

The Empress Wu fostered a daughter within the Crimson walls of the Cifu Palace who with altered and faint origins she became the sister of a Marquis. Bound to her filial piety and the path of hardship, a "seductress" is what she must become poisonous enough to survive the bloodshed that follows the collision of machinations between the Emperor's flowers and when all flowers turn to their darkest of sides in the bid to gain love, fame, glory and power, what is the fate of the once tranquil but now troubled Empire. Also Known As : THE CRIMSON FLOWER, FLOWER CARDS Set in 12th and 13th Century Imperial China Southern Song Dynasty

Glorian_C_Regnare · History
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            Beiyuan sneakily he made his way into Eunuch Gong's Chambers in silence and looking about the place he approached his bed and studied the area as he got the trunk that he had been carrying with him and pushed it underneath in secret before he got out and left the place.

           Manyin and Xiaoyang making their way up to Yang Jieyu's Chambers and themselves being followed, they got in while the young woman waiting for them they greeted her.

           "Did you do it?" She asked.

           "Yes." They each replied in unison that she smiled at them.

           "The Grand Empress Dowager is dead and we can not rely on the Empress Dowager as well, I am putting a price for all those of our colleagues and I want them to help me find a family that is powerful enough and militaristic in nature and not to forget they must surely be on uneasy terms with Han Touzhou and at best irreconcilable enemies." She gave the order and bowing to her they immediately got out of the room.

            Emperor Ningzong in his study he was looking at the book that Wengong had given him and flipping through its pages he couldn't help it but recall everything that had happened between both Lady Cao and himself.

           Ashamed for a moment he halted and leaning on the table he started to massage his temples when Eunuch Deng made his way in.

           "Your Majesty." He said to him.

           "What is it?" The Emperor inquired shortly coming to his senses as he looked at him.

           "Minister Wengong is here and he requests to have an audience with Your Majesty." He responded.

           "Let him in." Emperor Ningzong permitted and the young man withdrawing from sight, he returned a short while later with the minister who was dressed in his official robes.

           "Your Majesty." He greeted her.

           "Has something come up?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

            "I was hoping that I could seek your censure on the book that I offered to you a couple of days ago." He replied as he bowed his head to him.

         "Truthfully speaking, I was just looking through it as a matter of fact."  Emperor Ningzong remarked.

          "How is it Your Majesty?" He asked.

          "I have been reading it a lot while in my palace every night and day seeking solitude in these past couple of unfortunate days, the gist of it is about seeking for one's strayed heart." The Emperor responded while he smiled.

          "Truthfully Your Majesty weakness is weakness and strength is strength but when times are both good or bad a monarch remains a monarch and once the ruler breaks so do his people, if he rises they rise with him." Wengong assured him.

           "I couldn't have learnt soon enough had it not been for you." The Emperor remarked.

           "For a nation to fluorish, the corrupted, bigoted and self seeking advisors and ministers should be rid from the Imperial Court and the government so that your people call you truly a Sagacious ruler and since Your Majesty has already mastered the essence of learning, it is my wish that you could try your best to put it into practice." Wengong asserted as the Emperor nodded his head.

            Emperor Ningzong got out of the study with Minister Wengong and Yang Jieyu seeing him from a distance, the old man bidding farewell to the Sovereign she walked up to him.

         "Your Excellency, Your Majesty." She greeted the two.

         "Greetings Ma'am." He returned his salutation before he departed from the place and the Emperor turned to face Yang Meizi.

          "You passed out a couple of days ago." He said.

          "Don't worry Your Majesty." She said to him.

          "In your condition you should be very careful." He cautioned her.

          "I understand that but Your Majesty hasn't seen me in a long while I was worried and ever since Her Highness' passing I thought that the burden could be difficult for you." She confessed.

          "It's only been two days." He remarked.

          "Even one alone when I can not see Your Majesty hurts me so much, if there is something I could ask for your presence is most sufficient and it is said that the face that a pregnant woman looks at the most will be the very likeness that a child will inherit." She joked.

            "Then I should have the Court Artists draw portraits of myself and hang them in your room to make you comfortable." He teased.

           "Your Majesty." She lightly patted his chest and looking at the sincerity in her eyes his heart skipped a couple of beats that he held her by the chest and the rest of the servants in his retinue turned around and they looked away.

            "You are stubborn and I heard that pregnant women can be so demanding." The Emperor said and Yang Jieyu in a distance seeing someone peeping at them she moaned a bit.

           "Is anything wrong?" He asked.

           "Nothing." Yang Jieyu replied, it's just that I have been feeling a bit unwell I opted to come and check on your Majesty but now that I have seen Your Majesty, I shall return to my room and have some rest." She replied and turning around to walk away the Emperor looked at her while Manyin and Xiaoyang held her arms.

           The three with their Retinue were headed towards her Chambers in a rush when the pregnant woman negotiating a corner she cried aloud the lady following them halted and with a simple glimpse she witnessed a rather dire situation.

