

"LILY!" A voice screamed for me.

"EVE! WHERE ARE YOU," I screamed back at the white wall of snow.

"LILY!" came the reply. It was faint and still riddled with fear. It sent my heart racing. I ran as fast as I could towards the direction of her voice.

The white wall of swirling snow prevented me from seeing even my own hands. My face was raw from the biting cold that the wind blew towards me.

My hair whipped around my head, lashing out at my already raw skin. But I knew I had to save her. So I plowed through the wall... through my pain.

"Lily, help!" Eve's voice uttered. It was raspy and quiet. She was so close.

"EVE?!" I yelled. Her voice had been so weak. So fragile. I got no response.

The snow started to soften, the wind dying down. I could see my hands now and I wished I couldn't. They were blue and frozen - I couldn't move them at all.

As the blizzard moved out, I could see more and more. I scanned the clearing that I was in and realized that I was on a glacier.

How had I gotten there? I was standing right on the edge of it and looking for a safe way to cross when I saw Eve's bright yellow jacket, dead center of the glacier.

I stood there for two seconds and then without thinking sprinted across the frozen monstrosity, not caring about my safety.

I had to get to Eve.

She lay there unmoving with her eyes wide open.

"Lily, you found me," she whispered. Her voice was barely louder than the gentle breeze that ruffled her hair.

"Eve. It's okay you're going to be okay. Can you feel your fingers and toes?" I ask, worried more than anything about her welfare.

"Yes," she replied. I let out a breath of relief. She was alright. She was going to be alright.

"Eve, can you stand up?" She furiously shook her head in response.

"It moves, Lily." She was talking about the glacier.

"Please try, Eve. We have to get you home," I said urgently. I grabbed her hand and she slowly got to her feet.

The glacier moved and rumbled, protesting against our weight. I looked around and spotted a snow bank.

It was a few feet of a drop but it was off the glacier and it was safe.

"Eve," I said, "I want you to jump onto that bank. It isn't too far away from here. You see it?" I asked her.

She nodded. She let go of my hand and prepared to jump.

At that moment the glacier gave in and the ice cracked revealing a crevasse that looked to be about 100 feet deep and pitch black.

We were standing right on the lip of it and losing stability fast. I knew it was only a matter of time before the thin ledge gave way to our weight.

I shoved Eve as hard as I could and watched her land on the snow bank. She had made it and she was safe.

I started towards her and froze when I heard a loud crack. I slowly lifted my gaze to Eve who sat on that snow bank, staring at me.

Her blue eyes were wide and a ghastly expression that could only be described as horror was plastered onto her face. I took another step towards the bank.

Nothing happened. As I lifted my foot for the step that would bring me to safety, the ledge gave way and with a loud shatter, crumbled to nothing.

I screamed and grasped at the lip of the crevasse that was about to swallow me.

My shoulder popped and I felt pain in my arm like I had never felt before.

I was hanging by one arm now and it was tiring quickly. I could just see Eve's face over the lip of the glacier's gaping mouth.

She was in shock and couldn't make a sound. Her face was stark white and her eyelashes were frozen with tears.

I couldn't hold onto the ledge any longer... So I let go.

Eve's ear-piercing scream sliced right through me. It echoed threw the black hole I was now falling into.

"LILY!" she screamed as my hand disappeared from the surface of the ice.

My tears flowed in streams down my face. I was falling to my death. But these tears weren't all fear.

They were also tears of joy because I knew Eve would be safe. I knew I had saved her and that she had the rest of her life ahead of her.

And I was happy. I was glad that I would die for her.

"Goodbye, Eve. I love you," I whispered.

My voice was barely louder than the air that whistled past my ears.

I closed my eyes and my lips lifted the tiniest bits at the corner. Yes, I was happy.

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