
roundabout magic

The multiverse is a strange and mysterious place filled with the stories, experiences and infinite possibilities waiting to be discovered. And thats where the Roundabout fits in, right in the space between everywhere and nowhere this bustling rcesspool is a cesspool of stories and knowledge. This a story of the regulars who visit this resturant and a boy who's never known anything else.

Kyo_shi · Fantasy
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chapter 1: war is definitely a mood killer

In The Roundabout there was never a quite momment. Wether it was talking or laughter, huge celebrations that lasted for hours on end or somber smaller victories that are shared briefly over a warm nutritious meals, quick glances over the table and small smiles of pride that are hidden behind big jugs of an assortment of different beverages.

Thats what Theodore Asfel loved about the place he called home, sure the sky outside was a perminate mixture of purples toxic greens and vibrant reds that made time an uneeded concept and he'd never get to experience the wonders of feeling an ocean breeze on his face but he laments, that it's a fair trade after all he gets to hear both the mind-boggling epic tales of grandeur and the seemingly mundane lives of normal everyday people, so yeah he wouldn't change this for a chance to experience any world.

Except for maybe now.


The diner all of the suddenly became deadly quite as a group of heavily injured soliders stubbled in from wherever they'd just come from, obviously the group had just come from a sort of War as each member is heavily bleeding stab wounds.

"kid go get the doc for me I think we're gonna need his assistance" said barzel the head chef and all around manager of the diner, as he barely took his eyes off of the situation that was Unfolding in front of them.

nodding his head in reply Theo set off leaving the diner behind and entering into the staff only section. It wasn't a regular occurrence but these sorts of situations happened every so often that was why the diner had a resident doctor on standby if anything like this were to happen.

Finally Theo skid to a stop in front of the medbay where he knew the doc would be, slamming open the door Theo called out "doc they need you in the front, a group of about 5 people have been greatly injured!" he shouted hearing a crash from the other side of the room Theo walked over to find that the doc had fallen over and was now splade out on the floor. slowly pulling himself up the doc sighed before sliding his glasses back on.

"alright kid let's go see how I can possibly help"


all in all Theo had to say the day turned out to be pretty relaxed day after that point, after a bit of complaining doc had fixed the hurt soliders and in return the thankful soliders stayed a little longer and brought bussiness to the diner by eating and drinking copious amounts of meat and ale before heading back to their specific dimension.

honestly theo knew he'd never have it any other way after all he was born in this space between it's no t like he had anywhere else to go back too or truely belong other than The Roundabout.