           "Someone's watching us." Yang Jieyu whispered to Manyin.

           "Don't worry about it Ma'am." Manyin replied under her breath.

           "Are you alright Ma'am?" She asked aloud.

           "There's a sharp pain in my abdomen." Yang Jieyu replied while they held her.

           "We should tell His Majesty....." Xiaoyang still saying she was openly rebuked as the young woman protested.

           "If anything happens to the baby Ma'am then we shall be dead." Manyin pointed out.

           "I just need to rest." The young woman insisted as she was led away from the place while the young woman having heard everything she changed her course of direction.

         Mounting the stairs leading towards the doors of the Central Palace, she was intercepted by the Ladies in waiting that stood guard.

          "I am here to have a word with Her Highness." She pleaded.

          "State your facts." The young woman at the front demanded and the doors being flung open Shaanxi walked out while everyone turning to her bowed their heads.

          "Milady." They said in unison.

          "Come in." She said and the young woman following her was led to the room of the Empress who was quietly looking through a couple of books.

          "Your Majesty." She greeted her.

          "I hear you have something urgent to report." Empress Han pointed out.

          "About Yang Jieyu Your Highness." She replied.

          "What about her?" Shaanxi inquired.

          "She's been walking with His Majesty." The young lady replied, "suddenly she started complaining about some discomfort in her abdomen I have a feeling that it is something to do with the child that she is carrying in her abdomen." She asserted.

           "How sure are you?" Empress Han asked.

           "I followed them up to her residence Your Highness." The young woman replied and Empress Han looking at Shaanxi they waved at her to withdraw from the room which she did and when they were sure that no one was hearing them they spoke up.

           "This is good news Your Highness, all we need is a couple of more days and the Purslane shall have taken full effect." Shaanxi said.

           "One side seems to come close to resolution however I am more concerned about something else it may seem." Empress Han remarked.

           "What is it Your Highness?" Shaanxi inquired.

           "Superintendent Gong." Shaanxi replied.

           "I have asked the others to keep a close eye on him." Shaanxi confessed.

           "Keeping a very close eye on him won't resolve the problems that we have it's best we take a more practical approach to prove if he is sufficient enough for the job that we offer." Empress Han replied.

           "I understand Your Highness." Shaanxi said.

           "It's much more different from knowing the urgency of the situation in other words what I am best trying to imply is that as long as we exist in this distrust then I shall always be afraid we can not allow him to compromise the rest of us I don't care if you have to secretly search his room or turn it upside down, you must find out something that can prove if he is our asset or our liability." Empress Han responded.

           "Yes Your Highness." Shaanxi replied.

           "And besides he is a very cautious character so you must beware and make sure that he doesn't sense the presence of anything wrong lest it shall be the end of us." Empress Han ordered.

              "Yes." Shaanxi replied as she withdrew from the room at once and left the young woman alone.

             Princess Qi'an standing in the gardens of her residence Lanhui quickly made her way to her.

              "Your Highness." She greeted as she held an envelope in her hands which she offered the young woman who took it and read through its contents she immediately took a deep sigh of relief.

              "What is it Your Highness?" Lanhui asked her.

          "The night with the Emperor sought out it's purpose." Princess Qi'an replied.

           "Lady Cao must be pleased." Lanhui remarked.

           "You can as well say that." The Princess muttered.

           "But I feel uncomfortable about Her Your Highness, are you sure that we should trust her?" Lanhui asked.

           "Trusting her abilities yes, but trusting her as an individual no." Princess Qi'an replied.

           "I see." Lanhui remarked.

           "Yang Jieyu is an enemy to us and knowing that they grew up together then who better than the both of them to understand each other?" She asked.

           "I finally understand." Lanhui appreciated.

           "Lady Cao is the best chance that we have to contain Yang Jieyu and her influence and once again save mother from the Cold Palace and return her to the Empress Mother's Chambers." Princess Qi'an said as she smiled at herself ghastly.

            "What shall we do with Lady Cao?" Lanhui inquired.

            "We should pay her a visit and congratulate her, she has achieved something that not every woman in the world gets to achieve even in their lifetime." The Princess said as she enjoyed the view of her pond.

           Eunuch Gong on his way to his Chambers he was intercepted by Shaanxi.

           "Superintendent Gong?" She greeted him.

           "Milady?" He replied.

           "The Empress is requesting your urgent audience." She informed him.

           "Really?" The man replied while the ladies each bowing their heads he immediately agreed while they followed him away and another group of attendants sneaking from behind made their way into the room.

           "This is it." One of the Ladies said.

           "Where should we start Madam Mo?" They asked her.

           "Search every nook and cranny but make sure to leave no traces." She gave the order and at once the ladies scattered about the small room and looking through his belongings and checking his clothes, the woman walked about this place with her fingers investigating the window sills and shelves, under the carpets, the curtains and the lamps tands.

