
Royal Descendants: The Chosen One

Apophis is Lucius greatest enemy, not just Lucius' enemy, Aphophis is also Lucius' father enemy and now, he's about to become the entire Lucius' family's enemy. Lucius has made it his mission to get rid of Apophis and protect his family, but what he doesn't know is that such mission isn't his duty. Let's find out who it is as you journey with me

DaoistEa038S · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 4: Crazy Day II

 All siblings teamed up and did a good job bugging their parents till they agreed. 'Alright alright, you guys can go but three of the guards will accompany you, and you guys must be back before sundown. Is that clear?' Lucius who couldn't bear any more of the children's constant bugging suddenly gave in. 'Yes Daddy', they all said in unison while smiling from ear to ear. 'Brandon, Lucas, Jadon' the king called out to them and quickly they all came rushing in, 'Yes Your Majesty' Brandon replied on behalf of the others. Brandon is a light-skinned man with black hair as thick as ebony and eyes complimenting his hair color, he has a broad chest, is a skilled swordsman but not as skilled as his king, and he possesses earth magic. 'I want you three to escort the kids while seeing what's outside the walls of this palace and make sure they're back before sundown. Is that understood?' the king asked. 'Yes Your Majesty' they all said in unison and with that, the guards escorted them out of the palace.

_at the market_

 'Oh my God, this place is so beautiful' Alicia said with mouth wide open while the others agreed all while staring at the environment, The guards couldn't help but smile at their facial expressions. 'Lucas' Cassandra called out, 'yes Your Majesty Lucas replied the princess. Lucas is a tall guy, has pale skin, blue hair like the oceans and eyes as green as nature, a broad chest, and a smoothly carved face, he possesses black magic and wind magic, although he doesn't know how to use the black magic cause it's considered the most powerful and dangerous amongst all, and also a skilled swordsman. 'Why's that man looking dirty, and sitting on the floor?' the naive princess asked pointing to an old man sitting at the corner of the street who looked dirty, 'he's a beggar my princess' Lucas replied to her.


 'Who or what's a beggar' Orion asked. 'A beggar is someone who is homeless and survives by asking people for money or food my prince' This time Jadon replied to the young prince. Jadon is average height, he's 18, the youngest guard, has a perfectly built body, fair, has black hair and red eyes like ruby, he had fire abilities and can also read minds but is still working on it, has a friendly personality and working on his swordsmanship. 'Oh' the siblings said in unison, they were about to make a statement before they were interrupted by the noises from the market. There's a huge commotion going on at the market, The siblings rush to see what is going on, and the guards run after them, Before the blink of an eye, the children are gone but haven't left too long ago.

 'Spot them' Jaden said to his teammates and they ran after the kids, The kids were forced into the car by some masked guys who weren't taking it easy with them. The car finally stopped in the middle of nowhere but luckily the guards were able to catch up with them. 'Please let us go' Clara begged with tears falling from her eyes and the bad guys laughed, very hysterical. 'You won't get away with this, the guards will come for you, our parents will come for and once my daddy lays his hands on you all and your boss, he's gonna make sure you pay for kidnapping us' Cassandra said to the masked men with no sign of fear written on her face, very rare of kids her age. Chuckling can be heard from behind 'Oh really?' said the man who chuckled earlier and slowly he walked forward to where the kids were and once his face was visible enough, the kids let out a huge gasp when they got to see who it was, it was Cronos, their fathers enemy. 'Now kids, do you still believe your daddy can you help you out of here?' he asked with a dirty expression on his face. 'Yes, he will. The guards and my daddy will save us, you are going to regret this' Cassandra said with all fierceness in her and she gave that chilling look and vibe just like her father. Cronos was surprised and irritated by such boldness and aura she carried, 'deal with them most especially her' Cronos commanded. As they were about to deal with the helpless children the guards swung in right on time, 'Don't touch them' Brandon warned.