
ROSE BLACK - The Hard Core

What happens when the already small affection and love your family shows you suddenly wax cold? Cause of a misunderstanding that happened when she was young, her mother hated her with passion. Rose was tired of it all, tired of the constant corporatism between her and her older sister Gloria, tired of the way her own mother treats and abuse her. She was notorious, badass, and stubborn in every sense. Despite the maltreatment from her family and her past, Rose was a strong-willed girl and no matter what they do to her, no one will ever break or hurt her again. After spending three years in the Hellish doctoring Training Camp, A death sentenced ordered by her own mother, because of a misunderstanding that she no longer remembered. Maltreated, almost raped, almost killed, Rose has no choice but to become the death sentence of her mother. She is back for revenged. At the very sight of her, Vivian Black's heart leap to her throat in fear. 'How's she still life? Did the S.H not do their job?' she ponders on these thoughts. “I'll have to get the job done.' she mutters to herself. “Karma is a bitch, mother,” Rose mutters Despite her cold-blooded heart, Rose couldn't help but fall for the divorced, intruding, handsome bastard Doc Clay. You are in for an action pack family saga, taking a peek into Rose Past, you'll understand where her strength comes from.

ClaraStar · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 27 - water underneath the bridge

Chapter 27

Water underneath the Bridge

John Black looked from Doc Clay's pale face and frozen status to his wife horrified and then, to Gloria's nervous expression as she tried to sip her coffee.

"Just what the hell happened?" he asked her impatiently

"How would I know?" she replied and stood up. "Sorry, but I've to go. My husband must have returned,"

"Isn't he supposed to be in China?" he asked

"Well, you never can tell," she said and hurried towards the door, then stopped for a while. "Can be the moment mother is being discharged," without waiting for an answer, she hurried out.

John faced the doctor. "So, are you going to tell me what happened now?"

Sighing, "I wish I could, sir, even I'm trying to understand." He moved from Mrs Black. "Her vitals are stable now, so I will go informed the head doctor." He said,


"Okay then, I'll leave you two alone," he said and walked out.

Leaving John and Vivian alone, "Let me guess, you can't tell me anything as well." He said,

"Nothing happens, John," she replied to him

"Okay," he managed out because he desperately wants to believe that nothing happened. "Then what letter was Rose talking about?" he asked as he took the seat Gloria used,

"What Letter?" she asked, pretending not to notice when she said it

"The one, Rose, said you sent over to Paris? I didn't know you knew their address, I could have added mine to it." He said, but she remained silent.

John sat back as he observed his wife's reaction to the mention of a letter. She wasn't just reacting for nothing's sake, although he doesn't want to believe it he knew because something happened. The problem exactly transpired that he didn't know of? And what is this letter suddenly? He remembered asking her about the school's address, but she has sworn not to know, so how come she was able to send a letter to them? John pondered about all this while watching her like a hawk because he knows his wife's character, he was a hundred percent sure what they wrote in it wasn't to her daughter's favor.

Vivian was uncomfortable under the gaze of her husband. How did this become a mess? If those stupid lecturers had done their job well, she would have not returned, at least not in one piece.

Now she was back and worst of all, she knows about the letter she had sent to the school head. How? No matter what happened, she must make sure that letter is being kept from John because if he finds out what she had plotted against Rose, her marriage will be over for good; even if she has to get her hands dirty, better than then losing her marriage.

Clay sat down with a heavy thud, he still couldn't believe what he just witness, and he had it wrong the whole time. This wasn't just a simple quarry between mother and daughter; they were something more, something that wasn't seen, and he doubts if Mrs Black knows about it.

"With the way, she attacked both her mother and sister, without them saying anything back proved it; she did say 'all the shit you made me go through.' Just what happened? And why the hell was he bothered about it?" he sighed and caused … after she just threatens him, he should stay a mile away from all this, yet he wanted to sort this out.

Maybe it was his detective nature showing itself, I mean, he spent half of his life as a police officer before switching jobs.

Rose stood outside the hospital building, bathing herself in the sunlight, smiling until someone called her name "Rose Black,"

Rose turned in the direction of the voice, and standing at the side of the road, was some females dressed in black, instantly I recognized them "Oh, you guys, came," I said and walked over to where they were standing. "How did you find me?" I asked a little surprise

"Well, when your father is one of the most richest man in NY, it's not that hard," Mika said, and I smiled

Lola turned to me grinning, "I'm going to enjoy bashing that stupid face if yours," she said,

With the look on their faces, they still haven't gotten over what happened in Paris. Funny I should be the one pissed after what they did to me, but I'm glad. "So, what's it gonna be? I doubt you guys just came to chitchat," I asked, even though it was obvious what they came for.

"You are right, here…" she said, handing over a piece of paper. "Meets us here, by midnight today, and let's get this over with."

Sighing, "What's with you guys and dark allays?" I asked, shaking my head

"It's the easiest way to get reed of trash like you, without going through any trouble," she said smiling "A bird whispered to my ears that you and your family re not in good teams, so I suggest you say your goodbye, because no one will miss you," she smirked and left

I watched as they drove off, on their bike, "hahahaha yeah, but is fine, even I don't miss myself." I said and head home. Tonight was going to be fun.

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