          In the meantime, Superintendent Gong having mounted the stairs that led into the Empress' Chambers, Shaanxi announced him and the Empress consenting to his entry he complied as he revealed himself before her.

            "You summoned me Your Highness?" He asked.

           "There's a task that I wanted you to fulfill for me." The Empress Han replied.

          "Whatever you say Your Highness, your wish is my command." He assured her as he bowed his head while she smiled at him ghastly.

            Madam Rui and Mo along with the other Lady Investigators uncovering nothing, Lady No moved up to the bed and looked at it for a moment that the others watching her, she was compelled to go down onto her knees and looking underneath she saw something.

              "Something's under the bed." She asserted to the others and shortly after she ordered them to move it slightly until she was able to pull a golden trunk from underneath which she looked at.

              "This must be it." She said while the other ladies though curious they returned the room to order and they departed from it at once.

             "What?" Eunuch Gong asked.

             "Is it a task too hard?" Empress Han inquired.

             "I am only curious Your Highness." Superintendent Gong replied.

             "Yang Jieyu has the poison reaching her Chambers but none of us can verify that she consumes the poison or not, in other words I want her dead by all means and because it is so I can't keep on compromising myself by sticking to a single stratagem, do you get me?" She responded.

            "I shall try my level best Your Highness but if it's the case then it must mean that Yang Jieyu is cautious herself and because she is cautious a move by us won't be so easy." He claimed.

           "There's one or two things that a woman can not do without, the first being what she wears and simultaneously, what she happens to smell." The Empress replied as she smiled ghastly.

             "I shall certainly not disappoint you Your Highness." Eunuch Gong said.

             "Don't worry, better than anyone else my dear, I know that you won't." The Empress flattered him as he withdrew from her Chambers and a short while later Shaanxi walked in.

            "Your Highness, the Lady Investigator Mo is here to see you." She said.

            "Let her in." The Empress replied and at once the woman bearing the small trunk in her hands she mounted the stairs that led to the Empress' table and there she lowered it while the young woman intensely gazed at it.

             "Yoir Highness?" She whispered to her.

            "What's this?" She asked beforehand.

            "We only happened to find it in Eunuch Gong's room Your Highness, we haven't looked through anything as well but seeing that it was secretly hidden then it must be to him something that is very important." Madam Mo replied.

              Slowly she stretched out her hand reaching for the small box and holding it's handle she lifted it open and looked on the inside to see a couple of papers and letters along with books.

              Picking out one of them she perused through it's contents and her eyes widening she immediately clenched her fists as she crumpled the papers.

             "What is it Your Highness?" Shaanxi asked while she recalled the words that everyone had been saying to her.

             "I heard it with my two ears Milady and saw it with my own eyes, Eunuch Gong received five hundred golden taels from Yang Jieyu's court Lady and he took them without hesitation and overhearing their conversation, she said something about not disappointing her Ma'am." One of the ladies had reported to her a couple of days back.

          Worse she'd recalled that Yang Jieyu had asked her to be careful of those around her.

          "So it was what she was up to all this time." She said to herself.

           "Your Highness....?" The two women called her so concerned.

           "Yang Jieyu....." She muttered under her breath yet again that they were cautious.

           "Is there anything wrong Your Highness?" Shaanxi asked.

           "These are all letters and confessions of every ill thing that I ordered him to do, the bodies that we had buried, all those people that worked against us and against our power in the harem." Empress Han replied and Shaanxi though knowing too little was equally surprised.   

            "You mean to say........?" She was inquiring when the Empress interfered knowing what she was trying to ask.

            "Yes." Empress Han replied, "this is sufficient evidence to work against us and it is likely that he has served Yang Jieyu for a very long time to confide in her all our secrets." She asserted.

             "That scoundrel!" Shaanxi asserted. 

             "What are we going to do about him Your Highness, by now seeing that Yang Jieyu has been giving him such huge amounts of money then she must be in a know waiting for an opportunity where she could deprive you of everything even compromise the crown." Shaanxi asserted.

             "We needn't forget Your Highness that at one time Eunuch Gong once served the Retired Empress in the Cold Palace and perhaps he hopes to seek vengeance out this way." Madam Mo said.

             "The longer that we stall things instead of acting swiftly we'll compromise our own well-being at this point we are left with no other choice." Empress Han said, "before he can meet with Yang Jieyu again, we must make him disappear." She concluded.

              "Your Highness, is a well known Eunuch so once he vanishes from this blue then I assure you it shall only stir too much suspicion." Shaanxi pointed out.

              "It's easier to convince the world and tell them what we want but the Jieyu of the Yang Clan isn't one to be underestimated I assure you so before she can act up first, we either play smart now or we shall each lose our heads in this room." Empress Han convinced them.

              "We'll ensure that we do it best." Madam Mo said.

             "No." Empress Han replied, "if we risk the Ladies' Investigations Bureau of the Palace we shall only draw more attention and concern to the matter and we can't possibly trust your subordinates to remain silent we hardly no which of them is loyal and who isn't." Empress Han said.

