
Royal Bloods

"To be given the title of a princess is to be manipulated by the political system. I do not wish to be a pawn of this system". Her words still linger in my brain. As princesses, they are destined to be married for the expansion and protection of the Kingdom. "Amelia, sister. You look wonderful in your wedding dress", 10-year-old Iris pushed the door open while the royal attendants also marveled at the beauty of the bride. "Your hair is still sticking out. Don't tell me that you've sneaked out to pick berries again", Amelia, an 18-year-old princess with auburn brown locks and scarlet eyes chuckled. "Come on, let's fix you up", the gentle-natured princess invited her. "By the way, there were a lot of people in the palace hall a while ago", Iris sat down on her sister's lap and had her hair brushed off. "Iris. You have to learn a lot of things from now on. Plus, you also have to take care of your younger sisters in the future", Amelia had a mix of sadness in her tone as she comb long golden locks. "You've got father's hair. Good for you. It adds up to your image", Amelia gave a short laugh.

Yel_lue04 · History
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: The Negotiation


"Head Maid. Father and Brother had been busy. I've got no one to practice swords with. Want to go?", Iris poked Eliade's cheek. The head maid threw her on the ground. "What about learning Lady etiquette?", Eliade had a dark aura all around. "My apologies", Iris went to the side and scratched the walls. "Let's go and gather some oranges", Miku, the assigned personal maid for Iris informed me.

"Mi.. mi.. Miku!!! You are an angel", Iris hugged the girl and dragged her outside.

Orange Farm

"Good morning princess", The farmer greeted her. She politely smiled at them. "You took a month's leave and you just have this to offer me?", Iris stretched Miku's cheeks. "I've brought you some fabrics", Miku assured. "I want food", Iris stretched then started jumping to pluck oranges. Miku just watch her do her thing. She's been away for quite some time anyway, the princess never changes.

"Taste this", Iris stuffed the peeled orange in Miku's mouth. "It's so yummy", Miku's eyes widened. "By the way, Miss Valentine was just here last week. You've missed meeting with a.. what's that.. something about royal", Iris hung around Miku's shoulder. "Princess Iris, you are badly needed at the Palace", the soldier informed. Miku and Iris looked at each other.

King's Room

"I don't want Iris to go", Victor cried. "What can we do father, you forgot to read every detail of the letter. You've been busy narrating your tragic fatherhood to Concubine Valentine", Reinard sighed. "My Saphira is in love with an Arabian prince, I can't have her go", Victor clung into Reinhard's arms.

The door opened revealing Miku and Iris. "You've called the father", The girl entered.

The King displayed a totally sad face. "What a creepy face", Iris commented. Miku whispered to Iris.

The king is making a sad face... a very sad one.

"Is there something bothering you?", the princess asked with care. "Your father... is really the worst", Victor cried again. Reinard explained the situation. "That's why... you see... either of you or Saphira has to go", Victor baby talked. "Are you kidding me?!", Iris threw her necklace at his father's head. "Ohh!! King", Miku panicked and called the doctor. "You're really out of control with your emotion", Reinard sighed.

The King woke up again and had his head treated. "Well, I know that you will not be accepting of the idea. I will now write a letter of explanation to Valentine...even if it means... losing my face....my friendship with her... and even the spices", the king started writing letters with his hands trembling. "you know how crazy scary the Emperor is", Reinard brought him back to the reality. "Then, I myself will go there. Reinard, prepare the carriage and also apology gifts", Victor instructed. Iris exited without saying anything,

"She must have been upset", Reinard looked at his father with pity.

Kingdom's Royal Ship

Iris's Cubicle

The king knocked and Miku opened the door. Victor saw Iris reading some books from Edo. "Can I have some time with my daughter?", Victor asked for privacy. Miku bowed and then closed the door behind them.

"Did you bring any snacks?", Iris opened her palm. The King was clueless. "Brother always brings with him cookies or candies knowing that he'll meet me", Iris said then closed the book. Victor was shocked by his unpreparedness. He took something out of his pocket. They both sat on the bed. He handed back the pendant.

"You know what, I finally figured out why I never get to see my daughters off whenever they get married", Victor dropped the pendant and held Iris' hands. "It's because I never truly asked their hearts what it wants to do. Whenever they come up to me at night asking about the marriage, I turn deaf ears and pretended not to hear their cries. Amelia, she's coming back after we drop her off by Edo. I heard that she became ill due to her depression. The royal decree allowed her to go back home with two of her children. I don't want the same thing to happen to you", Victor hugged the Golden princess.

"I want you to always remember what your sister Xyra said. Do not be chained to the system or anything. And if your promise 7 years ago still applies today, I would be happy but I'd be more than happy if you truly do what you wanted", The King gently push the girl. "Aren't you scared of getting your head chopped off?", Iris showed a picture book she was holding. "Well, I've got Reinard to protect me", Victor laughed nervously.

Bed Time

"Want me to read you a story? You haven't yet slept for a week", Miku offered. "Do what I wanted to do? I always did whatever I wanted to. I ran away from my royal tutor, I play pranks with Eliade, I get to train martial arts with Dad and Brother, and I get to choose my personal maid. Xyra is right, it's really a fulfilling life", Iris realized. "You just realized now? you're really dumber than anyone else", Miku flicked her forehead. "I'm perfect in all of my tests though", Iris pouted. "The King,, Your brother, and your sister really loved you so much", Miku shoved it in Iris' face. "That's why whatever decision you will have, they have no choice but to accept it", Miku added.


"S...", Reinard and Iris were suppressing their words. "S?", the royal guard, Nakura, looked at them. "So amazing!!! Is that cherry blossom?", the siblings were excited. "Hey, we have to make it fast", Saphira grabbed the two. "EIh? According to the map I saw, there's the gate on the other side", Iris looked around. "Are they going to ambush us?", Iris asked Miku. "They can hear you", Miku sighed. "We're at the court's gate. The other gate is used by commoners", Nakura explained. Iris just nodded. She can see that the King is surprisingly quiet as if he's seeing a nightmare. Reinard grabbed Iris on the side. "Behave well this time, okay? This place is hell for Father. The Queen, Our mother died here", Reinard informed.

They ended up at the royal court with all the nobles inside. Iris' brain is going to puff up with all the introduction. "We deeply appreciate your warm welcome. Here are my children. The candidate for the throne, Reinard. Two of my princesses. The 6th princess, Iris, and the 7th would be Saphira", Victor introduced and gave a bow. "Shall we have a banquet then", The Emperor clapped his hand and the entertainers suddenly appeared nowhere. They were all separated through tables, Iris was just amazed by the dancers and also the food. "Aren't you going to talk with the princes?", Miku asked. "I don't speak their language as fluently as a father can", Iris pouted.

Chapter end.