious. Cronos didn't seem fazed by his words, he wasn't expecting Lucius to go easy on him, especially after finding out that he kidnapped his children but he was rest assured that he was going to get out of the prison yard especially since they had two or three spies working for them who stayed in the palace, what if I don't get out of here alive, Cronos was still thinking to himself when suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a heavy slap which landed on his left cheek leaving a red mark there, that slap resounded in the prison yard.

 Cronos jolted out of his thoughts as he held his left cheek, 'make sure he is given a hundred strokes of the whip' Lucius said with a mix of authority and anger and Cronos couldn't help but look up at him with surprise as he thought to himself, how could he be this heartless, he already gave me a deafening slap and now he is sending me out to get flogged, I should be expecting something worse than this, he's still being nice, Cronos was still lost in his thoughts when suddenly he heard Lucius's voice 'when next I ask a question, do well to make reply' Lucius said to him as he grinned wickedly and with that the guards took him out of there.

_still at the prison yard_ 

 Loud cries could be heard in the yard from different angles as they were all being whipped, most of them already had scars on their back while some had blood oozing out of their backs but the guards didn't stop.