            "That makes sense." Madam Mo agreed.

            "Shaanxi, I shall leave this to you." Empress Han said and the young woman bowing her head she withdrew from the room at once.

            "If this is your ruse Yang Jieyu then I shall play along, after all was it not said that dead men tell no tales?" She muttered as she smiled at herself ghastly.

            Yang Jieyu seating behind her table in front of her Manyin, Xiaoyang and Beiyuan settled.

            "I see you are here?" She said.

            "Yes." They replied in unison.

            "How is the perfect family coming up?" Yang Jieyu inquired.

           "We are still working on it Ma'am and soon enough I assure you that you shall be receiving good news." Beiyuan replied.

           "Great." She remarked.

           "Ma'am, we have received word from the Ladies' Investigations Bureau of the Palace and Her Highness the Empress in deed had people search Superintendent Gong's quarters." Manyin said.

         "She must exploding with all that realisation." Yang Jieyu muttered, "it is therefore now that we should cease this opportunity and aggravate the situation." She added.

          "How Ma'am?" Xiaoyang inquired.

          "The Empress should realise sooner or later that she holds no regard to her life." Yang Jieyu responded as she smiled at herself ghastly.

           "Yes Ma'am." They each replied in unison as they bowed their heads to her.

           Shaanxi and a couple of Ladies in waiting walking towards the kitchen they sneaked past the watchmen and the kitchen staff while a couple of people appeared to follow them unnoticed.

           Shaanxi making her way into the kitchen, the two young women stood close to the window and slowly watching her, she along with her two other colleagues on the look out looked through all the dishes.

           "We've found it Ma'am." One of them said as they picked from the nearby cupboards a very small container which she placed at the table and opening it, Shaanxi pulled from underneath her sleeves a very small bottle which had some contents she poured in.

          "Let's go." She ordered satisfied and at that moment the three hurriedly departed from the room while the two young girls rushed over to the table bearing the container in their hands and rushing away as well.

             Yang Jieyu seated in her room at her table she picked up a small Jade cup of tea and looking at it evilly she smiled in the silence with darkness around her her fingers caressing it.

            "Ma'am?" Manyin called to her and she deliberately remained silent.

            "Superintendent Gong is here to see you." She added as the young woman's atmosphere seemed to be lit up she proactively responded and the young man setting foot inside he stood in front of her.

            "You have come to see me surely something is amiss." She said to him.

            "I happened to hear that there were strange movements around my room earlier in the day knowing that I have quite a network myself and the more I think about it only one suspicious person comes to mind that I find it strange." Eunuch Gong said.

            "Perhaps it is I?" Yang Jieyu muttered.

            "Apart from you Ma'am, who is there in the world that could hold such ill intent?" Eunuch Gong asked.

           "You are ignorant after all these years in the palace however allow me to tell you a small story, once upon a time a tiger and a hare became friends but the hare was always a suspicious foe of the tiger and the tiger found the hare much too tricky they decided to come to a concession.

           The hare asked the tiger to rid himself of his teeth and his claws and the latter responded by burying them in his skin and lying to the hare that he had rid himself of them while the tiger asked the hare to gouge out his eyes and get rid of his ears too." Yang Jieyu replied.

           "And the hare agreed?" He asked.

           "Without his eyes he wouldn't see the tiger's claws and teeth and without his ears he couldn't hear him sharpen them as well or even get close enough to devour him." Yang Jieyu responded.

           "You are asking me to distrust the Empress?" He asked.

           "You have every reason to do so." She replied and clapping her hands and the doors of the room being open, Manyin walked in with the small container in her hands and she stood beside the two while Superintendent Gong seemed surprised that his eyes widened.

          "Do you know what this is?" Yang Jieyu asked him.

          "How do you have it?" He asked.

          "It doesn't matter but the Empress' new Head Lady put something in this container and even we don't know what it is, yet I must presume it wouldn't be something good given the fact that it was done in secret you must have realised as well that there's still that possibility as well that there are up to something." She remarked.

          "And why would I believe you?" He asked.

          "You know much about the Empress if I am too stand up against her naive as I may be I trust that your life matters to me if I am to acquire those secrets that I want, on the other side if a simple act is sufficient to make her suspicious of the relationship between the both of you then that means that to Her Highness you'll become a liability." She responded.

           "It is quite sad that I am not one to believe your words." He assured her.

           "It doesn't matter to me because in every battle I am used to winning you should have known however if you wish to confirm that the Empress wishes to see you alive then why not see her tomorrow so early in the day?" She asked him while he fell silent.

           "And what do you hope to get from me?" He said to her.

           "You are another interesting pone in the game and not a king or a queen, neither are you a knight or a castle but you can make each of these things however for that to happen something greater should be given in return." Yang Jieyu replied as she picked up the cup again and she took a sip yet again before she lowered it on the table.

