

"Leave," Jamari said firmly, her voice resolute. "I have no desire to engage in conversation with you." Reagan gradually approached, closing the gap between them. "I am the dragon king," he proclaimed. "Adored by some, despised by many, and feared by countless others." He stood before her, his presence commanding. "People worship at my feet, bowing in reverence, trembling in fear." He paused, then continued, his tone softer. "Yet, somehow" he paused " somehow it is only you who possesses the power to bring me to my knees." *********************************************** When a blind forgotten princess is forced to get married to a powerful dragon king to prevent her father from ending her life, little does she know that the marriage is about to unravel a lot of secret about who she is and the past connection she has with her husband. Warning: contains heavy sexual content.

Tife_Ladex · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
65 Chs


Moans filled the room, mingling with the smacking of skin as Kira struggled to keep herself composed while Reagan pounded into her with fervor.

He was unbelievably large, stretching her to the max. Sometimes she wondered if he even realized the incredible size he possessed, given how intensely he thrust into her without holding back.

He firmly gripped her hips, using them to hold her in place as he thrust into her from behind, her body bent over the table. The raw intensity of their connection and the primal nature of their lovemaking sent waves of pleasure coursing through her.

She savored the feeling of him filling her completely, their passionate encounter reaching its peak. As he withdrew, warmth spread within her as his release spilled onto her skin. She stood on her feet, feeling a slight ache from their intense session, but it faded into the background. In that moment, what truly mattered was the profound enjoyment they had shared.

She had become accustomed to this kind of treatment, finding herself constantly craving him to fill her up, just like he always did. To everyone else, she was the respected grand general, but only she and Reagan knew what happened when the lights went out-or so she thought

Kira's eyes locked onto Reagan as he settled into a chair, his face hidden by the golden mask he always wore. Though his features remained concealed, a small opening revealed his intense gaze fixed on her.

Intrigued, she couldn't help but wonder about the face hidden behind the familiar mask he always wore. Yet, a deep sense of fear held her back, knowing that seeing his true face would bring about her death. His curse was insidious, and the moment she laid eyes on him would be the end of her journey.

In the darkness of his mask, she couldn't be sure who he truly was, the king she had devoted herself to for years. But one thing she knew for certain was her love for him, even though she understood it would never be reciprocated. He was a mysterious man who struck fear into everyone's hearts with his silent presence.

She accepted her role in his life as someone who fulfilled his desires and led his armies, even though their connection was imbalanced. Her heart overflowed with unwavering devotion, despite knowing he could never love her as deeply. But none of it mattered to her. Being by his side and serving him with loyalty meant more than any affection she could receive. She remained steadfast, captivated by him, no matter what consequences awaited her.

Not only was she his dedicated companion, but Kira was also an exceptional warrior, perhaps the strongest in the kingdom. Her unmatched skill had proven itself time and again, as she defeated countless enemies. This earned her the esteemed position of grand general in Reagan's army.

Her extraordinary abilities, possibly inherited from her Vedan mother, set her apart. She possessed a unique power to trap individuals in illusions that brought them unimaginable pain until she released them. It was a testament to her strength and capabilities.

Although she possessed such a dangerous power, she chose not to use it often. Her confidence in her combat skills overshadowed the need for relying on her unique abilities. Despite her Vedan heritage, she despised the creatures and vowed to only use her powers in dire situations.

Addressing her king with determination, Kira informed him, "I've ordered our men to search the land for the girl. I'll keep you informed if they find any promising leads. However, considering the kingdom's hatred for Vedans, their chances of success are slim. It's hard to believe a Vedan girl could find sanctuary here." Pausing for a moment, uncertainty colored her words, "Perhaps the old woman's prophecy missed its mark this time."

His intense gaze made her doubt her statement, as if she had made a grave mistake. His cold and commanding voice filled the room, sending a shiver down her spine.

"The old woman is never wrong," he stated with unwavering conviction. His authoritative voice demanded attention and respect.

"I am aware, Your Majesty," Kira replied, stepping closer to him. "Perhaps we need to search beyond this kingdom's borders."

Standing up, his imposing figure towered over Kira, casting a shadow of power. His presence filled the room, instilling a subtle sense of apprehension.

"Find her."

That was the main reason he came to Konica. A powerful seer from the dragon king's kingdom "Drakonia" had prophesied about a girl who held the key, a girl with eyes concealed in impenetrable darkness, blinded like a bat.

She was described as having a complexion as pale as freshly fallen snowflakes under the moon's gentle touch. Her flowing hair was as radiant as moonlit silk, and she hailed from a distant kingdom.

In the grand scheme of destiny, she was the key, the crucial element to unravel the mysteries that lay ahead.

For months, they tirelessly searched through various kingdoms to find this woman. It never crossed their minds to look in Konica, knowing that women with such unique features were often unwelcome and faced hostility, especially in a place like Konica where their lives were condemned from the start. But then, a thought struck them. Perhaps what they were seeking was hidden in the most unexpected of places. With that in mind, they embarked on their quest to explore Konica.

She alone possessed the key, holding the power to unleash an extraordinary force in the upcoming battle. She was Reagan's only hope for victory in a battle where mortals, gods, otherworldly beings, and demons would intertwine their destinies.

Only she had the ability to unleash the mighty force of ZARATHUS, the eternal flame, liberating it from its profound confinement.