
Rosario + Vampire: Monsters Among Vampires (Dropped)

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

The Werewolf

"I want to be mad at you Tsukune but it's our fault you didn't know about our weakness to water. What really iritates me is that neither of you said something yesterday. I'm not leaving you two alone anymore." Eli sighed as the three walked to the Newspaper Club for their first day as official members and both of them looked at the floor.

"Well the other Moka did slap me so hard I almost blacked out so I was kind of scared of what you were going to do." Tsukune nervously laughed while rubbing the back of his head and Eli couldn't help but chuckle at that, "I'm sorry for not telling you earlier."

"I promise I won't hide anything from you anymore." Moka told him as he opened the door to the classroom the club used and they were surprised when they saw a familiar face in there, "What are you doing here Kurumu?!"

"I'm so glad we're in the same club Tsukune!" Kurumu yelled happily as she hugged his face to her chest and Eli decided to opt out of the situation when he saw the looks she and Moka were giving each other, "I refused to lose to you Moka!"

"Thank you for joining my club everyone!" Ms.Nekonome said as they sat in the seats and they immediately realized they were the only four there, "Let's begin the first activity for the school newspaper!"

"Sorry I'm late on the first day. Hey guys I'm Ginei Moroka and the president of our club" A taller student with a headband said as he entered the room and they were confused as to why he had two bouquets of roses before he quickly walked up to Moka and Kurumu with the roses held out to them, "You can call me Gin and it's only right that beautiful girls like you get roses."

"Gin is our only Second Year student in our club and if you have any questions feel free to ask him." Ms.Nekonome explained as he stood next to her and he gave the girls a sweet smile, "Well I need to attend a teacher meeting so you all will be alone today."

"Alright. The goal of the Newspaper Club is to report any activity that happens around the school. That means you may be put into dangerous situations so be ready for that." Gin told them with a serious look as he put his hands on the Ms.Nekonome's desk before he suddenly smiled at them, "I'm just kidding. Let's have some fun without all that mumbo-jumbo."

'So this is my life now.' Eli thought while Gin picked up a stack of papers and told them to hang them up in the back of the class, 'This may end of being a mistake.'

"Eli could you do me a favor by organizing these ads over here while we put them up?" Gin asked him with a smile as he picked up a box full of papers and Eli side as he walked over, "This is another thing we'll have to do but since it's just practice you can take your time."

"Seems easy enough." Eli said as he began to shuffle through the papers and taking the damaged ones out of the stacks he was making. A few minutes later he heard two loud yells from the girls and looked up in time to see Kurumu and Moka slap Tsukune across the face.

"Man you really are a moron!" Gin laughed as he patted Tsukune on the back after the girls ran out of the room and Eli figured Gin had something to do with the situation but couldn't make any accusations as he didn't see what happened. Eli put the papers into two separate boxes and quickly went to find Moka. It didnt take him long to see her leaning against one of the outside walls and she seemed deep in thought.

"Yo." Eli said as he walked up to her and accidentally startling her, "My bad. What did Tsukune do to get slapped by you two?"

"He looked up our skirts." Moka explained in an uncertain voice and Eli found it strange for him to do something like that, "I hit him in the heat of the moment but I don't think he meant to."

"I need to ask Tsukune." Eli told her as he turned to leave and she gave him a worried look as he walked away. He wasn't finding any sign of Tsukune in the locations they typically hung out at and was becoming concerned for him until he saw Kurumu looking around a corner. She finger to her lips when she noticed him and motioned for him to come.

"Take a peek through that small window up there." Eli heard Gin say as he got closer to the corner and they both quietly watched as Tsukune climbed up to the window, "You know I really like Moka. I gonna make her my woman."

"What?" Tsukune asked as he turned around and saw Gin holding a camera with a smirk before realizing that he had been looking into the girl's locker room, "Are you trying to frame me?!"

"Don't do anything yet." Kurumu told Eli as he was about to confront them and he gave her a confused look, "Trust me."

"Don't say a word." Eli told her when he suddenly pulled them into a nearby alcove and they watched as a group of girls chased Tsukune away from the locker room, "Poor bastard."

"Alright I'll get Tsukune. You go to Moka." Kurumu said after the girls locked Tsukune into a small room and Eli gave her a nod before sprinting towards the roof of the main building, knowing that Moka liked to go up there to think.

"No! Get off!" Moka yelled as Gin tried to forcefully kiss her but he kept trying until he was suddenly sent flying into the wall, "Huh?"

"You made a bid mistake messing with my sister Gin." Eli said as he glared at him and Gin wiped the blood off of his lip before he suddenly appeared next to Eli and hitting him with the back of his fist. Eli slid to a stop in front of the roof access door just as Kurumu and Tsukune reached it and Kurumu immediately towards Gin with her claws out while Tsukune kneeled down next to Eli. Tsukune instantly realized that Eki was unconscious and he looked up when Kurumu yelled in pain.

"Please work!" Tsukune yelled as he grabbed Eli's rosary and it came off as soon as he pulled it. He didn't get a chance to say anything before demonic energy spiraled around them and the others covered their faces when it violently dissipated.

"Tsukune go to Moka." Inner Eli said as they watched Gin reveal his Werewolf form and tried to stop Tsukune when he sprinted for Moka before Eli swung a powerful fist at him but only hit air, "So you mutts really are as fast as they say. Unfortunately you weren't fast enough."

"What are yo-" Gin stopped when Inner Moka kicked him in the jaw and sending him flying towards Eli. Everyone watched in awe as Eli closelined him and Gin spun in place at high speed before hitting the ground hard. Gin recovered when Eli stomped the ground where he was and lept back to gain some breathing room.

"He sure is quick." Moka said as Gin became nothing but a blur while dashing around the roof before he tried to hit Moka but suddenly stopped just as he was about to reach her and Eli chuckled at his confused face, "Oh look. That beautiful moon you kept going on about is covered up by the clouds. What a shame."

"I don't need the moon light to beat you!" Gin yelled as he pulled his arm back and Moka smirked at him when Eli grabbed his wrist but he quickly pulled it away, "I'll show you the natural strength of a Werewolf!"

"Know your place!" They yelled in unison as they both kicked him in the face, sending him crashing into the safety rails and watched him panic before falling to the ground below. Tsukune and Kurumu couldn't help staring at the two as the moonlight seemed to shine down directly on them until they walked up to Tsukune and took their rosaries back. The next morning they began to hand out the first newspaper of the year and Eli watched with a smile as Gin was being chased around by an army of angry girls.