           "I applaud that you have made an effort, I must say it though that you should try more reliable methods as I have seen a number of women like you, Empresses and Ladies of the harem don't flatter me and neither can they destroy me." Eunuch Gong said as he stood up from where he was seated and bowing his head he turned around to walk away.

           "You know what's more painful than death?" She asked him as he halted in his footsteps but retained his silence.

           "Betrayal." She replied, "it can make a person do way too many things that even the devil himself can not help but fear." She added but the latter continuing his way the moment that he arrived outside the building he turned around to look at it silently the lanterns brightly glowing and illuminating the whole complex he felt so uneasy.

          Empress Han quietly seated and waiting for a response Shaanxi walked into the room.

          "Your Highness." She said.

          "What happened?" She asked.

          "We did as Your Highness ordered." She replied.

          "Great." Empress Han remarked.

           Emperor Ningzong walking towards Yang Jieyu's quarters he stopped for a moment at a distance outside them.

           "Shan't we go in Your Majesty?" Eunuch Deng asked.  

           "How long was it since she came to the Palace?" He asked.

           "Three years." Superintendent Deng replied.

           "Gone are those days." He muttered.

           "Must your Majesty sound so sonbre?" He inquired.

           "When I think about it so much more I can't help but think deeper and conclude that until now she has endured so much and she is alone, Her Grand Highness is dead, I do the know what to do about it." Emperor Ningzong responded.

           "Has Your Majesty not done enough?" Superintendent Deng asked.

           "What is enough and what is excessive I don't know anymore, she looks too innocent and for some strange reason I can't help it but feel so empty deep down inside, my heart aches and breaks while I wonder every now and then, what is it that I have not done well enough?" He muttered under his breath and taking a deep sigh he turned around to walk away while Manyin at a distance watched everything.

          "What are you saying?" Yang Jieyu asked as she sat down before her.

          "His Majesty came here but he didn't dare come inside to face you and his face seemed clouded by thoughts that I couldn't read clearly but it seemed that he wasn't happy about anything." She replied.

          "His Majesty has always been a very strange man to understand him shall certainly be very difficult." She remarked.

          "Ma'am seems to understand him much better." Manyin remarked.

          "It could be his loss, it's hard for him to trust anyone perhaps, I have been too silent and tolerant all this time, perhaps I am too strange compared to the vivid self of mine I remember but I don't recall him being so uncomfortable about it." Yang Jieyu responded.

           "We can only make our plans a bit hasty." Manyin said.

           "Don't worry, we'll lead the Empress where we want her." She responded.

           It was very early in the morning and Yang Jieyu having gotten up from her quarters along with all the other Concubines and Consorts, they gathered in front of the Empress' Chambers to offer their daily greetings.

           Making her way up to the young woman, she halted.

           "Greetings Your Highness." She said to her.

           "You are with child my dear, I so much hope that you don't burden yourself." She said.

           "Don't worry about me Your Highness, I have no one else but you to thank for carefully looking after me." She added.

           "You may take a seat." The Empress said and Manyin holding her hand led her to the small chair that was close by that once belonged to Consort Han and settling down the Empress smiled at her.

           "You don't look so we'll." She said.

           "I am just a bit tired and I didn't get enough sleep." She said when at that moment the bags under her eyes giving her off the Empress pretended to be contented with her excuse.

           "Perhaps you should have some little water to replenish your strength." She said when Shaanxi carried towards her a small cup with water and the young woman looking at it carefully, a silver needle was dipped in and tested while it was found to be harmless, Manyin picked it up and handed it over to her mistress.

          Yang Jieyu taking it in her hands she drank it up and returning the cup to the tray, Shaanxi withdrew while the young woman tightly clenching her abdomen, the Empress could see that she was feeling uneasy and she was burning with excitement inwardly.

          "You don't look too well." She pointed out.

          "If you shall excuse me Your Highness." Yang Jieyu replied and offering her hand to Manyin, she stood up and slowly walking away, the Empress looking at Shaanxi she smiled from the corner of her mouth.

          Acting sickly the young woman being led into her Chambers and the doors being shut behind her, Manyin and Xiaoyang helped her to her bed where she sat down.

          "I think the Empress bought it Ma'am." Xiaoyang muttered and the latter suddenly smiling she looked at them.

          "The purslane must be taking effect, she must certainly be thinking so." She muttered.

          "But what do we do Ma'am, definitely at one point the baby must be lost." Manyin said.

          "If there's no such result the Empress shall only become more suspicious and we won't know when she shall retaliate and suppose she does, of won't be so easy to make out what she shall do this time round." Xiaoyang pointed out.

           "We shall give her what she wants." Yang Jieyu said.

           "Ma'am, how?" Manyin asked.

           "It's a miscarriage that she's after, we shall make it so much more than that." Yang Jieyu replied as she smiled at herself ghastly.

           "You should have seen the look on her face." Shaanxi said as the Empress sat down in the comfort of her own bed chamber.

