
Rose in a Wall of Thorns

Rosemary was the ugliest girl born in the Ashen Village, a barren place where nothing would grow and animals were scarce. Women were used only to keep the generations and reaching her 17th birthday without having anyone to take her hand she was on the verge of being expulsed from home, where certain death by either starvation or frostbite awaited. With memories of a life past, Rose prayed for someone to rescue her. But that never happened. And so, Rosemary had her fate sealed. Or so she thought. Because everything changed when The one and Only Draco decided to move and live on the other side of the lake. A monstrous beast told to eat virgins and children, to use dark magic and powers, and to corrupt the land and mind of the mortals. As suddenly as he appeared Rosemary was thrown into his awaiting claws to be used as he deemed fit.

MasshironaKitsune · Fantasy
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7 Chs



I heard Mother screaming my name in the distance. I have been walking through the woods for a good portion of the morning and evening now, my stomach is empty and my legs feel weak.

It has been a few days since I last ate a small fish strip, which had to be divided between me and my other three siblings: two girls and one boy.

With any luck, I can get a squirrel or even a bird in my traps, but these past few days the animals have been avoiding the village, which is not uncommon because everything seen in a hundred miles radius from here will be killed on sight for food and hide. It is rather obnoxious to feel so utterly useless.

I started to track back toward the village. I was far, but I knew this place like the back of my hand.

Being born a woman in this village was the worst thing to ever happen to me. If I was simply born with a penis between my legs I would at least be able to fish and get a bigger portion for me and my family.

But alas. Whoever decided to reborn me here thought it was funny to let me keep my breasts instead of giving me balls and the only thing I can do in this cursed village is cloth work.

And I HATE it.

My stomach gurgled while I kicked a rock.

I was so fucking hungry I almost couldn't think straight.

I hated the only brother I had was still only 2 years old. If he was older he could at least help Father Fishing to bring back home more food.

I hate that my family has so many women.

Every other house has at least two sons.

Meanwhile, Callum is the only boy in mine and he is still a baby. Ee can't even be sure he will be able to grow into adulthood until he's at least fucking five.

He is the third Callum welcomed into our home so far.

And I hate it.

I hate that I am the oldest daughter. Father is trying to sell me to our neighbors but they are not interested in the ugly girl.


They want Leesha, like every other young man in this cursed village.

She is the perfect girl in every aspect. Her hair is red like the moon, her brown eyes shine with their honey accents. Her full breasts, plump mouth, and huge tights make every man fall for her.

And she was the thing I most despised in this accursed village.

People have fought over her.

People have Died over her.

I kicked another rock.

"Why are you so mad Rose?" Rory, the uglies red-haired boy I had ever seen, asked.

I closed and opened my fist repeatedly while crunching over my previous thoughts.

"Is it because of Leesha again?" He asked.

"No" I flatly answered.

"Riiiight..." He stared at me and I stared him back.

"Mother was calling me" I huffed and moved past him.

"Rose, you know I would never court her," The redhead said.

Of course, he LOVES to make everything about him.

"You wouldn't be able to even if you were rich Roy" I retorted. "She's too much for your little ugly boat"

"Haha! That's the spirit!" He said with the biggest smile.

I hated him.

A smile tugged at my lips.

I huffed again and kept on walking.

"Rose! Wait up!" He said and fastly came after me.

I kept on walking and made him keep up with my fast pace.

I was utterly exhausted but I simply wanted to annoy him. I know he must be exhausted from fishing with no success all day again.

"What?" I asked when he kept quiet.

"Rose, I've been saving up, and I want to ask your Father about having your hand" He finally said after a few silent seconds.

That made me stop so abruptly, he kept walking a few more paces before noticing my absence.

"What?" I said quietly with horror creeping up my spine.

I know I have joked around about it with him for a long time. How both ugliest people in the village would end together and have ugly children of their own.

But I can't.

Roy has been so close to me that he is more like a younger brother than someone I would like to date.

"Well, you were right… All the other women are either taken or are too expensive for me and my family. The only one left is you and you are nearing an age you HAVE to get married or-"

"No" I said. Roy blinked.


"No! We are done. There will be no marriage between you and me" I stated with finality and walked away.

Roy gripped my wrist.


"Let me go"

"Rose, please"

"NO! JUST LET ME GO!" I screamed. And he let go.

We were now close enough to the village someone could easily see us.

"I don't want to marry you. I don't want to marry anyone in this village. I hate it here." I said and started running back home.

"Rose!" Roy said, hoping I would let him talk.

But not this time.

I ran as far as my weak legs would carry me.