
Rotted Ravenclaw

Psychopath wakes up as Harry Potter, what's the worst outcome? Utter Chaos. Psychopath SI/OC as Harry Potter.

D3StRuCtO · Movies
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6 Chs

Harry Potter - Chapter 1

You know, I thought I wasn't afraid of anything, or so I thought until I died, My biggest fear? Well pretty self explanatory if you ask me, death, or well, not death, but what comes after.

I don't know what compelled me to think so, maybe the being which sent me into this world, or just my own imagination and fear, but I just knew, if I died again, I ain't coming back.

Even in my past life, I was never afraid of dying, but what'll happen to me after, is there heaven and hell? Or is it just a fucked up sensory deprivation tank.

And it's exactly that, a fucking sensory deprivation tank, man those things suck, and I never wanna go back again. That's why I swore not to die, the philosopher's stone, while not bad, wasn't good either, and I didn't particularly want to look like a bag of bones.

Oh sorry, forgot to introduce myself, I'm Harry Potter, er… I am Harry Potter now, Used to be an Indian actually, name's not important anymore I guess.

How did I become Harry? Some big guy just chucked me into this kid's body and here we are.

Well, onwards from this depressing topic, first order of business, observing my surroundings, nothing too much to observe here, I'm exactly where I thought I'd be, in the cupboard.

Cramped walls, spider web in the corner, a few tiny holes in the ceiling, a place for light to come from, and a dirty 2-bit mattress.

I can see it's probably night time considering there's no light entering the cupboard, I try to open the door, yep, locked.... Just great.

A sudden wave of nausea hit me with the force of a freight train, the memories of the previous Harry I believe. Huh, that's a bad life to live, not like I particularly care though.

Apparition at 7? Pretty impressive from my perspective. And while I got his memories, his desperation for getting away from the fat lard and his 'gang', and his thought process, I didn't get a feel for the magic in him.

So what does any sane(relatively) guy do? Well, follow the fanfictions I guess… or would that not be the sanest thing to do? To Meditation!

Alright, clear your thoughts, let go of everything, focus on reaching inside… there's this warm feeling running through my veins, all connected to a single round core in the center, near my belly.

Wait… that's it? This really feels like a Mary Sue fic, oh my I hope I'm not in a Mary Sue fic… actually no I take that back I really want an easy life, gimme gimme!

Eh… I guess I found it so quickly because I never had anything similar in my past life, so maybe I'm over sensitive to it. It's like suddenly getting a new limb, you're definitely aware that it's there, just don't know how to use it.

Oh nevermind, it's actually pretty easy to move, at least it is easy to move while it is in my body, bringing it out is out of my reach for now.

It is really weird, to be honest, having a new power all of a sudden but it doesn't feel weird at all, it's discomforting how welcoming I feel towards it actually, maybe this is the reason why there's so few obscurus.

It actually convinces you to like it, that's a scary thought, an unknown energy inside of me controlling my emotions and probably thoughts without my knowledge? Yeah... no.

Occlumency sounds really good all of a sudden. To Meditation! Tomorrow…

Some experimentation reveals that if I circulate it to specific parts of my body, it strengthens them and gives that limb a boost, kind of like Chakra.

My thoughts quickly turn to the Dursley family, examining originals(previous Harry) memories, I really don't wanna have to deal with them, but this miracle ain't gonna happen.

First things first, I need a plan

1. Stay under their radar at least until I learn magic.

2. When I can cast a few spells or hopefully just do a fireball on my palm to intimidate them, get proper food instead of the bare bones the original received.

3. Exercise to get in good shape.

4. Go to the leaky cauldron.

5. Go to Gringotts.

6. Wing it.

Not the best plan there is but it's better than nothing I suppose.

With that taken care of I suddenly find something much more interesting and useful, I can remember everything! As in everything, from my mom feeding me, and wow was that scarring, to Voldemort killing Lily.

Back to the topic, I figured I could have eidetic memory as I could remember googling a single thing, Leaky Cauldron's address, and considering how bad my memory was, the less said the better. On the page it said, word for word:

In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the Leaky Cauldron is shown to be located between 48 Charing Cross Road (Quinto Bookshop) and 12 Great Newport Street (Ashley Associates Chartered Surveyors), London.

So, that solves one problem, now the 2 biggest problems in my new life, is Dumbledore good or evil, old and prone to mistakes or old and manipulative as shit.

It was clear in the movies and books that he groomed Harry to be sacrificed but if I was in his position, I would do the same, probably have fun doing it as well, but I don't like it when it's aimed at me though.

And that brings us to the second problem, Voldemort/Tom Marvolo Riddle or Mr. Snek Boi and part of… his… soul inside me, "Fuck!".

Occlumency sounds really good all of a sudden. To Meditation! Now!

Now, as I remember from countless other fanfictions, most of them follow one simple process for starting occlumency, Meditation, and then slowly building a mind palace and then putting in traps to discourage people from entering or just straight up killing them.

Fanfictions, Don't fail me now!

As I was starting to slip into a serene state, a sudden pounding of the cupboard door has me starting with a yelp.

"Boy, out now! Get the breakfast ready!"

Oh boy…

This is my first ever fanfiction or any writing material I’ve started, I will accept constructive criticism, but those people just like to type shit, just get out and don’t waste my time.

Well, that does it for the first chapter. Like it ? Add to library!

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