           "Well enough, she's showing signs of miscarriage sooner or later and I suppose that she won't be in the position to tell as well." Empress Han remarked.

          "Surely." Shaanxi replied when one of the ladies in waiting outside spoke up.

           "Your Highness, Superintendent Gong is requesting to have an audience." She said that hearing this the two women trembled in fear.

           "What?" Shaanxi muttered under her breath.

           "I thought that you told me that he was dealt with." The Empress scolded under her breath.

           "I was so sure Your Highness we in deed did everything to our best." She responded.

           "Could it be that......." She was trying to say when the doors of the room were flung open and the young man walked in.

            "Your Highness." He greeted her while Shaanxi immediately moved to the side and kept her head bent low he instantly noticed the tension that was prevailing in the room.

           "What is it, you appear to be in a rush?" The Empress pointed out.

           "I should be asking Your Highness, you appear to have seen a ghost." He remarked.

           "What are you talking about?" She asked.

           "Don't worry Your Highness, I was merely concerned with your expression." Superintendent Gong replied and the Empress smiling at him she kept her cool.

           "It's good to know, I thought that something bad had come up." She said.

           "I couldn't help but desire to inform Your Highness before hand." He said.

           "Tell me please, is it about Yang Jieyu?" She asked.

           "I was reliably informed that Yang Jieyu sent eunuchs out of the palace on a search amongst some of the most prominent families within the Empire, seeing that the issue has come up soon enough, I find it strange." Superintendent Gong replied. 

           "Zhao Zizhi has perhaps disappointed her, he's hardly acting up to his position." She muttered.

           "Then in your opinion, she hopes to seek out more allies?" Superintendent Gong inquired.

           "To survive in the harem it is important that she understands much better than anyone else she needs support from the Imperial Court and the nobility, as it is there's a rumour that's spreading through the capital." Empress Han replied.

           "The Han Clan is three feet from heaven!" He exclaimed.

           "So it is." Empress Han replied, "I am more worried that now that the hour is at hand we can finally fulfill what our major aim is to strengthen our position." She added.

            "What are we going to do Your Highness?" He asked.

            "I shall need to speak to my uncle beforehand, I shall get back at you sooner or later, just arrange for a meeting between the both of us in person, at this rate there isn't someone I could trust more than you." She assured him.

           "Rest assured Your Highness, I shall not disappoint you at all." He said as he stood up and bowed his head.

           "I know that you won't." She replied and while he withdrew from the room she looked at Shaanxi who quickly rushed over to her side.

           "Your Highness." She said.

           "Get rid of him outside the palace and make sure that nothing goes wrong this time round." The Empress muttered.

           "Yes Your Highness." She replied as she got out of the room.

           Yang Jieyu seated inside her room Manyin rushed over to her.

            "Ma'am, Superintendent Gong just left the Empress' quarters." She said.

            "Keep a close eye on him and regardless of whatever it is that happens, make sure that you have our men return him to the palace dead." She spoke up.

            "Don't you want him alive Ma'am?" Manyin asked.

            "He's sufficiently served his purpose and he shall be more useful a dead man to us, now that he has seen the Empress, she shall be very hasty and eager to want him dead she'll do it directly this time and even if she doesn't, we shall help do it for her." Yang Jieyu responded.

           "Yes Ma'am." Manyin replied as she left the room as well.

           "How far shall you run Your Highness?" The young woman asked herself, "you don't realise how doomed you are going to be." She said as she smiled at herself ghastly.

           "You found someone?" Beiyuan asked one of the Eunuchs along with Xiaoyang.

          "Yes." He replied as he picked from underneath his sleeve a white envelope which he handed over to the two.

          The envelope delivered by the two to Yang Jieyu later she opened it and pulled out a piece of paper to look through its contents.

          "We found a good family." Xiaoyang said.

          "Yang Cishan?" Yang Jieyu inquired.

          "He is the brother of Yang Cairen who adopted you and the son of General Yang who was implicated for carrying out a coup in 1170 against the Xiaozong Emperor.  Han Touzhou had instigated the Imperial Court to demanding that he be executed with his entire clan but after the Grand Empress Dowager Wu intervened they were granted a pardon and stripped of some of their high titles." Beiyuan said.

          "I do recall." She said.

          "What are you going to do Ma'am?" Xiaoyang asked, "it's a family of rebels so surely it shall disadvantage you in the future." She added.

          "They are good enough." She concluded as she looked at Beiyuan, "organize for me to meet with Yang Cishan and tell him that it's urgent." She pointed out.

           "Ma'am, you couldn't possibly risk that much?" Xiaoyang protested.

           "You think I don't know that?" Yang Jieyu asked.

          "Ma'am....." Beiyuan speaking up in her support she interfered.

          "Loyalties that are bought won't last so long, furthermore I am interested in the fact that this bitter past history between the two shall make the irreconcilable, what's better is the fact that at this point in time I trust that the Yang Clan shall need me more than anyone else that is if they plan to get rid of the charges placed upon them." She muttered.

