

Roshak is the title of the story of an college student who is inhired with the soul of an legendary demon since birth.He overcomes many troubles when the magic is returned on earth (a paralel world like earth).When he realises that he can't return in his pacefull life he tries to find a meaning in his survival. Characters: Raiho Halson (Roshak) is our main character with the soul of an legendary demon inside him. Bona Kamis is an ex teacher who has looked after Raiho in his high school days. Luis Halson is Raiho older brother. Noir Halson is Raiho younger brother.

Roshak_Hacks · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 9

(A/N: For all the readers that have supported me till now, I'm really sorry that I haven't updated the novel for a long time. I am an university student that I do this for fun. These times I had exams coming over and since I'm not really smart I had a tought time (-_-). I hope that there is someone that likes my humble novel.)


"Humanity is doomed!?"

"Ah that's right, in this time when magic is returned chaos will rise and humanity will be in the bottom of the food chain."


Towards the shock that Bona had from his words Raiho (Roshak) was saying that with an expressionless face like it doesn't concern him. He than gived her an harsh explain in the situation. (A/N: Eventualy the name Raiho will change to Roshak so please don't get distracted by it.)

According to him 3000 years ago when magic and supernatural were normal as a common knowledge a great war between evil and good had started. Even thought the evil forces were great in numbers they were falling in contrast of power of the good. The war started as the desire of the demon king of the underworld to have control over the surface. As the ruler of the underworld the demon king Draizo and his blood line couldn't leave the underworld. So sooner or later he would lose the war. In this time he came with the idea to make children with human womans. From this idea of his many lives were sacrificed but some were able to succed and so five half human half demon childrens were born. One of those childrens was Roshak. The childrens were able to set foot in the surface of the world and the war took an turning point in this time. Seeing the situation the Heaven Gate was unable to stay silent and God himself wanted to put an end in this. The choice He made was to banish the magic from earth. Of course it couldn't be banished something that existed so it was sealed and the souls of the five childrens of the demon king that they were unable to kill were sealed in pure human bodies. And the underworld was unable to make contact with the surface anymore.

The end of the magic era brought an era of evolution for humanity and as years passed the magic was remembered as an nightmare. The return of the magic was a news that humanity will be looked down from other races and another war could start. From this point of view it looked like there really were going to be hard days coming for humanity.

"It really looks bad...wait doesn't this mean that you are the enemy of humanity."

"Well you are not wrong but I took part in that war because I had nothing good to do."

"What's with that answer? Now I think that I should take a distance."

"Don't worry even thought I'm getting back my powers my personality will be the same."

"No that's what I'm worried about, because you sometime say that you don't give a shit about the humanity."

"Well you have a point there."

"Don't give me that."

"Well sensei I'm not the protagonist who will be the hero to save the world, I will just watch my buisness and protect what I want. But watching my possition I will targeted by bothersome things."

Bona couldn't see his face but she could grasp an evil grin that run a chill down her spine. 'He doesn't look like he will be bothered.'


*ringing* *ringing* *ringing*

Raiho's phone was ringing and so he picked up. "Hmm. An unregistered number who could it be?"

The screen of the phone was showing an number that he didn't have registered. All he could think was that it was an call from his family.

"Hello. Who is it?"

••Oh hello, Raiho it's me Stella.•• In the other side of the phone was the voice of Stela and he thought that it was really strange but....

"Hmm.....You calling me means that a teacher has sold out my number."

••Ahaha. That's right, but you to miss a class it's unheard.••

"That means that I have an reason. If that's all you have to say than I'm hanging up."

••Wait wait wait, there is another reason I'm calling you so don't hang up.••

"Speak, I'm listening."

••Well you know that next week we have exams so I was wondering if you could help me studying since you are always are at the top 10 in the exams.••

"So you have been stalking my marks, but why don't you ask your friends to help you or hire a private tutor."

••S-s-s-talking what does that mean, it just happens to see you name in the board of the results like everyone does.••

"I don't think that everyone cheek in my name. Even I don't see the board. So the reason why you want me to help?"

••Well I could ask my friends, but than they will think that I can't get good grades by myself and my mother doesn't let me to hire an private tutor because she wants me to get good grades by myself, and so you helping me doesn't say that you teached me so please help me.••

"So you want me to help you look down on your friends with good grades."

••T-that's not it. Look this is really important for me so please help me.••

'There is no need for you to try so hard because the world will be a mess up soon....or that's what I want to say.'

"Haaaaaa....Well it could help me kill some time in this situation, so I will help you."

••Situation? Well I gues thank you. Oh and can I come to your house for this because it is suppoused to be an secret."

"Well I don't mind."

••Ah, okay than we will start than tomorrow since we have got the week off from collage.••

"Okay I will send the adress with message."

••See you.••


"Who was in the phone?"

"Ah, do you remember that rich girl that we meet at the caffe, she wants me to help her studying so she will be coming over tomorrow."

"Eh, are you close with her?"

"Not really but you could say that we are found in strange circumstances."


"Mmm, are you jealous, don't be because I only love you."

Bona who was trying to sort out Raiho's relationship with Stela took an suprise attack from his words and her face was bet red.

"W-w-w-w-why d-do y-you keep saying t-those words anytime you like, you are quite bold."

"Well I don't see a problem expressing my feelings to you, and your expressions are really cute."

"Are you bulling me?"

"No it makes me love you more."

"Y-y-you idioooooooooooooooooooooot."