           "If you so wish Ma'am, I shall certainly make it." Beiyuan said as the two stood up and bowed their heads.

           Eunuch Gong walking through the streets he negotiated a corner and arrived into an alley where he caught sight of Lin Xue while holding a small piece of paper in his hands he handed it over to him.

       "You'll get Her Highness' message in there." He whispered.

       "Surely." Lin Xue replied.

       "I shall take my leave then." Superintendent Gong muttered.

       "Not yet." Lin Xue replied and pulling a dagger from underneath his sleeve he pulled him closer to himself and stubbed in his his lower abdomen the latter surprised he went ahead to twist it painfully.

       "I heard that your lips were loose." He said.

       "Why?" Eunuch Gong asked.

       "This is what happens to those that doublecross Her Highness, that's what happens to those that doublecross us." He whispered to him and pulling out the dagger, he let go of the poor man who fell down to the ground and Shaanxi around she walked up into the alley where the two were as she slowly watched the life sipping out of him.

        "We have done what you asked." Lin Xue said.

        "Her Highness shall surely show you her resolve." Shaanxi muttered.

        "Next time she'll need to be more careful." Lin Xue muttered.

        "Rest assured Milord." Shaanxi replied as she turned around and walked from the place while Manyin was watching.

       Yang Cishan arriving at the Lanling Court he was led into a small room where he caught sight of Yang Jieyu who was seated and waiting for him.

           "You wished to see me Ma'am?" He said to her.

          "I'm sorry to summon you on such short notice." She replied.

          "I was reliably informed that this regards the utmost safety of the Yang Clan." He pointed out.

          "Let us put safety aside there is something much more than that I require perhaps we should discuss pride and honour." Yang Jieyu remarked.

          "Pride and Honour?" He inquired.

          "Yes." She confirmed while he smiled.

          "With me such is a most futile effort." He assured her.

          "There's always hope even for that tree that has been cut down." Yang Jieyu responded.

          "How so?" Yang Cishan asked the young woman who picked her cup of tea and taking a sip she lowered it back onto the table and smiled at him.

          "You must have heard a lot about me, some call me bewitchingly beautiful and others smart, others cunning and some intelligent and to a few I am merely another one of those Emperor's favourites that come and go where not all of them are wrong to think whatever it is that they want to think." Yang Jieyu replied.

           "There's always too many blemishes that are bound to arise where one is more successful than the others." He said to her.

           "Even you can testify that I would wish for no one other than you to become for me a most remarkable ally." Yang Jieyu remarked.

           "You overestimate me Ma'am." He rebuked.

           "You underestimate yourself my dear." She assured him.

           "What do you mean?" Yang Cishan inquired.

           "The son of an infamous rebel you are, General Yang's most recent descendant and the head of the Yang Clan and perhaps you have the Late Grand Empress Dowager to thank that your necks were spared and the nine generations of your kindred still survive but what's the guarantee that such shall be your fate for life?" Yang Jieyu said to him.

            "What's the reason for you to tell me this?" Yang Cishan asked.

           "Regardless of what ground we stand on I personally believe that we have a most common enemy Han Touzhou, himself a sufficient mastermind and hamper with immense power yet we stand with unresolved scores I speak of a man that deprived you of a family and the same one that orchestrated the demise of mine." Yang Jieyu replied.

           "You must be too confident to go up against such a man Ma'am but I suppose that it is sad as I wish to disappoint you." He responded.

          "Are you afraid, if yes I understand, perhaps you are reluctant, that's also something very normal, not to mention unwilling to gamble the lives of your entire clan on the ambitions of a harmless woman like myself you sure know the sense of purpose more than anyone else." Yang Jieyu said.

          "Since you know this why do you keep inquiring more?" He asked.

          "Because my dear many people are willing to side with me and yet I am interested in you to give you the best chance at life to not only become a part of the Dynasty but belong to the most powerful family in the World." She replied, "isn't it sufficient power for you to safeguard those you still have around?" She asked while he fell silent for a moment.

          "How so is it that I could profit from this offer?" He inquired.

          "I need you to become the mother of this nation, I need you to become it's Empress, I want all creation to bow and worship me, I want to be a god among gods and amongst men." She replied.

          "As a Rebel's daughter, do you not find that to be a most unfeasible dream?" Yang Cishan said to her.

          "Because I am Yang Meizi who is graceful, because I am the favourite of not only His Majesty but also the people, I intend to become for the world a woman whose shadow alone makes men shiver and whose voice calms the dead and raises the storms of the sea." She replied.

          "You are considerate I am so moved by it but be it bravery or cowardice I would rather be safe than sorry in this troubled Court and unruly Empire." He informed her.

          "And silence can not shield you from the world as you are either weak to fall so easily or strong enough to die fighting it's better to perish having said a word than to live quietly." Yang Jieyu remarked.

           "Whatever you say Ma'am, sadly my decision remains final." He insisted.

           "With fear being freedom, subjugation the likeness of liberty and mere contradiction no less a plain truth, that's the world in which we live today and by jingo or by crook, sooner or later you'll come to see for yourself." She said as she stood up from where she was seated and bowed her head to him.

           "I'll be available when you change your mind." She said to him.

           "There is no such possibility be it on earth or in heaven." He confidently asserted.

           "The situation shall tell but even if it's a one percent chance I shall lean on that until then." She replied as well as she sashayed from the room at once and left the puzzled man alone in silence.

          Lady Cao carrying a bucket of water she was travelling out of the temple complex when she caught sight of Princess Qi'an and Lanhui.

          "Your Highness." She greeted them.

          "I have come a long way won't you invite me inside?" She inquired.

          "Sorry Your Highness." She said as she lowered the bucket down and inviting her into her small Chamber, the young woman followed they sat down at a small table.

          "I heard that the night with His Majesty fulfilled its own purpose." Princess Qi'an muttered.

          "I was hoping to share the good news with Your Highness first but you seem to have learnt a bit earlier than I expected." Lady Cao remarked.

         "How kind of you!" Princess Qi'an flattered her.

          "I have Your Highness to thank this having been a time of need to us both an alliance is fruitful and worthwhile." Lady Cao responded.

          "If there's good news you should tell His Majesty soon enough." The Imperial Princess suggested.

          "We can't be too hasty as the time is not yet right." Lady Cao replied.

           "Why?" Princess Qi'an inquired.

           "I am reliably told the battle between Yang Jieyu and the Empress has become fierce in the Palace, we can not be embroiled in that struggle for the time being one side should first exhaust the other and it is important that the child in my womb survives and being here I can guarantee it's security." Lady Cao replied.

           "I see." Princess Qi'an muttered disappointed and the lady seemed to notice that she smiled at her.

          "I understand that you are disappointed but you should know that if one thing is for certain then this is a fight that the Empress can not win and because she can not win it'll be harder for Yang Jieyu to take her place, as such the harem shall need an Elder and not an Imperial Concubine to run it and for His Majesty it would be much easier to return the Empress mother than to elevate a concubine without reason." She assured her.

           The Empress Han sneaking out of the Palace at night she walked down the streets and bypassed Yang Jieyu whose face was veiled as she moved into a nearby inn where she met with her Uncle.

         "I received your message." He said to her while she sat down.

         "We shall get down to business." Empress Han replied, "I had a parley with Yang Jieyu and the situation seems to have now calmed I see the world is at a wholesome state." She remarked.

         "What do you mean by that?" Han Touzhou inquired.

         "We've stalled what should have been done much earlier uncle, you are the Left Chancellor and because there is a Grand Chancellor our enemies shall go to every possible extent to curtail your influence and our power it's better to consolidate ourselves while we still can." She replied.

         "What do you plan on doing Your Highness?" Han Touzhou asked her.

         "We should push for the Emperor to designate Zhao Jun as the Crown Prince." She replied.

          "The others would oppose it considering the fact that we are in mourning." Han Touzhou said, "but regardless of that fact you being the mother to the Eldest Prince is a sufficient reason their claim may be futile however we should be concerned for the child that is borne by the Jieyu of the Yang Clan." He cautioned.

          "Worry less about her Uncle, very soon we shall hear good news." The Empress Han assured him.

          Yang Jieyu arriving at her residence with Xiaoyang she was greeted by Manyin.

          "Ma'am." She tensely said to her.

          "What is it?" She asked.

          "Come with me." She said and Yang Jieyu following her, they got behind the building into a smaller room where they caught sight of Superintendent Gong's corpse that had turned pale at the moment and was cleaned.

          "The Empress did what you had expected." She said but Yang Jieyu silently looked at the young man and studied his features slowly for a moment there was a sombre burning in her eyes.

         "So this is what we have both gotten good at?" She asked herself, "in the end he was another of those so called matters to our cause." She said.

           "Is it remorse you feel Ma'am?" Manyin asked her.

           "Not at all." She replied, "I can swear that this moment I grieve not from loss but from the fact that I no longer feel human." She added.

          "Ma'am...?" Xiaoyang called to her.

          "We are deprived of friends as none is better than our own shadow, we have no sword but our very own claws." Yang Jieyu replied when the doors of the room were flung open and Beiyuan rushed in.

         "Ma'am." He spoke to her in a most desperate tone.

          "What is it?" She asked as she turned to him.

          "Her Highness the Empress went out of the palace." She responded.

          "It's very much like her." Yang Jieyu replied, "there's only one person that she could possibly meet." She added.

          "Superintendent Gong is dead and sooner or later His Majesty shall inquire about him, furthermore, we are in possession of his body it's even more dangerous." He asserted.

          "Not for long." Yang Jieyu replied as she turned around and looked at the corpse within.

          "We shall deliver the Empress' gift to her." She said.